What on God's green earth are these?!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
little white patches I see on my scalp?????:eek:
Last night as I started to apply my MTG on my scalp between my braids, I noticed white patches on my scalp and tried to scrape them off with my finger and for some reason they left after a good rub. The strange thing is they are not flaky like dandruff( I have had my run with dandruff so I know it's not those little critters).
My husband took a look at my hair and called them mold-like!
I have read a thread where a few ladies had some whitish round patch on their head and noticed that their hair started to fall off!:nono:
I'm believing if i think no evil, no evil will happen to me:pray:
But seriously has anybody had an experience like this before?
A little background:
I'm currently on the Crown and Glory challenge for one year, My braids are about 3 weeks old, I wash/co-wash every week, spray my braids religiously every day and apply MTG only on my scalp about every day.
I actually suspected over drying from applying too much MTG-I hear it dries out the scalp. But if it does, won't the drying be flaky?
Help somebody:help3:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It could be some sort of a fungal infection. Try some straight tea tree oil (dabbed on sparingly with a q-tip) for a few days and see if it helps. Oh, and maybe lay off the MTG for a bit. Good luck!
Thanks ladies!!!!!!
I'll try the tea tree oil and stay off the MTG for sometime. I think I'll stick to castor oil on my scalp for now.
I'd say try Nizoral. You can get it at any drugstore. Last year I had a few white patches that didn't seem like dandruff either. When I finally went to the doctor, she said to try something like Nizoral. I used the shampoo and cream for the first couple of weeks, then just the shampoo. Now I use the shampoo about every 5 weeks just because. And my scalp is clean. If that doesn't work, then go to the doctor ASAP.
