"What not to wear" on right now dissing this girl's dreads

"What not to wear" is on right now. And there is a white woman who has been wearing dreads for 10 years, living the Rasta lifestyle, who now wants to change her look b/c she'll soon be doing interviews. Now, she looks horrible, but,,,I don't know....the jokes and insults about her hair it's like they kind of hit home to me b/c it reminds me of the "nappy" hair comments. Though she is white, as we know, dreads are primarily worn by blacks, so I guess that is why I feel this way.
Some of the comments they've said thus far:
"It looks like a cat of nine tails"
"you kind of look like 'Predator'"
"you could use that hair as a weapon"
"now I see why you like wool so much b/c it matches your hair--itchy and scratchy" Ouch! That one really hurt b/c you know how "our" hair sometimes is compared to wool....:(
What do you guys think? And it will probably be on again in about 2 hours, though it is on right now. They usually repeat the same ep 2 hours later.
ETA, I've watched this show before and I know they like to use colorful insults to I guess add humor, and I guess they are not insulting blacks b/c this woman is white. I just see dreads as such a black thing. This woman clearly needs a makeover and the dreads cleaned up, but I am sure they're going to cut all of her hair off and give her a white style while it would be nice to see them keep her dreads but make them look work-friendly and professional.
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[FONT=&quot]But like you I am torn. Now I'm from DC aka Chocolate City and there is a relatively large rasta community with deep roots. So sometimes it's irritating when I see white people with locs...I don't know...I get it’s a pet peeve, and it's annoying that her rugged style is associated with Rastafarianism, as if they are a culture of unkempt people.

The jokes are a bit cruel though. I couldn't imagine them saying it to a black person...or at least refer to them with that amount of insensitivity. I don’t know…But that is the nature of the show and the hosts character so…
In the beginning, she says that she is a rastafarian.
OK, now the hairdresser came up to her wearing a mask, holding a pair of garden shears :mad: . I guess this is irritating to me b/c it plays into all of the stereotypes about dreads--how they are dirty and people who wear them are dirty and unkempt. And b/c her dreads are so coarse I guess I get irritated b/c I keep thinking this could easity be a black person.
Oh, the jokes just continue.... The hairdresser: "I broke my scissors" "I'm going to have to go in for a checkup" :rolleyes:
her dreads were nasty and she definitely was unkept...she said it herself.
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yeah, there was dust in there and everything and she said that it attracts and takes a lot of things, and it seems like she hasn't shampooed her hair in a looonnng time...

and on the show, the jokes are always harsh.

Now, if her dreads had looked nice, I would have been a little annoyed. but bleh, they looked bad. If she grew them out again, she should get professional help with them.
Unfortunately not all hair types are great for locks! White people's hair is one of those types :yep: It looks really gross when their hair is in 1 or 2 or maybe 5 locks with huge frizz on top. GROSS!
i have see some scary dreads - on blacks and whites, but most often on whites. those comments annoy me too but then again she did go on a show where the point of it was to make fun of her and then 'fix' her looks. those shows are so shallow. at least the dreads probably gave her some personality.
They have had black people w/natural hair on What Not to Wear and they've never made any negative comments about their hair. So, I didn't take it as if they talking about nappy hair or even dreds/locs in general. To me, they were specifically addressing the person who they were doing the makeover on - and she was a total HAM. I even think she said that she hadn't washed her hair since she's had the dreds (10 years), whereas all the black people that I know with locs wash their hair or keep it clean in some manner. That woman was just unkept and nasty.

I watched it and the jokes were harsh, but the dreads looked bad. Her hair looked like it was about 3b (it would loc well enough) I was just mad she didnt take care of her dreads. She had 5 big locs and then some lose hair in the mix, a mess. Didnt even wash them, ick!
Ugh. I missed the part where she said she doesn't wash her hair. And this girl has a boyfriend? I am afraid to wonder what else she wasn't washing :cool:
The hairstylist irritated me b/c all he did was cut off her dreads, wash her hair and send her on her way. She had two long pieces in the front that looked stupid, the top was shorter than the back and not in a tapered way. He couldv'e hooked her up good and given her a short cute pixie cut, especially since she had naturally curly hair. I think that really woudlv'e suited her well too esp since she goes for the bohemian look.
Overall I think they failed in this makeover. Sure they bathed her and got her clean untorn clothes, which is good, don't get me wrong, but they didn 't do much to make her actually *look* better.
I agree with some of the other ladies--dreads are not for white folks!!! I have many African American friends with dreads equally as long or longer than that woman's and they are gorgeous. Her hair, on the other hand, was HIDEOUS.

What saddens me is that these poor hosts probably think that this is how all locks are kept which is wrong. I have educated some whites on how our hair actually locks--usually the more we wash it, the more it locks thus dispelling the myth that one must have dirty hair in order to get it to lock.

I dunno. I think sometimes our caucasian counterparts should stop trying to emulate some of our very personal styles (locks are spiritual as well as beautiful) in an effort to make a very BAD fashion statement. As for the comments. Hey drama sells. They have to get their ratings I guess. I was actually happy to see them cut her hair and let her wear her hair in its naturally curly state--much prettier!
I hate that show. They are sooo mean for no reason. Oh and I hate that show "How do I look" the most because they get the whole family involved in tearing people down.....I do like to see the end results tho:look:
anatomicallycorrect said:
"What not to wear" is on right now. And there is a white woman who has been wearing dreads for 10 years, living the Rasta lifestyle, who now wants to change her look b/c she'll soon be doing interviews. Now, she looks horrible, but,,,I don't know....the jokes and insults about her hair it's like they kind of hit home to me b/c it reminds me of the "nappy" hair comments. Though she is white, as we know, dreads are primarily worn by blacks, so I guess that is why I feel this way.
Some of the comments they've said thus far:
"It looks like a cat of nine tails"
"you kind of look like 'Predator'"
"you could use that hair as a weapon"
"now I see why you like wool so much b/c it matches your hair--itchy and scratchy" Ouch! That one really hurt b/c you know how "our" hair sometimes is compared to wool....:(
What do you guys think? And it will probably be on again in about 2 hours, though it is on right now. They usually repeat the same ep 2 hours later.
ETA, I've watched this show before and I know they like to use colorful insults to I guess add humor, and I guess they are not insulting blacks b/c this woman is white. I just see dreads as such a black thing. This woman clearly needs a makeover and the dreads cleaned up, but I am sure they're going to cut all of her hair off and give her a white style while it would be nice to see them keep her dreads but make them look work-friendly and professional.

This women is not a true rastafarian. For one, when you turn Rasta you are making a covenant to GOD (Nazarite Vow-Numbers 6-Old Testament). A true rasta will only cut their dreads if they break the covenant (consume drugs, touch a dead body.etc). Also she let someone touch her crown. A definitely no-no. She is something I call "a play rasta." She is more than likely a rasta because her man is one.

Secondly, whomever was conducting this negative comments should be shamed. Rasta has nothing to do with style, but more on the livity surrounding Emperor Haile Selassie I. My father would disagree with me, but I too feel that Rastafarianism is more fit for black people. Most white Rastas seem to use rasta to be differnt. They don't really know too much about H.I.M teachings.
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ms jadu said:
This women is not a true rastafarian. For one, when you turn Rasta you are making a covenant to GOD (Nazarite Vow-Numbers 6-Old Testament). A true rasta will only cut their dreads if they break the covenant (consume drugs, touch a dead body.etc). Also she let someone touch her crown. A definitely no-no. She is something I call "a play rasta." She is more than likely a rasta because her man is one.

Secondly, whomever was conducting this negative comments should be shamed. Rasta has nothing to do with style, but more on the livity surrounding Emperor Haile Selassie I. My father would disagree with me, but I too feel that Rastafarianism is more fit for black people. Most white Rastas seem to use rasta to be differnt. They don't really know too much about H.I.M teachings.

True, True, True @ bolded.

singing to myself...'You don't have to be dread to be Rasta', Rasta is a measure of the heart.....