What makes a detangler, a detangler?

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I used to just ignore when a product said it had detangling properties until recently. I used Elasta QP Hi-Two leave in conditioner to my BED HEAD, and I promise, this stuff made my hair easy to comb through. I looked at the ingredients because I thought water was the detangler,but the first ingredient is like chamomile and some more herbs. Who else uses a detangling product and what ingredient is the 'culprit?'
In Elucence I suspect it's the squalane and caprilic triglycerides that gives you slip. I have both raw products and put them in cheapie conditioners. The slip is amazing compared to the conditioners without them. I'm still trying to figure out measurements but I get lazy sometimes and do it by eye. LOL AO white camellia is a mystery but I think it may be the coconut fatty acid stuff.
Most detanglers are acidifiers (see above). Most have low pH's 2.5 to 3.5. They close the cuticle of the hair which cause tangles. Some "shield" the hair shaft with polymers (polymers are strings of "like" molecules- a chain). Some detanglers are instant, some take 1-5 minutes to work.