What Length is This?


New Member
Check out my sig. I'm trying to figure out what length my hair is....it doesn't look quite SL to me....would collar length be more appropriate? I'm a little disappointed that I didn't meet my goal for this month. Oh well SL for 2/2007 or bust!
Oh ok. My hair is combed back......when combed to the front my hair touches the collar. So as long as the back touches the shoulder I'm SL?
I'm not the greatest at judging length but it looks past SL to me. You're doing great, don't be disappointed.
I've never really understood collarbone length. So collarbone is below the shoulders, right? How do u really define where collarbone length is, cuz isn't your collarbone kind of slanted? Is it the bottom of the collarbone?
Thanks ladies...I just wanted to make sure....didn't want to be false claiming or anything. Nita is officially SL! I haven't seen this length since I was 14. I finally got down to hair growing business when I joined LHCF. My next goal is APL. Thank you all so much for the advice and inspirational fotki's!! (((((HUGS FOR ALL)))))