What Kind Of Voodoo Is In Wetline Gel?

Serious question: can you use gel or an edge product on hair that is rollerset? Will my edges revert if I put a little gel on them to get a smoother bun?

The others just don't hold my hair. In fact, they are just "regula degula" gels. The clear one seems to be the formula my hair likes. The others have left my hair dull, coated or gummy. I don't like that. The only time the clear one refuses to work for me is if I put coconut oil, Shea butter mixes or heavy quantities of castor oil after my conditioner.

The gel works well with water based leave ins. It seems to lose its hold and great function when used in conjunction with heavy oils and butters. Right now my hair is over saturated with a castor oil mix. In addition to my ponytail, as @Lucie said up thread to use her phrasing, I got a whole Afro or 'halo' going on over my whole head. The fuzzies are on a rampage. So, it's not a gel fail it's just wash time!
Thank you
I hardly ever make it on this side anymore but I saw this thread and saw a tub at my grocery store. Tried it for a WnG and it came out pretty well. Gonna try it for a bun to see how well it lays my hair down but it seems like it would be awesome for that too :yep:

I apply a leave in first (Trader Joe's Nourish Spa for now) then rake/smooth it onto my hair. No other products or layering.
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Are y'all going to make me head back into Wal-Mart to pick up this feel? Lol

Ok so I finally break down and decide I'm going to get the gel after reading all the praises and now I can't find the stuff!

ALL the times I've seen that little green top and passed by it, now I'm actually checking for it and can't seem to find it.

Why have y'all done this to me?!?!

Let's see some hair pictures with this gel.

Ive showed these before but I will repost for this thread. I am relaxed, stretch for months, and wear ponytails daily.




@toaster I think you could use it just fine with your roller set hair. I use it on my flat ironed and blow dried hair all the time.
Because of this thread, I picked this gel up 4 days ago...I'm hooked! I'm 12 months into my transition and wasn't happy with eco and my edges. Eco would lay my edges but they'd pop right up within an hour or two. This wetline gel has my fuzzy edges laying down like a champ all day!
Serious question: can you use gel or an edge product on hair that is rollerset? Will my edges revert if I put a little gel on them to get a smoother bun?
It's wet, water-based. I think it will revert your roller set. It definitely reverts mine when heat straightened.

Well for me, I don't think I'd suffer reversion if I used a toothbrush or baby brush with it... Try it, can't hurt...
Or just apply it to your edges then put a scarf on snugly for a little while. It shouldn't revert.
Sometimes I just lightly wet my frizzed or flyaway edges with plain water and put a silk scarf on. works like a charm to smooth and straighten them... water is not totally the enemy even for straightened hair...
Well for me, I don't think I'd suffer reversion if I used a toothbrush or baby brush with it... Try it, can't hurt...
Or just apply it to your edges then put a scarf on snugly for a little while. It shouldn't revert.
Sometimes I just lightly wet my frizzed or flyaway edges with plain water and put a silk scarf on. works like a charm to smooth and straighten them... water is not totally the enemy even for straightened hair...

depends on hair type. I can see someone in with type 3 or even silky 4a hair getting away with with water and gel on straightened hair but not cottony type 4a or 4b/4c
I got a small jar and tried it today I noticed my cap is clear and not green. Either way I like my wash and go with my regular combination. My hair feels defined but not full or fluffy. It's already fine. Might try to layer it.
Hmm I have this but I don't love it. I think I remember my wng frizzed up real fast with this ( as well as Eco) but I'm willing to try it again. I just never know what to pair it with. It gets white balls easy.

It does lay my edges down for days. Like literally glued to my head lol.
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depends on hair type. I can see someone in with type 3 or even silky 4a hair getting away with with water and gel on straightened hair but not cottony type 4a or 4b/4c

100% agreed.:amen:

My hair is different. People think my hair is 3A or whatever, (I hate hair typing), but my hair acts like 4a/b/c hair. My whole routine and techniques were created and developed because my hair responds to processes for more cottony, textured hair-which people tend to identify as " type 4 hair". With that stated, if I use Wetline on my straightened hair, it's over. :imsorry:

I would just hate for someone to go through all the work it takes to get and prepare and style the hair from a roller set, then dab this on and mess up all that work. :hot:

So, perhaps the middle ground suggestion would be to have people with straightened hair try this at the END of their hairstyle, when they are two weeks in or about to wash their hair. That way, IF the hair reverts, it doesn't impact your freshly done hair.
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