What kind of rollerset would achieve a middle part?


Well-Known Member
As it stands, when the Dominicans rollerset my hair, they put one row down the middle then the remaining rollers down the side, back, etc. As a result, I end up with a side part once I comb the rollers down. Even when I try to create a middle part, the hair either flops back over to the side or it won't lay down and creates a hump.

Does anyone know what I can do to achieve a part in the middle of my head as opposed to the side?

This is probably basic but I have NO idea.

i would suggest maybe just parting your hair down the middle when starting to do your rollerset if it bothers you that much. Then instead of the row of rollers in the middle that they usually do you would just divide that into two parts.....if you get what i mean.
Or you could just use a blowdryer to un-puff your hair so you could do your middle part. That way when you part it it wont spring back up.
Hmm...I might try that. The stylists might look at me like I'm nuts when I try to explain it to them. But it's worth a try. I'm just getting BORED with this same ole' look. I figure a middle part would throw some spice into my life.:grin:
Tell the stylist you want a middle part. Usually I end up with a middle part after going to the salon. It starts off on the side, but the next day it ends up in the middle. LOL