What kind of Domi. technique was this?


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Hair sighting

Saw a lady this weekend with hair just about BSL. Her hair was like satin/silk, shinning like new money with body galore. The color was perfect, soft black with very few small streaks of reddish tones. I thought to myself whoever did this ladies hair could not be from Texas. That has to be a dominican blowout.

So, I walked over to her and told her how beautiful her hair was. The lady was very friendly, she was from Manhattan New York. She and her daughter had just moved here, and her daughter did her hair.

I went on to discuss the lack of Domi. Salons in Texas. She agreed and said she had even gone to salons and offered to teach the stylist how to blow dry her hair but they would not budge. I am upset with myself for not getting her number cause she probably would have taught me.

She went on to describe a new style that the domi. salons do in that they roller set your hair and only blow dry the roots, She said when you take it down your hair is gawgeous. Anybody know anything about this kind of style. I know someone knows, please share.
I'm certain it's not new, because I go and only get the roots blown out and have so for some years now.... When you go to the salon, you can ask them and they will do it. I actually like it that way, because it keeps the curls from the rollers.
Correct me if I am wrong but it sounds like the regular blow out, minus going down the rest of the length , right laides? I think several of the board members get this done. Maybe Kinikakes? Well anywho, good luck on a fuller explanation! :)
So now you can spot a Dom. blowout from a mile away, gn1g!!! You are so bold to just go up to people, if you ever do run into her we can go in together to get a lesson! That way we can give each other a blowout for free:lol:
You guys are correct. It is not new. After they take your hair out of the rollers you can either:

a) let them wrap it with pins or without
b) ask them to blow out the roots only-I only do this if I am 5+ weeks post or more
c) ask them for a full blowout
d) let them finger comb your hair and wear your curls out

*when getting a roots-only or full blowout, you can always have them wrap it. My old siggy showed how the wrap looks with the pins*
CAPlush said:
So now you can spot a Dom. blowout from a mile away, gn1g!!! You are so bold to just go up to people, if you ever do run into her we can go in together to get a lesson! That way we can give each other a blowout for free:lol:

works for me!
what happens to the rest of the hair, do they take the rollers out after they blow the roots? Do you ever sit under the hood? Wouldn't the rest of the hair still be wet?
gn1g said:
what happens to the rest of the hair, do they take the rollers out after they blow the roots? Do you ever sit under the hood? Wouldn't the rest of the hair still be wet?

Your hair should be dry, because after they roll, you sit under the dryer until dry, they take out rollers and blowdry or finger comb.
Back when I was perming, they would do that. I believe that's to straighten out your roots if you're not ready for a perm yet. The only problem I had with that is when they would catch an atittude if I flinched as if the damn dryer was not hot as hell. :mad: :mad:
It's not a new technique, it's like a partial blow out. This is what I have done when i'm about 4-5 weeks post relaxer, then I just let them wrap it with pins. I love it.
I had this done here in DC. I think that it was too much heat on my hair, but I think that I am going to try them one more time. Not the same salon, they don't know how to open up on time.

I have thin hair, so I think this may be a little too much heat. We will see.
It's just like what the other lades have said. You wash and set your hair as usual. When your hair is dry they take out the rollers and then only blow dry the roots. This could be done because 1.) You have new growth that needs to be straightened out but don't want or are not ready for a relaxer yet or 2.) To straighten out the dent caused by any pins they might have used in your hair when it was rolled up and drying. HTH!! :)
When they blow dry the roots, do they use a comb, brush or just the end of the dryer? How are they pulling the roots straighter?
marie170 said:
They use a round brush...

ditto. round brush, which is a lil better because the heat isnt directly on your hair. Are you familiar with the doobie? That is the dominican wash n set method, where they then blow or just wrap your hair with pins, after you roller set and dry under the hooded dryer. Just as everyone else has said, this is to acheive a straighter wrapped look after setting with rollers... your hair also maintains a nice bounce, because the round brush is 'curled', or wrapped around your tresses so that it isnt blown straight.

Anyhoo, since some people opt for less heat, they leave the blowing out step out, and just wrap. However, when its near touch-up time.. can get them to blow only the roots, in order to straighten. Its almost like pressing the roots only. Then wrap as regular. HTH :)
angellazette said:
Anyone ever just use a flat iron on the roots instead of blowdryer?

When I do my own rollerset I use the flat-iron because I can't blow out the roots properly.
Im all too familiar with this technique....I go to the Dom. salons and get this done to my hair every wk (every 2wks since i joined LHCF,trying to cut down on heat:p )...it is the TRUTH!;)
I have bee converted to the ways of the dominicans. I usually go on Saturdays and yesterday my hair wanted to know why we was not at the salon??? I had to break it to my hair that since we're packing and moving, we're waiting until next weekend to go to the salon, but we'll be just fine in the meantime. :lol:
After looking at Jada's hair on the MTV youtube clip I am almost certain that this is the style she gets.
El doobie!!! I got this done by the Dominicans for the first time 2 weeks ago, and I'm hooked. I just had her blow out just the roots and I left with soft, silky, bouncy hair...And I didn't feel like my hair had been fried either.
patiencevirtue said:
Im all too familiar with this technique....I go to the Dom. salons and get this done to my hair every wk (every 2wks since i joined LHCF,trying to cut down on heat:p )...it is the TRUTH!;)

I'll be in NYC in a couple of weeks, what salon do you frequent and whose the stylist?
This sounds like something Macheriamour has on one of her tutorials...Never tried it will do when I texlax later in the year