What Kind of Difference Will I See if I...


Well-Known Member
...start going to my stylist every week versus every two weeks? Currently, I get my hair done every two weeks with deep conditions. I was thinking about going every week instead. What do you ladies think? Do you think I will see a difference in my hair? As always, I appreciate your comments/feedback:grin:
I haven't been to my stylist in over a year so I have no idea girl....lol.

Your hair looks nice and healthy in your siggy though!
I haven't been to my stylist in over a year so I have no idea girl....lol.

Your hair looks nice and healthy in your siggy though!

Thanks for the compliment! But I guess I am really just trying to jumpstart the growth. I am on Biotin and MT mixed with Castor Oil.

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The difference is your wallet will be thinner. I agree, your hair is cute in your siggy. Is there something the stylist can do for you that you cannot do for yourself? I mean, I know you can at least DC on your own. Is it the finishing (blow drying, rollersetting, etc) that you cannot do on your own? DCing more is good, paying someone else to do it for you--not so good.
I guess it depends on what you will be getting done (rollerset, flat iron, wrap, etc.)

Weekly rollersetting at a salon wouldn't hurt you at all, but it would definitely squeeze your wallet. :-)
I agree with the other ladies too. It would be okay if your stylist do it in a hair healthy way, maybe rollerset it.
If you're getting heat every week vs every 2 weeks, I can see more trims in your future...

...why are you thinking about it? What service is it that you want every week instead of every 2 weeks?
What is she doing that you cannot do? Do you have a hooded dryer? You can dc yourself. I wouldnt do it, but I'm always looking for ways to save.

I have a cousin that has a standing appointment every Thursday with her stylist. She can't do her own hair to save her life. She can also afford it.
Okay, I'm not anti-stylist like a lot of ppl on the board so honestly. . .if you have a good one, and s/he DCs well. . .you will see excellent results. Plus you'll be salon-fly every day :)

But this is O N L Y if you have a great stylist that specializes in healthy hair.

Of course, if you can do it yourself one week and go to he/r the alternate week, that would be less expensive. Your stylist should be supportive of this and even recommend you products to use that would be beneficial to your hair goals.
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As you can see here a lot of LHCF members are DIYs when it comes to hair.

But unless you are like Aprils13 cousin and can not do hair yourself and need to go to the stylist every week then go for it. But that's proably not the case.

Is it that you think you might mess your hair up if you style it yourself? There are plenty of ways to style your hair and anything you want to learn is right here at LHCF or You Tube...I love those instructional videos.
If you have a good stylist and can afford it, then I don't see a problem. I personally wouldn't but that is because I don't want to spend that kind of money every week. I love my stylist and even though I can rollerset my own hair well, I have not let go of my standing appointment every other week.