I feel like quitting..

Well from what I can see in your siggy your hair looks very very nice! You are seeing progress with your edges and thickness so dont stop now! You are right on the cusp of getting length. Sometimes for some people that comes last. Dont worry. All your efforts wont be in vain.

Thanks you:yawn:
Look at it this way: you either take care of your hair or abuse your hair. If you quit, you risk losing the thickness that you've gained over the 4 months and going into a downward slide from there.

It's like deciding not to bathe anymore because you get dirty everyday. What's the alternative?
That's a good way of looking at it :lachen:but you are right...
You have to understand that some of us have been on this HHJ for years before you see the type of progress that people post about. Don't be discouraged, and I encourage you to take pictures. I know that for myself, I see a dramatic increase in thickness before my hair drops in length- and this is true for many people. 4 months is nothing in terms of length really (one would only expect about 1.5-2 inches which can be barely noticeable if you're not taking pictures)

Thank you with all of this support I cant quit now!:grin:
You are in the right place for styling options; remember you can try a phony pony, sew-in weave, wig, or braids when you feel like you are going to do something drastic!
Most of us have been where you are. You can not compare yourself to others. You will ALWAYS be disappointed. Take NJoy for example. She has had remarkable growth. However, this is not the norm!!! On average people have 6 inches a year. AVERAGE, some have more others have less. Give it at least a full year. By your own admission your hair is getting thicker and healthier. Keep up the good work. Don't obsess about your hair. Go read a book, hang out with friends, and next summer I bet you will be happy.

HHJ stands for healthy hair JOURNEY. It takes time.

Agreed! 4 months is'nt enought time to see a substantial difference, I don't know how much you grow per month, but as for myself, Ima slow-grower at .33 per month, which would give me 1 inch and bit more, in 4 months. Even if you got .5 a month you 'll have 1 1/2 inches in that time, which still is not much to be able to see a actual change, like your expecting, but its there!
Be patient and just focus on the "Health" of your hair, as opposed to the length, cause if its not healthy, theres no way you will retain length, you need the prior to get the latter! :yep:
Agreed! 4 months is'nt enought time to see a substantial difference, I don't know how much you grow per month, but as for myself, Ima slow-grower at .33 per month, which would give me 1 inch and bit more, in 4 months. Even if you got .5 a month you 'll have 1 1/2 inches in that time, which still is not much to be able to see a actual change, like your expecting, but its there!
Be patient and just focus on the "Health" of your hair, as opposed to the length, cause if its not healthy, theres no way you will retain length, you need the prior to get the latter! :yep:

Thank you..... see I need to know that hair growth knowledge and then I wont be going so crazy.
IA with previous posts... I would be careful with wrapping though(It can be too much manipulation) I would also be careful with sock bunning(It can dry the hair out)
Thickness and a difference in your edges is great for a 4-month time frame. Press on...the length will come as it seems your hair is getting healthier.
4 months really isnt' that long, and a watched pot never boils. I would put your hair away so that you're not obsessing over it and take pictures! you'll find that you have more length than you'd expect, if your regimen is right for your hair. Think of it this way, you'll have to go through the same amount of time anyway right? Would you rather have the hair that you will have if you stuck to a good regimen for a year, or the hair that you would have if you gave up?

I agree. This is why I don't bother checking for length more than once in a year and I don't use a ruler, tape measure or anything like that. I just go by landmarks on my body. I evolved into this m.o. because I was a compulsive length checker in the past and eventually that got old.

FOUR months?

I didn't see any visible difference until about 10-12 months into my HHJ. Be patient and definitely don't quit! If you make all that you have learned about hair a lifestyle change and keep it up I promise you will be very pleased in the future :yep:

I agree and whatever you do - don't give up.

Dont Laugh :sad:.....Nah just joking..I know I'm nuts I guess I want to wake up one morning and see hair down to my feet! LOL

Just give it time and be patient. I think it takes 10-20 years to get floor length hair depending on where you start. And before you say that sounds too long remember that time flies.
girl you'll be fine, check your progress again in another 3-5 months & you'll be pleasantly surprised....my twistouts are shorter than shoulder length and when i got my dusting the end of october along with my hair being flatironed i found out i was bsl and hadn't had a dusting since june.....hair growth creeps up on ya! keep up your reggie and this spring you'll be pleasantly surprised.....patience grasshopper, patience!
I feel you, OP. I try remember something Wanakee said whenever I get discouraged. Someone asked her how long does it take to grow really long hair. She replied 4 years. The lady said 4 years!? I will be 34 by then! Wanakee replied, you will be 34 in 4 years anyway, you might as well be 34 with long hair.

I agree with everyone who says take pictures. I was NL the beginning of this year and it felt like my hair did not grow at all but I took pics every month or so. Looking back, I see that I've grown close to 6 inches. Try to keep it up and off your shoulders since you are SL.
I feel you, OP. I try remember something Wanakee said whenever I get discouraged. Someone asked her how long does it take to grow really long hair. She replied 4 years. The lady said 4 years!? I will be 34 by then! Wanakee replied, you will be 34 in 4 years anyway, you might as well be 34 with long hair.

I agree with everyone who says take pictures. I was NL the beginning of this year and it felt like my hair did not grow at all but I took pics every month or so. Looking back, I see that I've grown close to 6 inches. Try to keep it up and off your shoulders since you are SL.

I recommend taking pictures every 3-4 months or so to see your progress.

Thank you... I decided I will take a pic in January to compare with my starting pic..right now I have my hair in a bun... out of sight out of mind..
girl you'll be fine, check your progress again in another 3-5 months & you'll be pleasantly surprised....my twistouts are shorter than shoulder length and when i got my dusting the end of october along with my hair being flatironed i found out i was bsl and hadn't had a dusting since june.....hair growth creeps up on ya! keep up your reggie and this spring you'll be pleasantly surprised.....patience grasshopper, patience!

LOL I'm working on my patience...It just gets frustrating sometimes... But I can do this....