What kind of day has it been?


Well-Known Member
I posted this in Off-Topic but I think it belongs here as well:


I am weirdest - not good - day. So much so I am wondering what is going on.

1) So I majorly screwed up at work. Someone may be getting fired and I let it slip. I am great at keeping secrets but I dislike underhandedness. I did not do it deliberately, and I am pretty sure that I am out the door too now because the guy is upset. Oh well.

2) My DH called and said he got his business ideas shot down and for the 1st time in 3 months he is not his usual excited self.

3) My aunt called to tell me my other aunt was in a terrible car accident. Thank God she is alive.

4) My uncle's cancer returned and he is on death's door (this was not the uncle I talked about before with the mysterious illness) so now I have 2 uncles sick.

5) My doctor called and they got my blood work. They wont fax it to me so I have to drive 45 minutes to pick it up.

6) Oh and I found out David Carradine committed suicide RIP

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Having said all of that, when it was all happening, especially the job part, I felt a peace inside for a moment, because I thought I know if it happens and I get fired, it's time! God wants me to leave. I know you ladies know I have been having a tough time at work.

So, what kind of day has it been for you?
I posted this in Off-Topic but I think it belongs here as well:


I am weirdest - not good - day. So much so I am wondering what is going on.

1) So I majorly screwed up at work. Someone may be getting fired and I let it slip. I am great at keeping secrets but I dislike underhandedness. I did not do it deliberately, and I am pretty sure that I am out the door too now because the guy is upset. Oh well.

2) My DH called and said he got his business ideas shot down and for the 1st time in 3 months he is not his usual excited self.

3) My aunt called to tell me my other aunt was in a terrible car accident. Thank God she is alive.

4) My uncle's cancer returned and he is on death's door (this was not the uncle I talked about before with the mysterious illness) so now I have 2 uncles sick.

5) My doctor called and they got my blood work. They wont fax it to me so I have to drive 45 minutes to pick it up.

6) Oh and I found out David Carradine committed suicide RIP

- - - - -

Having said all of that, when it was all happening, especially the job part, I felt a peace inside for a moment, because I thought I know if it happens and I get fired, it's time! God wants me to leave. I know you ladies know I have been having a tough time at work.

So, what kind of day has it been for you?

WOW, you had a busy day. Hope it gets better for you.
I had a very productive day. My recommendation for Grad. School is comming to pass one of them.

I spoke to a wonderful woman of God and she gave me some words of wisdom and encouragement.

I then spoke to another women of God and gave her some encouragement.

Today is just a day of just giving others encouragement.
I had a very productive day. My recommendation for Grad. School is comming to pass one of them.

I spoke to a wonderful woman of God and she gave me some words of wisdom and encouragement.

I then spoke to another women of God and gave her some encouragement.

Today is just a day of just giving others encouragement.

Wow, sounds like you had a good day. You know, I dont pray for signs but I feel like today was day of signs. That God is ready to move on some things that I have sweating. But you know what? I am ready!
I am sooo sorry for your troubles! I had a horrid day as well and was wondering why G-d is letting stupid things happen to me. This is a good thread to just get it out, stand back at it, look at it from a different perspective, evaluation fully and heal.

Do you know....my new job is making my *** itch? OMG! No wonder they can't get anyone into it. They lied to me on top of it...stuck me in this position under the guise "I passed the difficult test" and when I told them mid-way 1st phase training that I was better suited for the first position I was offered? They lied, telling me the positions are not open. Well, after hearing from several people through the grapevine that they are indeed open, I'm going to secretly e-mail the other facility and get me job back! They lied doubly...they can't KEEP people in that position, not get them into the position. And this is in healthcare. You lied to me? Think I'd ever give my family's prescriptions to you? Where's the integrity.

So, that's the background. Now, please get this. I'm nervous, got some homeopathic meds to help me through this awful phase in the horrid recession with my previously layed-off behind ...and I have gas on the job. I'm nervous. Sweating. I don't pass it...it just occasionally rumbles in my stomach. I will not do #2 on the job. Just won't. But in the mornings, sometimes I can't before work. Nerves.

What's worse? My feet started sweating and smelled horrid. I had on sandals...and on my break, my feet were swelling so I hopped over to a regular pharmacy to get me some faux-crocs and foot creme. I even used benzoyl peroxide acne meds on my feet...which killl the bacteria deep down. They still stunk..less, but STUNK. I put on socks to try and mask it...STINK! So, here I am in my cubicle and one of our pharmacists is training us on a calling module...and my feet are seriously funky. I wask keeping them way under the desk. Well, that was yesterday. Thought I had it under control....1/2 the same thing today. I went to the ladies room and poured steeped tea on them...tannic acid to cut the sweating and foul stench. This never happens like this. Why o' why? G-d? HaShem? Jesus, Yeshua? Ad-nai? G-d the Father...helllooooooooooo.....please, an explanation...something?

Then...my underarms. Now, I scrub, shave, weekly pumice up under there to rub away the old dead skin which can harbor funk....slathered on lots of good deodorant....failed! I wish you could see the look on my face about now :perplexed. Now I know why people drink after work, esp. in this drinking town with a football problem. :guiness: I'm mad at G-d right now.:ohwell: Maybe He has something on plan. But I don't think He had to COMPLETELY HUMILIATE ME like this.
I am sooo sorry for your troubles! I had a horrid day as well and was wondering why G-d is letting stupid things happen to me. This is a good thread to just get it out, stand back at it, look at it from a different perspective, evaluation fully and heal.

Do you know....my new job is making my *** itch? OMG! No wonder they can't get anyone into it. They lied to me on top of it...stuck me in this position under the guise "I passed the difficult test" and when I told them mid-way 1st phase training that I was better suited for the first position I was offered? They lied, telling me the positions are not open. Well, after hearing from several people through the grapevine that they are indeed open, I'm going to secretly e-mail the other facility and get me job back! They lied doubly...they can't KEEP people in that position, not get them into the position. And this is in healthcare. You lied to me? Think I'd ever give my family's prescriptions to you? Where's the integrity.

So, that's the background. Now, please get this. I'm nervous, got some homeopathic meds to help me through this awful phase in the horrid recession with my previously layed-off behind ...and I have gas on the job. I'm nervous. Sweating. I don't pass it...it just occasionally rumbles in my stomach. I will not do #2 on the job. Just won't. But in the mornings, sometimes I can't before work. Nerves.

What's worse? My feet started sweating and smelled horrid. I had on sandals...and on my break, my feet were swelling so I hopped over to a regular pharmacy to get me some faux-crocs and foot creme. I even used benzoyl peroxide acne meds on my feet...which killl the bacteria deep down. They still stunk..less, but STUNK. I put on socks to try and mask it...STINK! So, here I am in my cubicle and one of our pharmacists is training us on a calling module...and my feet are seriously funky. I wask keeping them way under the desk. Well, that was yesterday. Thought I had it under control....1/2 the same thing today. I went to the ladies room and poured steeped tea on them...tannic acid to cut the sweating and foul stench. This never happens like this. Why o' why? G-d? HaShem? Jesus, Yeshua? Ad-nai? G-d the Father...helllooooooooooo.....please, an explanation...something?

Then...my underarms. Now, I scrub, shave, weekly pumice up under there to rub away the old dead skin which can harbor funk....slathered on lots of good deodorant....failed! I wish you could see the look on my face about now :perplexed. Now I know why people drink after work, esp. in this drinking town with a football problem. :guiness: I'm mad at G-d right now.:ohwell: Maybe He has something on plan. But I don't think He had to COMPLETELY HUMILIATE ME like this.

WOW! I hope you are having a better day. I think you need to go see a doctor because it sound like something might be wrong. It could be stress induced but still.

Yea your job sounds horrible. There is nothing like working with liars. I don't care how well things are going at my job, I will never trust them.

My prayers are with you.
I posted this in Off-Topic but I think it belongs here as well:


I am weirdest - not good - day. So much so I am wondering what is going on.

1) So I majorly screwed up at work. Someone may be getting fired and I let it slip. I am great at keeping secrets but I dislike underhandedness. I did not do it deliberately, and I am pretty sure that I am out the door too now because the guy is upset. Oh well.

2) My DH called and said he got his business ideas shot down and for the 1st time in 3 months he is not his usual excited self.

3) My aunt called to tell me my other aunt was in a terrible car accident. Thank God she is alive.

4) My uncle's cancer returned and he is on death's door (this was not the uncle I talked about before with the mysterious illness) so now I have 2 uncles sick.

5) My doctor called and they got my blood work. They wont fax it to me so I have to drive 45 minutes to pick it up.

6) Oh and I found out David Carradine committed suicide RIP

- - - - -

Having said all of that, when it was all happening, especially the job part, I felt a peace inside for a moment, because I thought I know if it happens and I get fired, it's time! God wants me to leave. I know you ladies know I have been having a tough time at work.

So, what kind of day has it been for you?


:flowers: :grouphug2: :love2:

There's only one thing that's left to happen for you...

Things for you are going for the BETTER!
Oh and I found out David Carradine committed suicide RIP

Oh no! I really liked him as an actor. Oh my goodness. Rest in Peace David. My heart and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.

His brother "Keith" is another wonderful actor and Keith knows the Lord. :yep:
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I posted this in Off-Topic but I think it belongs here as well:


I am weirdest - not good - day. So much so I am wondering what is going on.


Madamot, how was your day today? Hope all was better and you can rest in a good weekend. Mine was a bit better today...no foul feet lol. It was nervousness and Nikes. ??? But anyhoo, I did get wrung out by an 82 year old lolol! But I'd say today was better and easier on the soul.
Madamot, how was your day today? Hope all was better and you can rest in a good weekend. Mine was a bit better today...no foul feet lol. It was nervousness and Nikes. ??? But anyhoo, I did get wrung out by an 82 year old lolol! But I'd say today was better and easier on the soul.

Yesterday wasnt too bad. I thinik.

I went to work, but left early. I got a call from someone wanting to talk to me about a job. I dont know if its real or not. We'll see.

I have been trying to scold myself out of this silly idea I have in my head: no one will hire me at this weight! I have gained nearly 30lbs in the last year and I've been having all kinds of bad symptoms: my skin is terrible, hairy and breaking out (I never had acne when i was growing up), and energy level down.

Well my DH picked up the blood work and it looks like I am not soley hypothyroid, but have Hashimoto's disease. So now I am going to have to get my cortisol levels tested. I am feeling overwhelmed and yet happy to be one step closer to finding a solution. I just dont want to gain anymore weight.