couldnt be nobody but God thread!!

couldn't be nobody but God to allow me, a single mother of three working a pretty regular job, making very much below average pay to have ALL my bills paid BEFORE the first of every month. Yes Lord. He is an incredible God and he deserves incredible praise!
*When I was in college I went through a very rough time. One of the heights of those rough times was the end of my third year. I found my place with no place to live, on academic suspension and not a lot of money. I was staying with friends whose lease would be up on their apartment at the end of the summer. One of those friends was moving out of state and the other friend was moving across town with another mutual friend. One day that friend came to me and said that the house they were moving to had a third bedroom and they had no one to stay in it and would I be interested. Absolutely. The rent would be cheaper than what I had been paying at my old apartment and the utilities would be cheaper too because everything would be split three ways. I had the money for first months rent, but not for the deposit. I wouldn't have money for the deposit until the second session of summer school started. The day the funds were supposed to be released I went to the cashiers office on campus to get my financial aid check only to be told that my funds had been frozen because I was on academic suspension. The lady referred me to someone in their office, so I went to see him. I didn't know this man from Adam and he didn't know me. I sat down in his office and he explained to me that due to my student status they were not able to release the funds. I told him that the reason I was going to summer school was to improve my GPA and get back in school for the fall semester. I told him without that money I could not go to summer school and without summer school there was no way for me to improve my GPA and be readmitted for the fall semester. He looked me directly in the eyes and said, "You really need that money don't you?" I was trying so hard not to cry so all I could do was nod my head and say, "Yes." He looked at me and said, "I'm going to release your financial aid. The check will be waiting for you in the cashiers office on the first day of class." I thanked him profusely and left that office knowing without a shadow of a doubt that it was NOBODY but God. Those years were so hard for me, but it taught me that you can't beat trusting God with your whole heart.
Love this testimony and you're so right....

Last week, my mom and my sister's kids were visiting and I was uber-busy entertaining them, so much so I'd left my car unlocked -- all the windows down and wide open --- that afternoon, forgetting to go back out to close it. So it was like that overnight. When I got out the house in the morning, I froze when I saw the car. lol I really couldn't do anything but smile and thank God for His protection. We hopped in and kept in moving.. :laugh:

A couple of years ago, that same car had been "stolen" for three days. I own it outright, but when I called the police to report it (both stolen and returned), they looked at me as if to say "yeah right, you know it was re-po'd". God answered my prayers to give me my car back.. it was returned, cleaned, vacuumed and full of gas. To this day, I don't know what happened or who did it, nor do I care. My car is protected by the Blood of Jesus.

Thank you for sharing that testimony. People think you can make this stuff up, but the Almighty God is REAL... yes, our "things" are also covered. Amen

Several cars on my street were broken into early this morning including my mine. While my neighbors had to spend the morning talking to police and part of the afternoon repairing what was damaged, I was able to get to school on time because nothing was missing from my car. The only damage I have is a broken center console lid. Thank God that I am covered with the blood of Jesus.

John 10:10-11
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

It couldn't be anyone but God. Glory to the Most High.
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A few years ago, I was worried that I had diabetes. I've always been overweight and I had an aunt who had diabetes and faced several amputations before dying of a stroke before 50. So I basically always walk around with this poisonous fear at the back of my mind. I always look at my toes/feet to see if they look dark because I'm afraid of losing them.

Anyway, one summer the fear just got really bad. I don't know where it came from, because I believe I had just been to the doctor and I was healthy, like I've always been. But still I was constantly worried, crying everyday etc. In high school I suddenly had anxiety attacks a lot and I believe this was when it started.

One day I was on vacation with my family. We were in the hotel watching TV. It was daytime TV, so lots of the ads targeted towards the elderly, especially those with health problems. Suddenly a commercial for diabetes came on. It started off as a typical daytime commercial. There were two old people walking on a beach and the commercial said "Do you have diabetes?" Then suddenly, the word "No." flashed across the screen and then the commercial was cut off and a different ad started. I was the only person looking up at the TV at the time. Even now it still seems so unreal...I've never told this story to anybody. It was just so amazing and I felt like this 50 ton weight was suddenly lifted off of my heart. It was just a strong reminder that God really is always watching and He knows our pain.
I loved this story....the simplest acts sometimes can mean so much more to another person.....that story literally brought me to TEARS!!! I'm just filled with joy and even more faith that God is the only one we need.

My story isn't about me, but about how God used me to be a blessing to one of my students.
I am married now, but earlier this year, I lost the center cut diamond in my engagement ring. I was working (middle school English teacher) and I banged my fingers between two tables as I was cleaning my room during lunch break. Unbeknownst to me, I knocked the center cut diamond loose and it fell out. I didn't notice until two hours later when a student wanted me to explain a quote from my quotes of the day. It basically said that as valuable stones, we must also go through intense fire and pressure to shine. She didn't "get it" and wanted me to explain. I then looked down at my ring to exhibit an illustration of how diamonds are made. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the largest diamond was gone.

I remembered that I am a teacher and an example to my students and held it together so they would see how NOT to lose it when things go wrong. I also didn't want to make too much of it because I didn't know if a student would find the diamond and keep it.

One of my boys told me that he thought the diamond was outside, to which I rolled my eyes and said, "Boy, sit down." He persisted and I still wouldn't let him go. I thought it would be impossible to see a diamond randomly on the ground of the large campus.

Well before I go on, I ususally don't carry cash on me at work because, well, I'm ususally pretty broke towards the end of the month, but my financee had given me two $50 bills to pay down on a new gym membership that day after work.

The student then aske if he could get some water, (resolved at this point over the ring and knowing that the ring was insured) I agreed. He came back with the diamond! I recognized it immediately and was so estatic that I went to my purse and offered him one of the bills. To which he responded he couldn't take money from me and that his mother would never allow it. I told him to get his mother on the phone so I could ask her if he could accept the reward (I had not promised any reward yet, so my offer was a surprise to both me and him). She didn't answer, but I called the counselor, explained the situation and asked him to continue to try to reach her. The counselor called me back and told me that his mother had accepted my offer.

Here's the best part of the story, the next day the student was absent and I jokingly commented to his friend that he must have had a tummy ache from all the candy and sweets he'd bought with the money. The student's relpy nearly brought me to tears, he said, " I tried to tell him that we should go to the local shopping district and by some tennis shoes or something, but he said his mom, 'Had billls to pay."

It was then I realized that God had orchestrated that whole situation not for me , but to make a way for that young man's family. I'm sure his mother had been on her knees praying for a miracle, and God made a way.

I am so thankful to God and for that child's honestly, and obediance to his mother's teachings. I always tell that story because I am sure He always makes a way out of no way. I could go on and on about how He has intervened and blessed me, but I love to tell the story of how God used me to be a blessing to someone else. I am honored to serve Him every chance I get, Lord knows He does the same for me.
Everyday I have a 'Nobody But God" Testimony.

Every single living day...

Let me count the days and ways...

#1: I'm still here ! :woohoo2:
:amen: This thread came to mind after today's reading

So speaking of counting....

Lord, teach us to
Number our days, so we gain a heart of wisdom.

Everyday I have a 'Nobody But God" Testimony.

Every single living day...

Let me count the days and ways...

#1: I'm still here ! :woohoo2: