What just happened? Please advise...

i've dealt with a couple of people just like this.... in the end, i just left them completely alone - didn't matter what their reason was, their actions were more than enough for me...

i know it doesn't necessarily give closure, but it's what worked best for me...
I try my best to live by these words...

"If you don't give a d@mn, I don't give a ****"

He doesn't care enough to call you- don't call him. If he doesn't care, don't invest time or energy wondering about him. I would NOT be calling. That's not playing the "he should call me" game either. You've already called. You should be done. I have a few problems with dude.

1) You've been friends for 2 years, yet he still thinks you're boo-boo the fool enough to believe that accident story..... soooooo many holes in the *accident* story, I wouldn't even know where to start. ok:rolleyes:
2) He sent you a text. Did not call, but a text. Was this from the same phone that was destroyed in the wreckage?
3) Still hasn't called.

If he does eventually call- I'm with yodie, play it very cool shrug it off just like she said "oh, i ended up xyz, but um how are you doing after that horrible accident? I'm just happy you're okay, catch up with you later."

If he offers to go out again. DO NOT say yes or make definitive plans. Just say "Let's just play it by ear." That will drive him insane- especially if he's feeling guilty and eager to make it up to you.

If he's a good guy and he's made a mistake- you giving him this stand-offish/shrug it off vibe will make him work harder to prove himself to you and be back in your good graces- and he will *hopefully* have learned his lesson (though I'm still shaking my head at that story)

If he's an a**hole, he'll be out of your life. Either way- you win.

Also- I beg you- DO NOT GIVE HIM ATTITUDE when you deal with him (if he calls)- this lets him know that he has you- b/c he has the ability to get under your skin. Guys LOVE it when they can make us mad. Act like it's a *shrug of the shoulders* type thing. If you treat it like "oh it's no big deal- I went out with another friend" he'll be shook. trust.

End the call first too.

In the end, what you actually do is up to you. However I...

1) would not call him
2) if/when he calls, I'd be very nice and concerned about the wretched accident (not sarcastically either)
3) end the call first
4) tell him that y'all can just play it by ear and see what happens (no concrete yes

Still smh at the nerve of this dude Obama for president got these n*ggas running around here feeling the *audacity*
I try my best to live by these words...

"If you don't give a d@mn, I don't give a ****"

He doesn't care enough to call you- don't call him. If he doesn't care, don't invest time or energy wondering about him. I would NOT be calling. That's not playing the "he should call me" game either. You've already called. You should be done. I have a few problems with dude.

1) You've been friends for 2 years, yet he still thinks you're boo-boo the fool enough to believe that accident story..... soooooo many holes in the *accident* story, I wouldn't even know where to start. ok:rolleyes:
2) He sent you a text. Did not call, but a text. Was this from the same phone that was destroyed in the wreckage?
3) Still hasn't called.

If he does eventually call- I'm with yodie, play it very cool shrug it off just like she said "oh, i ended up xyz, but um how are you doing after that horrible accident? I'm just happy you're okay, catch up with you later."

If he offers to go out again. DO NOT say yes or make definitive plans. Just say "Let's just play it by ear." That will drive him insane- especially if he's feeling guilty and eager to make it up to you.

If he's a good guy and he's made a mistake- you giving him this stand-offish/shrug it off vibe will make him work harder to prove himself to you and be back in your good graces- and he will *hopefully* have learned his lesson (though I'm still shaking my head at that story)

If he's an a**hole, he'll be out of your life. Either way- you win.

Also- I beg you- DO NOT GIVE HIM ATTITUDE when you deal with him (if he calls)- this lets him know that he has you- b/c he has the ability to get under your skin. Guys LOVE it when they can make us mad. Act like it's a *shrug of the shoulders* type thing. If you treat it like "oh it's no big deal- I went out with another friend" he'll be shook. trust.

End the call first too.

In the end, what you actually do is up to you. However I...

1) would not call him
2) if/when he calls, I'd be very nice and concerned about the wretched accident (not sarcastically either)
3) end the call first
4) tell him that y'all can just play it by ear and see what happens (no concrete yes

Still smh at the nerve of this dude Obama for president got these n*ggas running around here feeling the *audacity*

ITA with everything you said....he is soooo full of it. And believe me, I will NOT give him the pleasure of having an attitude...this has totally changed my perception of him. But hey, it is what it is.....

Thanks so much for your input...:)
And to all the ladies that responded :bighug: