What is your Spiritual Gift?

What's your Spiritual Gift(s)?

  • Administration

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Prophecy

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Discernment

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Leadership

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Compassion

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Tongues Interpretation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Music

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Tongues Speaking

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Healing

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Other: Please name it

    Votes: 11 28.9%

  • Total voters
That's me exactly.


My prayer partner has said on many occasions that I have a very sensitive spirit and that it is why it is difficult for me to be around a lot of people. I can usually take one look at a person or have one conversation with someone and know what they are about. I may not know exactly, but I can sense when something isn’t right and if I sense that then I keep my eyes and ears open.
Very interesting quiz. It pretty much lines up with who I am. Here are my top three.
1. Exhortation
2. Faith
3. Teaching

My prayer partner has said on many occasions that I have a very sensitive spirit and that it is why it is difficult for me to be around a lot of people. I can usually take one look at a person or have one conversation with someone and know what they are about. I may not know exactly, but I can sense when something isn’t right and if I sense that then I keep my eyes and ears open.

This sounds a lot like my experience with the gift of discernment as well.

I didn't take the test, but I understand mine to be discernment and music.
@ the bolded, are you referring to the Holy Spirit, the 'gift' we receive when we get saved?


I used to think that about myself. But then I learned that there are so many factors that go along with spiritual gifts. Sometimes we operate in the gift, we just don't know what it is called. Sometimes we are simply not at a point in our walk where the gift is ready to be revealed. Either way, I think everyone has a spiritual gift.

Interestingly enough though I have some confusion about another issue. Some of the gifts that I see people list sometimes are not gifts that are listed in the Bible. It seems as though man has started to create some spiritual gifts. One of the gifts listed in conjunction with that quiz is the gift of poverty. While I understand what they meant in describing the gift, I have not seen poverty listed as a spiritual gift anywhere in the Bible. I guess I'm confused because I thought we were supposed to stick to the spiritual gifts that are listed in scripture, not create categories of our own.

I've always operated in the Administration. But lately (last year) my prophetic gift has been amplifying; so have the discernement.
Do you know what your Spiritual Gift(s) is/are?

If you're not sure or would like to know, here's a nice link to a quick test:


Also, these Scriptures are point references on spiritual gifts:
1 Corinth 12-14
Romans 12
Ephesians 4

Mine are Faith, Encouragement/Exhortation and Writing.

God bless


Don't know what He wants me to do with alla dat lol
According to the link given:
1. Faith / Poverty
2. Knowledge
3. Writing / Healing
4. Intercession
5. Teaching
I believe that prayer changes everything!
My top ones were Helps, Administration, Faith, Giving. I've been told I'm good at encouragement (#5)and hospitality.

I believe the helps, administration and giving. I'm always stretching myself to help and give to others because of what I have been blessed with.

I'm the administrator of the Women's Ministry at my church and have been told I'm really good at it. Recently I was asked to coordinate our church's anniversary dinner so I guess it must be true.

Honestly I just prayed for the Lord to reveal what my gifts were and how I could use them to best serve his people. I know the Lord is an answerer of prayers because He open doors to utilize my gifts.
I don't know all my gifts and am not 100% on the ones I do have...don't want to take the test but will pray on it! I'm new to this
Since childhood, I could pray about someone's situation and things turn around completely. When I pray for myself....oh well LOL.
Since childhood, I could pray about someone's situation and things turn around completely. When I pray for myself....oh well LOL.

Alright, well add me to your prayer list. I need to get a more work/life friendly job, get the home that I bid on, have my son more stable and have my husband act right.