What Is Your Spiritual Gift?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering. I'm finally admitting that I have the gift of prophecy. Usually dreams. Sometimes the dreams seem really minute and then other times I know I have to take immediate action. A prophet once told me that I had the gift of prophecy and I should write down all my dreams because God says that not writing them dowm is like leaving a letter from Him unopened. Well, I don't record all my dreams because I usually have 2 or 3 a night. Frankly, it gets a little overwhelming. But He has definitley had me working this while I've been fasting. So I guess I just want to know which gift you operate in and how do you handle it.:ohwell:
Mocha5 said:
Just wondering. I'm finally admitting that I have the gift of prophecy. Usually dreams. Sometimes the dreams seem really minute and then other times I know I have to take immediate action. A prophet once told me that I had the gift of prophecy and I should write down all my dreams because God says that not writing them dowm is like leaving a letter from Him unopened. Well, I don't record all my dreams because I usually have 2 or 3 a night. Frankly, it gets a little overwhelming. But He has definitley had me working this while I've been fasting. So I guess I just want to know which gift you operate in and how do you handle it.:ohwell:

Re. recording your dreams: you can get and keep a mini-cassette recorder by your bed so when you wake up/get up you can just talk into the recorder to note them. It's helpful to have something to refer back to....

Re. my spiritual gifts, that's interesting as I'm not sure if I should share....
Greetings Mocha 5 -

You and I have similar gifts one of which is dreams. The Lord has spoken things to me recently that were so frustrating because I didn't know what to do with them. BUT a sister in Christ happened to mention to me in passing about a site she visits on Dream symbols . So being the skeptic that I am , I decided to check it out:cool: .

Well it turns out they have a forum where people share their dreams and others, who feel led, will interpert.

Actually, I won't say anymore here is the link. Try the spirit and let me know what you have discerned.

you know... I have always wondered this. how do you figure this out?

ETA...this site has an inventory that you can take to get an idea of where your gifts may lie:

Spiritual Gifts Inventory

ETA...a second link as well.. this one is more involved:

Gifts II.

Hey He Leads :),

Thanks for your response. I totally agree. I know that prophecy isn't a gift of mine Lol. I haven't had anything like that in my life ever. :). Not saying God couldn't use me that way, just saying there has been nothing in my life so far to indicate that it could be a gift of mine. There are a lot of gifts in the Bible, I was just saying I'm not sure what mine are. I have taken inventories before, but I usually come up with about 4 gifts that are all of the same level and depending upon when I take the tests, the answers are different :D. Some day God will reveal it to me. Like a lot of things in my walk, I just have to wait to hear him.

I will take a look at that book. Thanks for the help. :) erm, which book are you recommending? There are 6 or so on that page :).
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Greetings ThursdayGirl:)

When it comes to the office of a Prophet, this should be pointed out by other Prophets (takes one to know one kinda thing;) ). BUT really, whenever someone speaks over your life it should be to confirm something God has already been telling you. You shouldn't be shell shocked like " wow! Really? Who me?!!:eek: . No, this should be a confirming word for you . Not something spooky. In regards to Spirtual Gifts like hospitality and others, Peter Wagner has a good test that I took (was skeptical at first:cool: ) but proved wrong AGAIN! Here's the link. http://www.arsenalbooks.com/products.asp?dept=1061

Discern for yourself. Also, don't allow people to put you in a box. Like telling you that you have the gifts of helps because they need someone to answer the phones!:lachen: Be at peace and allow the Lord to show you without forcing it.

I've taken the elmer townsend spiritual gifts test online before but since then I've forgotten the results,

I really desire the gift of interpertation of tongues. Often times I operate in the office of a prophet. I hear the voice of the Lord clear. I am also a dreamer. I use dreammantle.com as well as the above mentioned site.

I love to hear John Paul Jackson interpret dreams. We also have a very good interperter right hear on LHCF, I'll have to search for her name.
Oooooh, ladies! All this is such good information. I am such a baby in this gift so I have A LOT of growing to do. I will take the time to check each site. Thursdaygirl, I would say just continue to pray about it. God will reveal it. He's good like that! :D I actually think I may have the gift of hospitality too. I've seen it in several books but where is it mentioned in the Bible?
I don't know for sure what my gifts as I'm still discovering myself in Christ, but according to the first two tests provided here my gifts are Music and Exhortation :)
GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD. Why did I walk into church last night for our prayer service and after service, the leader of Auxiliary operations asked me to work on a project in EXAXTLY the area that came up on BOTH the tests!!
LadyR said:
My gift is the gift of exhoration as well as discerning of spirits.

I think these are also my gifts. I also think God has blessed me with the gift of insight. Like I can usually tell if something is wrong with someone, before they even say a word. And He gives me the ability to see things from both sides of the fence.

Overall, I'm still learning what my gifts are. Does anyone have a link to that test?
cocoberry10 said:
I think these are also my gifts. I also think God has blessed me with the gift of insight. Like I can usually tell if something is wrong with someone, before they even say a word. And He gives me the ability to see things from both sides of the fence.

Overall, I'm still learning what my gifts are. Does anyone have a link to that test?

Yes I have that gift as well, Praise God
Thanks for responding with your gifts, ladies, or your desire to learn what they are It's wonderful to see God working in all of our lives. ;) Praise His name!
Mocha5 said:
Thanks for responding with your gifts, ladies, or your desire to learn what they are It's wonderful to see God working in all of our lives. ;) Praise His name!

Amen... Praise Him! ;)
HELLO YALL, I've been away for a while working but now I have time again to chat.

This is a good topic because I was wondering the same thing awhile back. I can sing and write plays, songs and books and I use to think those were my spiritual gifts, but they are my talents. I say my gifts to get wealth.

A lot of times we see someone that can sing and we think oh that's a spiritual gift but really it's a talent. The talent is the singing the spiritual gift might be exhortation. That's why you feel what they are singing about.

While someone is singing God has giving them the ability to minister in song, Exhortation.

As I looked into this deeper and read in the bible what spriritual gifts are, I began to see one of my gifts right away. I use to hear a lot that I have ESP, or strong women's intutution. Those are not spiritual gifts but translated to the spiritual it would be the gift of prophecy. I have 4 spiritual gifts.

Gift of Administration, Prophecy, teaching and discernment of spirits.

It is good to search out your gifts so you will know how to work in your church to help edify the body. Every gift is to edify the body of Christ. Your gifts were not given to you for you, but they were given to you to be given to someone else.

Didn't mean to say all that, I guess I'm glad to be back.
HELLO YALL, I've been away for a while working but now I have time again to chat.

This is a good topic because I was wondering the same thing awhile back. I can sing and write plays, songs and books and I use to think those were my spiritual gifts, but they are my talents. I say my gifts to get wealth.

A lot of times we see someone that can sing and we think oh that's a spiritual gift but really it's a talent. The talent is the singing the spiritual gift might be exhortation. That's why you feel what they are singing about.

While someone is singing God has giving them the ability to minister in song, Exhortation.

As I looked into this deeper and read in the bible what spriritual gifts are, I began to see one of my gifts right away. I use to hear a lot that I have ESP, or strong women's intutution. Those are not spiritual gifts but translated to the spiritual it would be the gift of prophecy. I have 4 spiritual gifts.

Gift of Administration, Prophecy, teaching and discernment of spirits.

It is good to search out your gifts so you will know how to work in your church to help edify the body. Every gift is to edify the body of Christ. Your gifts were not given to you for you, but they were given to you to be given to someone else.

Didn't mean to say all that, I guess I'm glad to be back.
How do you go about strengthen your spiritual gifts? I don't know if mine have grown in some areas or not. I know in high school my spirit of discernment was strong.

My highest though are Faith, exhortation, discernment, and music

I want to strengthen all but especially my discernment, faith, and wisdom
How do you go about strengthen your spiritual gifts? I don't know if mine have grown in some areas or not. I know in high school my spirit of discernment was strong.

My highest though are Faith, exhortation, discernment, and music

I want to strengthen all but especially my discernment, faith, and wisdom

Since God is the giver of the gifts, all I can tell you is get closer to him and you'll see your gifts grow and strenghten and well as yourself.
Discernment mainly. I did not know what discernment really was about until I read about it. I had this gift for years and did not realize it. Before I was a Christian I called it "vibes" about people and situations. What I did not realize it was God/Holy Spirit giving me directions as to who and what I should stay away from and what positive steps I should take. I think it is a powerful gift since it involves developing wisdom through our Lord.
Discernment mainly. I did not know what discernment really was about until I read about it. I had this gift for years and did not realize it. Before I was a Christian I called it "vibes" about people and situations. What I did not realize it was God/Holy Spirit giving me directions as to who and what I should stay away from and what positive steps I should take. I think it is a powerful gift since it involves developing wisdom through our Lord.

This is my gift too. It comes in REALLY handy. And I have learned to never ignore it!