What is your "signature"/go-to hair style?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I have Type 4, SL hair and I typically wear it in either spiral curls (overnight roller set), a pulled back bun, or more recently, an updo that's got spiral curls on the top.

What about you?
I don't know what it's called, but I pull my hair back like I am making a ponytail, twist it, in a "U" shape and add an alligator clip. Easy peasy!
I'd have to say WnG, although today I'm rocking a (semi-failed) bantu knot out.

2nd in line would have to be a pony puff.
Braid outs, Flexi-rods or braid outs on flexi-rods. People always complain i should wear hair straight and down... but I don't care for that style at all. Its usually up in a clip or pushed back with a hair band, or two braids on the side.
Twist out puff. I'm not good at hair styling and this is the only style I can do on my hair. It's fast, simple, easy and looks cute. This morning I was thinking to myself that I am going to have to find at least one other way to wear my hair.:ohwell:
I agree with 20Something that wearing straightened hair gets boring after awhile. Even though it's low maintenance, I start to miss wearing my natural hair big and fluffy. My signature styles are either twist-outs, flexi-rod outs, or bantu knot-outs.
My sig style is a wet/damp bun gelled back after CW with my pony hair twisted or braided, wrapped around and secured with a scrunchie..waves poppin' along the sides n back. I know, boring old bun, but my hair LOVES it and grows very well using this style. If I'm wearing my own hair "showing," that's usually the style I do...otherwise its some sort of wig with my hair braided/plaited underneath!
Twist-n-curls or braid-n-curls set on rods (like in my siggie and avatar). I can always count on these styles to last for a week!
Right now, its my half wig. I throw it on and my hair is protected and I dont have to worry about looking HAM. But otherwise, its a bun like the one in my siggy. I cant wear my hair down without having small anxiety attacks throughout the day and thinking my hair is just breaking off into the wind.
Wet bun 99% of the time, year round. I swim a lot so it can't be helped. The other 1% of the time is right after I get a perm and rinse.
When not in crochets, my go-to style is a bun, bantu knot outs into a curly puff, or banana clip.
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My go to is a flat-twist out or a puff. I love rollersetting with perm rods too but they are so tight to my scalp. I may try using flex rods to stretch out the length of my hair for a roller set. I would prefer to bun but have not mastered a sleek pulled back bun yet.
This, so sick of it but this and twistouts are it for the winter.

It's so interesting to read what everyone else does . . .

Right now, its my half wig. I throw it on and my hair is protected and I dont have to worry about looking HAM. But otherwise, its a bun like the one in my siggy. I cant wear my hair down without having small anxiety attacks throughout the day and thinking my hair is just breaking off into the wind.

@ the bold - ME TOO!

Re: the bun - how do you *do* that? I have tried but I just can't work with those little donut things.
The wash n'go has been my signature style for the last 3 years (I'm so glad I can say that :grin:), but right now I'm loving braid n'curls and rollersets with perm rods so I'm thinking that's about to change :lick:.
For the last month I've been wearing a high bun. Two braids wrapped around each other or a braidout bun. Sometimes I will wear it as a a single braid high pony tail.