what is your reason for the BC

why did you do bc

  • just want to be a part of the afro natural bohemian trend

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I noticed a lot of BC ing going on here the reason I did mine 6 years ago was because I was tired of taking care of my hair, ironically I am taking better care of my hair now since i started growing the big puff a couple years ago , what is your reason. any regrets?
I like the way natural hair looks and I didn't want to have to use relaxers anymore. I just wanted to be able to love my hair as it is and learn to care for it. Most of all, I want it to be healthy and grow. (Some people can accomplish this with relaxed hair, but I couldn't.) There are many other reasons, too. No regrets at all.
No regrets here. I've finally come to the realization that "my hair" cant thrive w/ relaxers. I know being natural is the best bet I have to achieving healthy hair. Length will come automatically in time ;)
I got tired of seeing all my hair falling out from relaxer damage. I have found that the texture of my crown is course, but not defined, so I believe straightening out already half-way straight hair was ruining it.

I've got to show you all updates soon, but my natural hair has turned out
to be the easiest! I wash it in the morning put S-Curl no-drip, Ampro gel on it and put it in a bun. I mean, my hair was NOT going to go into a ponytail 8 months ago when I chopped it down to 1 inch. Now There's enough to go into (with lots of gel, conditioner, and brushing) a ponytail and it's great!
i finally accepted that my hair cant grow with relaxers so for the benefit of my hair and myself, i just cut it. i missed my natural hair so much and im glad i have it back :)
well i have many reasons..here are a few..
i saw the curve salon pics and it inspired me, i always wear the natural looking curly weaves..y not grow out mine and wear it similar..
relaxer's were giving me terrible dry scalp and dandruff..and my edges would always break...i mean never grow out..always breaking for some reason..
and i always admire women who are natural..especially the women with 3c-4b hair! i loved to see them with those coils or faux hawks with the cornrows on the sides..and ladies with locks..i just would stare..and alotta the time stop them and give a compliment..i always wanted to grow locs...for yrs...still not ready for that yet..one step at a time..
one thing i must say is i really love feeling my hair texture..its so weird to have no relaxer..thats why i gotta braid it..i would have my hands in my hair every minute..
Too impatient to transition for a long time. I love my natural hair, and it is so much easier and LESS EXPENSIVE for me to care for.
Mine was a mix. I was tired of having a relaxer in my hair after 22 years and I wanted my natural hair back. I hadnt seen it since I was 6. Touchups were not my friend -- I hated them. I was always so paranoid around that time. Dont scratch, is the relaxer gonna take this time, I hope it doesnt burn too bad. Then to top it off my hair was was always tucked away anyway. I never wore my hair out.

Someone left me a message yesterday saying that I looked wrong and would miss all my relaxed hair-- ummm it's almost been a year that i've been dancing on cloud 9 -- I have to say "in what lifetime would that be???" :lachen: -- jainygirl
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I have wanted to be natural for a long time. I BC'd when I did because I felt like dealing with the two textures was beginning to be too time consuming and I did not want to risk the health of my natural hair.
I hated touch-up time too. I bc'd earlier than I intended but I was tired of the dueling textures. I had damage to my hair and there was no way I was gonna slap a relaxer on top of it. So I chopped and am learning to deal with my hair as it get longer.
asummertyme said:
well i have many reasons..here are a few..
i saw the curve salon pics and it inspired me, i always wear the natural looking curly weaves..y not grow out mine and wear it similar..
relaxer's were giving me terrible dry scalp and dandruff..and my edges would always break...i mean never grow out..always breaking for some reason..
and i always admire women who are natural..especially the women with 3c-4b hair! i loved to see them with those coils or faux hawks with the cornrows on the sides..and ladies with locks..i just would stare..and alotta the time stop them and give a compliment..i always wanted to grow locs...for yrs...still not ready for that yet..one step at a time..

basically my same reasons ;)
well last year i went through a lot of hardtimes. one event in particular was terrible. it really crushed me. i just felt like i could die. i realized then that it was time to move on. my BC wasn't just getting rid of some old dry relaxed ends...it was symbolic for me. it symbolized my new beginning, a new way of thinking, and a new way of life. and the funny thing about it is that ever since i BC'd things have never been better!
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Tired of getting relaxing and my hair fighting against the relaxer...

Also bored to death of relaxed hair
I did the big chop about three weeks ago and I feel wonderful. I stopped relaxing because I was finding that my edges would never grow in no matter what I rubbed into it. Also, I found tiny bald spots in the front, which really disturbed me. Currently my hair is about 1 inch all around. My style of choice is comb coils. They compliment my face a great deal and I do not regret going natural. In November I plan on locking my hair. I can't wait.
I did the BC a couple months ago because I had damged hair, and wanted to start over. I felt that I didnt need a relaxer. If I wanted it straight I could always press it. I also wanted to be happy with the hair God gave me. Ive grown my relxed hair out many times but broke downand relaxd it but to grow it out again. When I see ladies walking down the street with long healthy relaxed hair sometimes I feel regretfull. But when I reach my goal it would be all good. And hopefully I will learn to live and loved my naural hair.
Same reasons as all the other ladies......TIRED OF BEING SLAVE TO RELAXERS!!!!!!...............I always hated having thin hair!!!! Well, after doing the BC I discovered that I have very thick and versatile hair. Afterwards, I did miss not being able to braid my hair, or put it up, .....but I loved not having a huge ball of hair in my sink and comb after every wash. But MOST OF ALL, I LOVE NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT GOING BALD AFTER A TOUCH-UP.
Wanted a change :) OMG but there are some days where I would kill to get a relaxer :( I saw an ad for a hair color that Kelly was promoting and it was a choppy bob in plum color.Its so cute :(...but Im trying to stay focused.
Too many to mention, but the #1 reason was my disgust with the two opposing textures, which was difficult to handle. Secondly, I was extremely anxious to be au naturale.