What is your protien regimen? ( Hardcore every 8 weeks, light weekly...)


New Member
Which protein products do you use, and what is your regimen for them?
only a light one weekly, only a hard one....

I have so many protein products right now, and lately i've been wondering if i should do a hard one like aphogee once every 6-8 weeks and leave it at that, or add a light one to the equation weekly like duotex, eggs, or aphogee keratin, or just use a light one and forget a hard one :perplexed:spinning: Dont wanna do to little or too much

I know everyone is different, and you have to judge it by your hair, but it would be nice to see how much protien other people need so i ( and anyone else) can get some kind of structure going on for what is the norm for others
I use a light protein when I do my weekly pre-poo, usually mayo, sometimes yogurt and rarely an egg if I am in the mood to deal with the smell and cold water only rinses.
The egg leaves my hair looking the best, but it is a lot of trouble. The mayo and yogurt are light enough to use every week but still enough that my hair stays strong.
I use a light protein treatment once a wk, usually atone reconstructor. Or sometimes i use aphogee 2 min, i haven't used a heavy protein treatment since the beginning of my haircare journey. It all depends on the person.
I do a heavy protein treatment regularly (every 4-6 weeks): Dudley's DRC-28. At this point, I'm able to assess my hair in it's wet state and decide what it needs. If it feels a little stretchy when wet and I'm not close to a month in between treatments, I'll use Ultra Sheen Duo Tex (light to med protein). It's nice to mix with my regular conditioners.
I do Aphogee Hard treatments typically when my hair needs it. My hair is really funny about protein... :perplexed:

I was thinking about using Enphuse (light protein fix) as my prepoo every other week or something so I dont head to 'over-moisturized land' again.
I have not had to do a hardcore treatment as of yet
but i have used motions cpr and aphogee 2 minute of course nexxcus emergcee after touch ups
I usually use light proteins once a week or every two weeks. I like motions cpr, elastaqp breakage serum, aubreys gpb for these treatments. For hardcore stuff I like Duo Tex. I usually use this every month or sometimes I will just use it for half of the time for a "milder" treatment.
i do aphogee keritin..every wash (weekly) and hardcore every 6 weeks. i see a big difference in my hair from a year ago since i do this now.
I stopped doing hard-core proteins. My hair takes weeks to get soft and feeling nice again.

So I just do light ones every other week or so.
I usally do mild protein treatments. (Affirm 5 n 1, Aveda Shampure or DR)

I tried a hardcore one recently...:perplexed

I think I will stick to a mild/medium protein regimen.
The hard core does not agree with my hair so I do extremely light daily and light to medium weekly. Seems to working out so far :grin: