What is your Opinion on Coloring w/ a Rinse?


Well-Known Member
Hello, just wanted to know what ya'll thought about using a rinse to color hair. I would like everyone's opinion, although I would especially like to hear from naturals since I am natural. Do you think its safe? Can you share your experiences? Thanks in advance.
I used a rinse for the first time a couple months ago. I went for black to cover my brown highlight. I didn't have much success with it covering my hightlights but it took great everywhere else. I think it's pretty safe. I used Beautiful Collectin by Clairol. It says it contains no peroxide or ammonia. It also says it's safe enough to color immediately atfer relaxing.
I use a blue-black rinse, I've used Adore which was very good, but Sat. I used Kiss Express and my hair felt heavenly ( I used this RIGHT AFTER a henna treatment). I love rinses. Just got indigo though, & real excited about trying that.
I have been using Sebastians colourshines, and I love it. I am too chicken to use any permanent or semi-permanent colours though I am tempted. I take comfort in the fact that a rinse does not contain ammonia or peroxide and tend to really condition my hair and add some killa shine
I had a burgundy rinse back in high school. It's super safe. It's great for experimenting with color if you're not sure about how it would look. It gradually fades with each wash that way your not stuck with it or damaging your hair. I was actually thinking about getting another rinse in a week or so.
I have been wearing rinses/sebastian cellophanes since the early 80's. Since I wash and go I haven't had one but I do plan on doing a rinse in a few days now that I cut out the permanent color. I also will not be washing and going daily to avoid the runoff and fading.
I just put an off black rinse on saturday. it was my first time getting one. it came out okay. it gave me a little shine but i was hoping for more. the only thing about a rinse is that you can't go lighter with it. i liked the fact that it didnt have any peroxide, ammonia or alcohol. those are the things u have to worry about when u color ur hair.
I think a rinse is the safest form of coloring. It washes out slowly and it contains no peroxide or amonia.