What is your goal when you call a # from a man's phone

Why are women calling you? Are you dating male thots?

I've never had this happen to me nor have I ever called anyone.
Has not happened to me since high school? Number on a piece of paper of course, no cellphones when I was on high school.
I never have women contacting me. I do know women who have called other women's phones.

They were trying to determine if there is a legit reason this woman is talking to her man or if she is his jump off.

Sorry OP if a you are getting frequent calls you may want to screen your men friends better. You may be dating married men.
I've had this happen to me a handful of times. The funny thing is I have never been interested in any of the men. They are usually just platonic friends.
Yeah this hasn't happened to me since high school and the very few times that it has, sadly it was a girlfriend with a kid that the fool kept a secret. It always turned out well for me...the girl (cause thats what we all were basically) always appreciated my decency in going about the situation. I never played games or denied anything. In all cases the guy was a liar and a cheat and the girl was a broken hearted chick who let herself go through stuff like this repeatedly.

There was one girl I would never forget. We hit it off so well the idiot could not even understand it. (This was the teen years btw). She would call me every now and then just to talk about all kinds of stuff. Then years later she called me to tell me she had finally left the cheating bastard and did something with her life.
I'm never been the caller but they probably want to know

-who you are and the context of the relationship

or want to let you know that
-they are sexing and dating said man
-to back off
I've been called before and I simply told the women (it happened twice) that we are dealing with a liar between us. He's lying to you and me. Any other details, get them from him, because you don't REALLY want to hear it from me.
When you are getting texted or called by other women, it's almost always the case that the man is playing head games with folks whether they are his women or not. It also speaks to the type of women he's messing around with. Too many factors. Lawd who needs that bullcrap?
:lachen: I love when women call or text me they get more than they bargained for.

I just want to know what the goal is?

I want to know the same thing. There was another thread about women calling the "other woman" and snooping through their mans' things. I always wondered what the point of it is. You read his texts and hes clearly taking to a woman, instead of taking the issue up with hubby/SO you call the woman instead?! WHY :spinning:
I have done it. I did it because I was suspicions. This was a long time ago. The guy was a cheating bastard. I was trying to confirm if it was a girl or not when I saw suspect numbers.
This happens about 2xs per year. I am nice and cordial on the first call or text after that I give fairytales of dragons, unicorns, lions, witches and wardrobes.

I had a woman recognize my voice at work from her "man's voicemail" this was 19yrs ago we are friends to this day :lachen: It is all in your approach. If you are calm I will be calm. If you are crazy or play on my phone it's on I talk crazy for sport.

In this incident I find no fault with the gentleman. We just met. We have not had a date. He told me he was dating other people. I have no issue with that he is a single man. He left the house with her in it and forget his cell phone. She had a text battle with me telling me about her Princeton Education and $3Million dollar net worth. She called me ratchet, B++++++, a hoodrat etc. I never once called her out of her name. I didn't get to make up any fairytales I was too busy reading her. She went as far as to look "me" up on social media. Jokes on her because I don't give out my proper first name. I feel sorry for whoever's facebook she is stalking. I asked him about it he said he had company then left her in his house. He lightweight thought I was lying because it wasn't in her "character". But when I mentioned her college and net worth he knew I was telling the truth. He asked me to forward the txts because she took the liberty of deleting our conversation as if it never happened. I wish I knew a different way to do screenshots because my volume button is broke :look: I would post for ya'll.
When you are getting texted or called by other women, it's almost always the case that the man is playing head games with folks whether they are his women or not. It also speaks to the type of women he's messing around with. Too many factors. Lawd who needs that bullcrap?

Thanks to FB, I reconnected with a very good guy friend who used to date my best friend. (Back in the day, My parents even allowed him in my room so it was a clear case of platonic friendship.) His silly little girlfriend was suspicious and deleted my number from his phone, hacked into his FB account and unfriended me. One morning, I wokeup to a text from an unknown number that said: you need a man. Luckily, I didn't respond immediately but my first inclination was to respond: I have one. Yours. I happen to mention it to my guy friend later and he told me that it was his silly girlfriend. I let him handle it and she never bothered me again.

In my 20s, I called women to inquire about the nature of her relationship with the guy whom I was dating. I have absolutely no animus because the other woman doesn't owe me anything and is probably being lied to as well. One woman called me and we actually became friends despite dating the same guy.
In my 20s, I called women to inquire about the nature of her relationship with the guy whom I was dating. I have absolutely no animus because the other woman doesn't owe me anything and is probably being lied to as well. One woman called me and we actually became friends despite dating the same guy.

Someone got in contact with me to find out the truth about her ex (I knew stuff she didn't). We've been friends for years since. It's weird when people ask how we met lol.
I was called by a landlord's wife once. It was very confusing and insulting.

The same thing happened to me except that it was my apartment complex’s maintenance man. I’d given him my number shortly after I moved in so that he could call before coming to do service requests in order to prevent him from disrupting my homeschooling schedule. Well, several months later, I received a call from some woman asking me if I knew him and what was the nature of our relationship. It took me a moment before I realized what was happening – that it was an insecure broad call.

That’s when I gasped and went off, e.g., are you out of your mind; what would I want with some short, old, toothless maintenance man; you’re too old to be making these kinds of phone calls; if you ever call me with again, I will track you down and knock you the *bleep* out, etc. She must’ve felt stupid because she apologized profusely and hung up. The next day I pulled him to the side and told him that if his garbage ever found its way to my door again, that I would have to shut it down...hard. He apologized and that was the end of that.

I was highly insulted that anyone would think I wanted that nasty looking thing.
Women do it to confirm suspicions cuz men to play mind games.

I'm one of those people who are very suspicious of female/male "platonic" friendships because I know that every man Ive ever been just friends with would have hit it in a minute if I had even hinted that I was interested. I also had an associate who was messing around with a guy and his girl called her and she lied and said they were just friends and copped an indignant attitude with the woman calling her insecure! I was outdone!

If someone called me I would be polite and answer all questions. Why get mad? I don't believe in lying to save a man. Rarely is a woman just "crazy" and wants to stalk random women. Its usually that the man has lead her to believe something that's not true, even to the extent of saying that the other woman is bothering him. Didn't someone have a thread on that a few months ago?
Women do it to confirm suspicions cuz men to play mind games.

I'm one of those people who are very suspicious of female/male "platonic" friendships because I know that every man Ive ever been just friends with would have hit it in a minute if I had even hinted that I was interested. I also had an associate who was messing around with a guy and his girl called her and she lied and said they were just friends and copped an indignant attitude with the woman calling her insecure! I was outdone!

If someone called me I would be polite and answer all questions. Why get mad? I don't believe in lying to save a man. Rarely is a woman just "crazy" and wants to stalk random women. Its usually that the man has lead her to believe something that's not true, even to the extent of saying that the other woman is bothering him. Didn't someone have a thread on that a few months ago?

Why were you outdone? CoilyFields
Why were you outdone? CoilyFields
Fine 4s
I was just sickened that she would belittle the woman on top of lying to her about sleeping with her man. The woman was spot on in her suspicion that they were more than just old high school friends. But she acted offended and called her insecure and went on about how she should trust her man blah blah blah.
Fine 4s
I was just sickened that she would belittle the woman on top of lying to her about sleeping with her man. The woman was spot on in her suspicion that they were more than just old high school friends. But she acted offended and called her insecure and went on about how she should trust her man blah blah blah.

Women will lie for men and I can't understand why. My friend was working AND sleeping with her married guy and when the wife asked she denied it all! She told her they were just friends mind you, the guy would come over her house before he went home to his wife. Fast forward guess who is in a relationship and has been living with the man for the past years..duh! I guess it's pretty well confirmed now.
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