What is this hairdresser's problem? (vent)

Denim And Leather

New Member
A few weeks back, I touched up my hair and it came out horribly underprocessed. I had decided to do a correction, but to wait 8 weeks. Later that same day, a friend and I were in this one BSS, and when my friend noticed that this BSS had a salon, she asked to speak to the hair dresser (my friend, who's white, wanted to find a hairdresser who can help her with her damaged 3C hair.) She spoke to the hairdresser, who told my friend that she can really get her hair in shape, and she even gave me some tips on how to do a corrective realxer. She is white, but most of her clients are black, so she is very familiar with AA hair. My friend took her card and we left.

My friend made an appointment with her, and a week later, I decided to do the same, so I called her. When we talked, I told her I need a corrected touch-up with NO TRIM. I told her there is a goal I'm trying to accomplish, and will not be trimming my hair for the rest of the year. She said that was fine, and that although she recommends a trim, she will just do the touch up and take off $25 from her fee since I would not be getting the trim. I agreed to this and told her I want to come in during August, but that date was too far ahead, so I agreed to call this lady when it got closer to August.

My hair has pretty much reverted back, and the new growth was driving me nuts, so I called her to set up an appointment with her for this month. I left her a message, then she called back and left me one. I left her 3 in a week's time, but she never called back. I thought this was very bad business and didn't want to be at her mercy should I become her client, since she wasn't good at calling back, and decided to continue looking for another hairdresser. I made an appointment with one at JC Penney (I figured salon chains are better, less risk of getting someone wanting to chop my hair or burn my scalp.)

Well, she FINALLY called me today and tells me that since it's been 3 months since I've had a chemical (my last actual touch up being April 1st)service without a trim, she had to insist that she trim or shape my hair! :mad: She said that is how she runs her "ship", that she will not do chemicals without a trim. I DON'T THINK SO!

I told her I'd think about and get back to her, but I have already decided that I am not going to have her do my hair. She took forever to return my calls, that is just plain tacky. She could've just left a message for me at home, because all I was trying to do was CONFIRM the appointment she set for me. Then she insists on doing something to my hair that I told her I do not want done! Who's the client here? :mad:

So I'm keeping my appointment with JC Penney's, it's just a consulation anyway, and if the hairdresser there insists on "trimming" my hair, I will keep looking for another stylist.

I'm disappointed, because I had hoped that since she didn't come off as scissor happy, that she would not try to sabatoge my hair goals, and I'm also very irritated with her because she told me one thing, then tells me another, and quite frankly, I think her reasons for insisting that she trim my hair is a load of garbage. :ohwell:

Thanks for listening. :)
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Sometimes i wish there was a way to return the same crap to the stylists that they dish out but i guess the best way is not giving them business. I am sorry that happened to you, dont let her get near your hair!!
Tell her, I don't give my money to anyone that doesn't respect my wishes. It's just the way I run MY ship.
How bizarre. She sounds imbalanced. Sure, unstable people can be good at doing hair but you should not risk it.

OT: Please don't think that because you are going to a JC Penny salon that they will be any different from any other hairdresser. Never let your guard down!
The best time to find out is BEFORE you get in their chair:mad: Regardless of who you see, be on guard and keep saying "no cut", "no cut". Please let us know how everything turns out.
redRiot said:
She's just wanting that extra money. I'm glad you took control of the situation. Hope your alternative goes well.

Basically. Sounds like she came up with that just to get the extra money! You did the right thing in not lettin her go near your hair.
sareca said:
Tell her, I don't give my money to anyone that doesn't respect my wishes. It's just the way I run MY ship.

You said it! :yep:

You are better off without a nutjob like that coming anywhere near your hair. That's just trifling what you described. It's that kinda stuff that has made me take complete control of my hair care needs from washing, conditioning, to trims and touch ups. My haircare journey is extremely important to me, and I can't have a stylist who is having a bad day, PMS, or split personalities jack up my hair. Years of hard work can be ruined in an instant. :nono:
Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate your comments and support. That chick had me confused for a moment, because for a split second I doubted myself and wondered if I made the right decision, but quickly snapped back and realized that I did.

This still really gets to me, because I'm the one who was going to pay her (and she has the nerve to charge twice the amount for a touch up that most hairdressers charge) to do my hair. It is my hair and I should do whatever the heck I want with it! It's not like I asked her to color and relax it at the same time, so my not wanting a trim after a relaxer is a non-issue.

I get sick and tired of all these hairdressers trying to tell me that I need to trim my hair every so and so weeks. This is such a crock. My last hairdresser wanted to trim my hair everytime I went to her, which was every six weeks! That's absurd, and if I did that, my hair would never get long.

The thread Red Riot started, and what happened today is making me consider doing my own relaxer again. I really want to be in total control of what goes on with my hair and do not want to be at someone's mercy.

I told my friend (who has an appointment with her this weekend) about this incident, and we got to talking about how most hairdressers cannot be trusted, and now she's having second doubts about going to this lady. I encouraged her that if she still feels uncomfotable, by all means, don't go!