What is this feeling? O___O


New Member
Now that my hair is in good condition and at a satisfactory length, I'm been feeling...braver.

For no apparent reason I feel like I can do whatever to it, it's terrible.

Using silicones when I've sworn myself away?
Skipping DC's?
Experimenting with other products besides the HG?
Ignoring my hair at night?
Collecting pictures of cute short haircuts I want?????

LOL. :rolleyes: I'm getting back on track, but still. Anyone else having this problem?
Chamomile, I totally understand, wow, I thought it was just Me, that is weird, like its invincible or something, Girl, We gone wind up back at the board cryin Bloody Murder for Help! LOL!!!
And people will be confused when they come up into our fotkis cause our hair will be shorter and shorter and more messed up and less shiny each month LOL
i havent been slacking. im too scared to do that. but last night i did do 2 quick five minute treatments with joico k pak and ojon tawaka instead of my normal five minute treatment PLUS another 20 minute treatment. i feel so bad. like im neglecting my hair.
Lol, I get a little crazy with my hair now that it's natural. I was at my SO's house sleeping without a scarf, brushing like crazy and I was thinking about buying the rusk speedfreak. I had to come back to reality. My hair is natural, not supernatural.
Lol, I get a little crazy with my hair now that it's natural. I was at my SO's house sleeping without a scarf, brushing like crazy and I was thinking about buying the rusk speedfreak. I had to come back to reality. My hair is natural, not supernatural.

That's funny!

I'd like to encourage everyone to stick to good habits! I haven't reached that point with my hair, but I definitely get like that whenever I reach a weight goal. It's like, "Don't pick up the chocolate cake now if you don't wanna be back at square one!" I think we have to keep the same principle in mind with hair, too. :yep: