Post-BC Depression? Has anyone experienced this?

nope, not at all. funny enough is when i had long relaxed hair i rarely felt pretty and as soon as i bc to hair so short i might as well have shaved it off, i felt sooooo beautiful. and i have been feeling that way ever since and that was 6 months ago.

I didn't feel bad at all either. I thought my hair was pretty hardcore short. My FH loved it and my friends and parents were very supportive.

It was freedom for me to get rid of my damaged hair that would coat the whole tub when doing my weekly wash.

I felt so awesome with short natural hair.
I'm relaxed but I've been toying with the idea of transitioning. I will say, that about 1 month ago I had a dream that I BC'd and I was MISERABLE. I mean crying everything. I felt ugly and my teeth even started falling out. I was soooo happy when I woke up and it was a dream. Sorry to be so negative, just wanted to say I have an idea how you feel. Hope you feel better. If not, maybe try a weave or wig until you've gained enough length.
I had locks below BSL well on it's way to WL. I felt ugly after my BC and i also found i looked like a boy. LOL. I didn't feel physically sick but i was emotional and regretful. i still feel kinda ugly sometimes especially when my hair is in cornrows. But i have to protecticve style cuz my hiar is thick but the strands are fine.

I have my locks at home in a draw and i take it out ever so often and smell it. Smells so good still after 2 years :(

I really want my hair now to get to BSL or a bit longer. Only then will i be satisfied. So generally i do feel a bit depressed and not as attractive. Am really glad my hair is covered all day.
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I wasn't depressed, but I did go through a "what the heck did I do?" phase. IIRC, think that was the title of my BC thread. :lachen:

I wore headwraps for the first week or so. I didn't let my dh see it until the next day. The first time I wore my fro, I was nervous. Nobody paid me any attention (I ran to the drugstore :lol:), but I just knew people were laughing at me and whispering.

Anyway, it passed and I love my hair now. You'll get more and more comfortable as it gets longer and you get more comfortable styling it.

Hang in there! And if it comes down to it, you can always relax it and transition again when you're ready.
Did you think that was me? I read the thread backwards and saw that you quoted her, and I was like, "Did I already post in the thread and forgot?" :lol:

oh wow..ok. i def thought that was you. i didn't kno there were two southernbe[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]l[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]le's on here. [/FONT]
huh??? i thought you were already natural? maybe im missing something...

and to answer the question... i def regretted cutting off all my hair. im one of those ppl who get an idea in my head, get excited, and then want to execute it right away.
so i decided i was def gonna BC and i did, like after 3 mths of transitioning.. if thats even what you can call it. after i saw all my hair lying on the floor, and thought of how much hard work i had put in to even get that hair to begin w. i kinda got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

like a WTF did i just DO?!?! type feeling. it was a little easier for me bc i never had to deal w. dealing w. my hair. i always got it done up in braids. so i never had to look at it for long, and no one but the ppl who style my hair have seen it, so i havent had any comments.

But yea..a small part of me wishes i didnt jump the gun, kinda wishes i waited. but another part of me knows, had i waited any longer, i wouldn't have BC'd.
i was BSL stretched atm and i never thought i'd get that long, any longer and i woulda lost all my nerve.

so to answer the question, lol, i had post bc-depression. BIG time. i couldn't stand bein "bald headed"

Uh -no. I think you have me confused with someone else. :look:

I am transitioning but definitely not natural...
Hello - newbie here!

I didn't experience any regret after doing my BC, but I had been thinking about it for a couple years before finally doing it. At the time I was in high school and I was already feeling like I wanted to get rid of all my relaxed hair, but I didn't have the guts to do it. So I waited until I graduated, and then the summer before college chopped it all off to about half an inch or so. It was short! And I was so excited that I had finally done it.

Timing also helped because I was starting college - new life, new friends. No one there knew me as having relaxed hair. I didn't have to hear people say, Why'd you cut your hair? It looked better straight! etc. etc. They just knew me as having an afro.

I did all this 15 years ago, and had absolutely no clue how to take care of my hair. Now there are so many resources, books, websites, and products, I think I'd have a much easier time of it now.

I know doing a BC is not for everyone, but it's done been did. I think there are good and bad things about hair at any length, and for now just try to appreciate all the advantages that short hair has to offer. Your hair will grow back!
Hello - newbie here!

I didn't experience any regret after doing my BC, but I had been thinking about it for a couple years before finally doing it. At the time I was in high school and I was already feeling like I wanted to get rid of all my relaxed hair, but I didn't have the guts to do it. So I waited until I graduated, and then the summer before college chopped it all off to about half an inch or so. It was short! And I was so excited that I had finally done it.

Timing also helped because I was starting college - new life, new friends. No one there knew me as having relaxed hair. I didn't have to hear people say, Why'd you cut your hair? It looked better straight! etc. etc. They just knew me as having an afro.

I did all this 15 years ago, and had absolutely no clue how to take care of my hair. Now there are so many resources, books, websites, and products, I think I'd have a much easier time of it now.

I know doing a BC is not for everyone, but it's done been did. I think there are good and bad things about hair at any length, and for now just try to appreciate all the advantages that short hair has to offer. Your hair will grow back!

And how long is your hair now... since you did the BC 15 years ago?
I don't regret BC at ALL, but I DO wish I had the previous relaxed length as a natural. It did take some getting used to the LENGTH being gone, but beyond that, no...

I think doing it when you're mentally READY is the key! It can be called "just hair" but there is a lot behind it to chop it all off, too!
I was definitely regretful when I BC'd. Sometimes I still wish I had transitioned a little big longer so I could have more length because the length was(is) the biggest problem for me. Short hair on me was such a shock and I was in no way prepared for it. When I first BC'd, I would dream almost nightly of having long hair and then wake up upset. My husband is just now starting to compliment my hair again because he hated it when I first cut it (that just added to the unhappiness).

I am still frustrated with my length because it is not quite long enough for a neat ponytail. I plan on getting braids in November to get me through the winter and through childbirth in early February. I'm looking forward to taking the braids down in Feb/March and being able to wear a ponytail again.
I haven't experienced post BC depression.

I did transition for a year. I had under 5 inches when I BC'd.

On my hair, with my shrinkage, my hair looks to be half or even less than half the length it actually is.

It will grow! It's not exactly what I want at the moment, but I am honestly ok with it.

Short hair isn't ugly. My hair doesn't make me beautiful, it enhances my beauty. :)

That's just the way I look at it.
YES, I can definitely say I have it. My stylist butchered my hair, uneven all over the place. I then had to go to the barber to get it fixed, it was then really short as he had to cut more to make it even; not happy. My hair started to grow back and I got it trimmed by barber, more like another BC. I am now just letting it grow and am getting a little frustrated that I can't do anything with it. I am TRYING to be patient and give my hair time, but it really bothers me every now and then.
After 3 years transitioning, right now, my hair is in layers. The longest layer is in the back, it is very close to APL...if not. The shortest layer is at the top. It is maybe 3-5". I think the stylist didn't know the patches of my hair that she cut shortest (at the top) don't have much of a curl pattern. I think she kept cutting thinking that there was more relaxer.

I flat ironed my hair yesterday, and the style actually fell nicely. She kept telling me that straightened I would be able to tell too much of a difference. She's kinda right. The layers gave it lots of body, and the longer section made it look long. As I think about it more, the shortest parts are the parts that growing most quickly, so I should be in a better position soon.

I am going to stick with the natural for a while, but I'll probably be more of a roller setting natural than a BAF natural.
And how long is your hair now... since you did the BC 15 years ago?

Not that long! The longest it's been is somewhere between shoulder length and APL - now it's at about chin length. I cut it a lot because I don't like it when the ends get raggedy/knotted up, but I'm going to try some of the techniques you ladies talk about here to see if I can get more length.
I BC'd at the worst possible time I think, right after I had my son. I was over 200lbs, and shortly after I cut the postpartum shedding kicked in. My hairline practically disappeared. I would ask my husband nightly if he thought I looked like a man. I felt incredibly ugly. I got called "sir" a couple of times and that surely didn't help. My texture was not what I expected at all. It wasn't curly, and it wasn't 4B either. It would not hold any definition no matter what products I used. It wouldn't hang yet it wouldn't stay in a fro either. The back kind of hung, the crown shrunk up and knotted, and the sides did something in between. I spent hundreds and hundred of dollars on products reccommended on this site and no avail.

I did twist outs and other styles but hated that I spent so many hours to do it. I just wanted a decent wash and go since that's pretty much what I did relaxed. Finally a decided to do a texturizer to loosen my curl pattern nd t jacked my hair up!:wallbash: The nape had a nice curl pattern but the front and sides were bone straight and the crown was somewhere between the two.:nono: I said forget it at that point and did a corrective relaxer but then felt some kind of way and haven't relaxed since.

I was transitioning out of it but I've decided just to stay relaxed. It's less maintenance for me (I know many naturals say it's not more maintenance but for me it was. The only style my hair would hold was twist outs and those took hours to do.) and who knows maybe later in life I'll give it a go again. But needless to say YES I had Post BC Depression lol.
This is why I'm attempting a long transition so I don't lose length.:look: I am so happy that I've been able to transition as long as I have. I have a long way to go.:lachen:
I had a moment right after I cut my hair at 3am all by myself and onto the next day. However once I stepped outside and received some good compliments I ended up feeling quite good about myself. I dont think I need other people to tell me that it looked okay it just felt reassuring. It took a few days to completely fall in love with it and when its out and all big and free I still wonder what did I do...but for the most part I am happy and wish I would of done this a long time ago!!! Im sure once you get used to styling and find the rt products your thought process will change!! It does take time
Hang in there, honey. Now that the deed is done, no amount of grieving for the lost hair will bring back an inch of it and put it back on your head. You've got to look forward to your new head of hair, and that means learning how to deal with your current length, and all that new growth that you'll be getting in the future. Attitude is everything, and right now your attitude should be a positive one. Tell yourself, yes, I cut off my hair because________, and now I'm going to take care of my hair and my new growth so I can meet my next goal. Say good riddance to all the splits; damaged, thin ends, and know that it can only get better without them!:yep: Give yourself time to make adjustments to new hair everything; (products, regimen, hair tools,..) knowing that all this newness will be replaced with confidence once you've established a regimen and a plan. Remember that your hair did not stop growing, just because you did a BC. You just have a new starting point, and you'll need more time to reach your length goals. Take pictures often to document your progress, and reward yourself with a new hair tool or toy, or stlyle when you reach your next goal, no matter how small. Celebrate what you have, and look forward to more hair soon!!!
Yep, I'm still experiencing it. I wish I didn't but it's true but after cutting last week I'm seeing growth already I don't know if it's because of the protective styling (wigs) or the fact that I've cut out the products with sulfate, mineral oil, peteloum (excuse the spelling). But I've noticed some growth this week and I cut it really short and I was thinking about putting a relaxer back in my hair because I thought I made a mistake. But, I'm really sure that going natural is the way to go for me. So just hang in there and it's going to grow but it's going to grow back healthy and chemical free. Start praying too that's what getting me through it, as well.:grin:
Girl, I know what you mean, but trust me, you will snap out of it real soon. You will love the new state of your hair that eventually the legnth shock won't even phase you anymore. Hang in there honey. It's gonna be fine in no time.
As an update, I got my hair done...professionally over the weekend. I think I'm going to work something out with my stylist where I will do my own washing and conditioning, and she can do the styling. I think my conditioning regimen is much better than any stylists'.

Well, she did a roller set, and she's waaaaaaaaaaay better at it than I am. My rollersets come out okay, but her's are much better. Somehow she was able to roll my whole head on PURPLE rollers. The roller set I did, I was barely able to do RED ones.