that we dont wash our hair that often.. today at work the topic of hair came up and it was three blacks girls and one indian girls.. and the black girls were talking about their getting their relaxers done and the indian girl asked what does our hair look like naturally and i was like curly kinky wat have you and she asked why dont we wear it like that and then the other black girl said because its kinky and the indian girl said why dont you braid it.. and no one said anything. this topic all arised from the indian saying that she got a perm before and seh washed her hair a day later.. and another black girl said oh i heard ur not suppose to wash you hair after you get a perm( i thinks he was referring getting her hair curly) anyway the indian girl was like why wouldnt u wash it. what happens when you sweat thats digusting.. and then she pointed to the other girl who works out and she look at her she works out all the time what is she suppose to do and she basically said i dont wash it and i started laughing purposely because i didnt want to hear it arise to anything else cause this topic kinda bothers me. So im saying all this to say.. whats the real reason that some of us... dont wash our hair that other hair textures.. is it because of the whole dry hair think... i doubt it cause many cowash...and that seems to work for them.. and just like when we take a shower if we have dry skin u put moisture back in i was wondering why cant i do that with my hair.. i know many of you will say you can but personally i feel it would be nice to be able to wash and style my hair within an hour instead of the whole long process of three hours or longer and to always be limited to protective styles annoys me sometimes..i would wash my hair everyday if styling wasnt such a big problem. My hair does not look the same if i just wash it and dry it. i have to do something to it... its not wash and go capable... and this goes for both relax and natural b/c i know some naturals dont even wash everyday either. so whats ur reason?