What is the LONGEST your hair has EVER been???


New Member
With so many of us having never achieved really long hair before, it would be helpful to hear from those who were always a certain length until they decided to take care of their hair and activley grow it. Where did you start out and have you exceeded your expectations? So many of us need to hear success stories of ladies who were able to grow their hair longer than it has EVER been, even when mom was taking care of it back in the day!!Help, we need some motivation and inspiration!!! Thanks!
Actually, before this board my hair only grew to nape level. Now it is between sholuder blades. Not bad.
While wearing extension braids for two years and not doing much besides rebraiding every three months my hair grew to a few inches below the shoulders. Somewhere between shoulder length and mid back. It was after I took the braids out and decided to wear it sans braids that things took a turn for the worst. I think the last time it was that long was when I was in the first grade.
my hair is now the longest it has ever been, this is the first time in my life i am growing out my hair, it is not that long but, i am pleased at my results!!!
Your hair is looking GREAT and your progress is excellent!! Keep up the good work, definitley an inspiration.
Brastrap is the longest I had in my life (from extensions)but because of not knowing how to care for it properly, I quickly lost the length. I'm gaining back on it now since joining the hair boards.
isnt it great...i am happy to see all the positive reinforcment here, and all the great info on hair care!!
when i was a little girl, my hair was maybe at shoulder blades. i'm not sure though because my mother never straightened it. as an adult, it has never been as long as it is now. in fact, it stayed the same length (just touching my shoulders) for almost 20 years until i found the hair boards. that was 3 years ago. now i'm almost at my waist. i still can't believe that one myself!!
When I was a young girl (in pre-school), I used to wish that my hair was long like all of my white friends, so that I could shake it.

So, when I reached elementary school my hair was at mid-back, with no perm and not straightened.
My mom took excellent care of it and my countless prayers helped out a lot too.

This lasted all of the way through high school and then I got a perm and went to college and didn't know how to care for it myself.
After a period of dryness, breakage, hard dorm water, and over all lack of attention.... I cut it all off and went natural!

I've been natural for about a year and now my hair is the shortest it's ever been.
But I'm working to regain my length. Even though it's short now, I'm taking great care of it, it's healthy, and most of all, I love it!
It seems like most of us had our hair pretty long in life so we know what it can do! That's so encouraging!
i was about two or three inches past the bottom of my bra strap. That was before I met the devil disguised as this stylist named Duke
I should have stopped going to him the day he had me lookin like rick james.
My hair was always pretty long when I was younger. I think the longest was past my butt when I was 13.
Then I got it relaxed which went well for a while then started breaking, one stylist left it in too long or something but next thing I knew it was coming out in gobs in the shower! Cut it off to chin length and haven't been able to get it past my shoulder blades ever since;at least
without alot of breaking and splitting which I end up cutting inches off!
I am hopeful to reach bra strap by spring!
As a little girl mid back. Mom relaxed my hair around 9 I think and it stayed mid back. Before the boards and started to do my own, a little above brastrap. It stayed that way for many, many, many years.
Touching the top of my but at the beginning of last month (33 inches), but I cut two inches then. Now it is already back to 32 inches(my hair grows a little faster now).
About bra strap aabout 2 1/2 years ago due to it being in braids for so long. I would love to see some pictures from the ladies who said their har was past bra strap and butt length and all that!
Well...I've never had a problem growing my hair but keeping it was another story!!
The longest my hair has ever grown was about three inches below my shoulders, the thing is that I would do the dumbest things like Rio, or the most recent thing (two years ago), I permed one week, colored the next week. It wasn't light enough so I waited a week and colored it again
. My hair was about 2 inches below my shoulder when I did this, so after my hair starting breaking off I did something else really stupid

I braided my hair and let them dip my hair it boiling hot water everytime I wanted to curl the fake hair. Well my hair being past my shoulders was being dipped also in the boiling hot water
well, you know I was almost bald when I took out the braids. Because of this board I will never, never do the stupid stuff I've done in the past.
sorry, this is kind of long....thanks for listening.
Before I joined this board, it would make it to like shoulder length, but I kept cutting it. Now that I've decided to grow my hair out, this is the longest it's ever been it's like THISCLOSE from the bottom of my brastrap and I want it about 3 or 4 inches longer than that. Time and patience, time and patience
The longest my hair has ever been is what it is now...about 3" from my waist.
I started with 1/2" 4 years ago. I have definitely exceeded my greatest expectations. When I first cut it I was soooooooo sad and angry with my self cause I kept thinking it's not going to grow back..what if it doesn't grow back (at least to where it was before I cut it..which was about 19" from front hairline). But, I AM SO GLAD I DID IT. Girl, it's more than possible. People I knew always used to laugh at my hair and called it "brillo pad" cause it has a tendency to be very dry and my hair wasn't considered "good" but GUESS WHAT..My hair is longer than all of theirs right now...I guess my hair is "good" after all... ha ha ha
The longest my hair was when i was a child and up until almost two years ago was only 4-5 inches. Now that i have learned to take good care of my hair, i'm almost bra strap length. Yeeeppeee