What is the key to getting a good rollerset and wrap at home?


Well-Known Member
Everytime I roller set and wrap my hair, one side is frizzy. I can never get it smooth and bouncy. The saran wrap trick does help, but there has to be something else I can do. The instyler iron I bought damaged my hair so I have to go back to no direct heat.
@Bronxcutie, Honestly, it sounds like either your hair is still damp when your done or as a previous poster said, your rollers are'nt tight enough. Here are a few vids of a "Fabulous" method for a "Good", "Tight" set, Its called the "Anchor" method. Its in 4 parts, But, you only need to see the first 2, to get the idea! Here they are:



ETA: I tried posting the "Actual" vid, but I believe something is wrong with the system!
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I agree with the above poster...make sure your set is completely dry and/or you should use the anchor method for a tighter set. I also want to suggest using a good leave in and a little serum instead of setting lotion...I know everyone likes different products but try lacio lacio leave in (it's amazing).
Proper roller tension (not too tight or your hair will snap) and setting with the hair soaking wet gave me smooth results when I was relaxed. I rewet my hair with a spray bottle while setting. It helps the hair to lay down as smooth as possible on the roller.
What I have found through trial and error over the years, is that you have to find the right combination of product and rollers that you hair likes. This is especially true for doing your own hair. I don't know how it is possible, but professionals can use twigs and kool-aid and they can make a roller set look perfect. lol

For me, I use: lacio lacio and lottabody. when i'm feeling like i want extra shine, I add in some IC Fantasia serum. I now use flexi-rods or hard tension rollers. Those are the only things that provide a really smooth set, and unlike most people, my hair can't be saturated wet.

Learning how to apply tension is also key. You want tension, but without the pain.

Depending on the condition of your ends, you may need to use end wraps. I use them when i do flexi-rods to fold over my hair and pull it to the tip, that way, I can roll the wrap and get all the teeny ends in and not worry about crinkled bent tips
What is your process? There's obviously a step that could be tweaked for better results. I did a rollerset and wrap on my sister over the weekend and was surprised to see that after SO many years, I still have it!