What is the Booster in Hair Color?


New Member
I was wondering what the booster powder is in hair color. I just re-dyed my hair using Textures & Tones Lightest Blonde. I realized the last time I did it I didn't leave it on long enough. This time I got much better results. I was going to wait another week before I lighten it again using Torrids Platinum Blonde to get it up to a pale yellow before I put a neutral beigey brown color over it, however, I was thinking that this booster packet that comes with the color must be bleach. If it is, why don't they say so on the box?

Now my question is, if it is bleach I could have just used the Clairol Creme Lightening I bought. Anyone have any ideas on this? I'm really confused. Right now my hair is a warm gold color. I really didn't want to bleach it out to get the results I want, but I may have done so already without realizing it...
Girl, booster is a mystery. I have yet to fully understand what it is, along with bleach. I've never seen this or bleach in the beauty supply stores either.

What is your idea of what is bleach? The Clairol Creme Lightening?
Straight bleach and boosters aren't the smae. We still don't really know exactly how they are different, but I get the sense that they are. The Clairol Lightening is definitely a bleach, IMO. Whatever you do, don't flip flop among formulas too much (the T&T, then the Torrids, then the Clairol Lightening? Way too much IMO.).

Based on what you've done, I don't recommend you do another thing if the color is something you can deal with for a while. But you sound like a daredevil like me
so carry on if you must.
Thanks Yall...I'm glad I'm not the only one confused on this issue. Yes Tracy I'm a dare devil so unfortunately, I have to do more because I don't like this color. I was hoping to get it light enough so that when I did use the bleach I wouldn't have to use too much. Yes...I have gone to the bleach
If I can get my hair up to pale yellow without it, then I won't bleach it. I just found this site on bleaching hair, so I might post my question there and see what they say.

Karonica, yes I agree with Tracy re: the Clairol Creme Lightening. It says it's a gentle lightener, which I consider a bleach. It's just in liquid form instead of powder. It only lifts like 5 levels as opposed to 10 levels with the power bleaches.

I am CRAZY ...I said I would never do this again! I am going to wait a week before I do anything else, and it will be the last so it better be right!

By the way, here's the site:


I think these girls are into an alternative, or what we used to call "punk" look in high school.