What is soft hair


hi ya everyone,

quite often whenever i visit a hairdressers they discribe my hair as being 'soft'. This happened last week when i popped into the Aveda store to ask their opinion on products I should be using on my hair.

sooo...what is soft hair, how do i handle it, and what should be trying to achieve. I know i don't want hard hair as i would have the same problems with ends breaking.

any opinions



BTW, my hair is 4b natural about 6-8 inches long. I normally have it is twist, which I co-wash once a week. It hates chemical and heat..and while I have not had a chemical in it for about 8 years, I cannot get it down to shoulder length, especially around the front.
I can't answer your question either, but I can relate. My hair never done well with a relaxers either. Relaxing changed my hair for the worst from day one. Relaxing totally killed my hair. That's why I decided to transition.

Hairstylists always told me the same thing about my hair being too soft. I don't understand what it means either...to tell you the truth.

The last hairstylist I visited did not want to put hair spray in my hair, because she said that my hair is too soft and it will make it hard. :confused: I was so used to getting loaded with hair spray by other stylists I didn't know what to think. I didn't question her, because I never use hair spray in my hair myself...it's just too heavy. The only hair spray that my hair can tolerate in the hair spray by Nioxin.

Even when I had very dry relaxed hairstylists...and others said the same thing. I remember people in the past asking what do I use to get my hair that soft, and I remember thinking how in trouble my hair was and I didn't know what to do because nothing really worked.

I guess we shouldn't use products that will make our hair soft...because it will make it even softer...or never use harsh chemical and heavy products, because soft hair can't handle it....I dunno.:confused:

I continue to wonder why I ever relaxed my hair...
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^^^ I was wondering the same thing when I read your post....if its too soft, or mushy, you may want to do a protein treatment. If its soft like...porous, your bound to have more shedding. Conversely, when people have protein overload, their hair breaks off, and is hard. Soooo you sound like you just need a protein treatment like Aphogee or Nexxus Emergencee. HTH.
Soft hair means you are going to the wrong hairdressers, you don't have
coarse hair, like their use to working on. Do you have photo. and a regument you use ? I not good a classifications but if you have photo. to help.
do you mean your hair does not hold a style?

meaning gels don't hold it in place?

braided cornrows only last a few days before they look frizzy?

or plaits look frizzy also

have you ever tried to get extensions and the braid slides off

does your new growth grow in straight ,but your hair waves up as soon as you touch water?

do you have a picture?

is the only style that lasts the twists you mentioned?
Thanks everyone for your replies.

"Northern Belle"
Ok i didn't ask her what she meant by soft hair, but she said I had to use the damaged remedy mixed with an oil (olive, jojoba, almond) to help with it. She did also mentioned my ends needing protien. What I liked about her is she didn't push any other products onto me. I already use brilliant conditioner and damage remedy conditioner.

"Into my hair",
I didn't think i had any particular problems with styling, I have had braids in before and that seem to be the only way to keep my ends. Never had any problems with slippage etc. Also my twists always hold well. I know when I try to press my hair, it always frizzes within a couple of hours of leaving the hair dresses.

My regime is I co-wash with aveda brilliant, and any deep conditioning treatment once a week. Every other week, I do a henna treatment, (henna mixed with a condition/olive oil), damaged remedy treatment, then the brilliant. I think the only thing I could be suffering from is too many products. I rarely use any heat. I air dry in chunky twist and then once dry do smaller ones.

I have tried to use protien conditioners before, but they didn't seem to have any effect on my hair. which ones would you consider the best? Also if i only need protien on my ends is there a daily lotion i could use.

Unfortunately I don't have any pics to show you. But I think if you saw it, you would assume it was healthy and glossy, it is just holding onto the ends causing me problems


I agree that it sounds like you MAY need to incorporate protein into your regimen although u should have enough if you're henna-ing every other week and using Aveda DR. I find my hair LOVES protein, I used to think it was because I'm 4ab natural and coloured but now I'm not so sure, I use the hard Aphogee once every 2 or so months (usually after colouring), I use the Aphogee 2 min reconstructor (for at least 10 mins) every 4 weeks or so, my daily moisture spray has infusium 23 in it and my CWC once a week is with Aveda DR. I know most naturals say you don't need it, but I would try the hard Aphogee (followed by a moisturising conditioner) and see how that goes...

ETA: About the ends, do you baggy? your hair may not like it, i use elasta qp mango butter and seal with castor oil when re-doing my cornrows but daily i just use my moisture spray on my cornrows.
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I've always been told that I had soft hair, and in my case it means that my hair is fine. Hairdressers often refer to this as "soft," prob. because that's how it feels. Fine hair has less cuticle layers and feels softer to the touch than more coarse hair, but it is more fragile. My hair is always soft, but when it's porous it feels mushy. I haven't had that problem since doing weekly DC's, and avoiding daily moisturizers and airdrying.

I'm not sure if you have fine hair, but if so, take a look at the sticky for fine hair. You may find helpful tips there.
do you mean your hair does not hold a style?

meaning gels don't hold it in place?

braided cornrows only last a few days before they look frizzy?

or plaits look frizzy also

have you ever tried to get extensions and the braid slides off

does your new growth grow in straight ,but your hair waves up as soon as you touch water?

do you have a picture?

is the only style that lasts the twists you mentioned?

Hey, this is my hair. I could never explain it to anyone but you hit on the nose. What does it mean? Do you know the hair type that you just describe?

It's funny but I was telling my big Sis that I hate my hair because I could never tell what it will look like the next morning. Sometimes it can be straight and some times it can be curly.