What Is Destroying The Lives Of Too Many Black & Hispanic Women, Girls And Children?


Well-Known Member
Watch at the risk of being triggered or offended. I have attended this conference in the Atlanta area and couldn't deny a single thing that was presented. It's the hard truth that we need to hear in our communities.

Although I am married now, my first child was born when I was unmarried and 17 years old. If it wasn't for the support of my family and God's grace I probably would be in the same predicament many other unmarried girls find themselves in. We all know most young ladies do not have this support system and even if they do it is still a difficult place to find yourself - trying to juggle child rearing with making a living and maturing as an adult yourself.

We need to stop being afraid to share these important truths with our children. Please share this video and Kim's information with your pastor and/or church leaders.

http://www.gapmovement.net/Whatisdestroyingus-video.html (link where video is shared)

Premarital Sex is not just the wrong thing to do.
It's an Epidemic - that is killing and destroying the lives of too many Black & Hispanic Women and Girls and Children!

HIV/AIDS related illness is now the leading cause of death among Black women ages 25-34 and Black women account for approximately 70% of new cases of HIV in the U.S. Also, 72% of Black children are born outside of marriage and being raised in single parent homes headed mostly by their mothers (and no father). Therefore, if we lose Black women to sexually transmitted diseases, a large percentage of Black children will have no parent they can depend on or who will want to raise them.
From the end of slavery until 1920 the Black out-of-wedlock birth ratio was about 10 percent. From 1920 until 1960 this ratio went up to 20 percent. In 1970, the ratio was at 38 percent. In 1980, it was 55 percent. In 1990, it was 67. It is now 72 percent and still expected to increase.

What happens to children born to unmarried mothers
Children born to unmarried mothers are more likely to:
- grow up in a single-parent household
- experience instability in living arrangements
- live in poverty
- have socio-emotional problems.
Also, as these children reach adolescence, they are more likely to:
- have low educational attainment
- engage in sex at a younger age
- have children outside of marriage.
As young adults, children born outside of marriage are more likely to:
- be idle (neither in school nor employed)
- have lower occupational status and income
- have more troubled marriages and more divorces than those born to married parents.
Thank you for posting this @momi. This is a problem I'm noticing too and one that will not be easy to conquer. It has seeped into young adult women realm, even the ones who have a college education. By the time they reach a certain age, at which they thought they should've been married but are not, they take matters into their own hands. This leaves few examples for young teenage women to emulate.

It's also very hard for churches because although we try to set the right example, we only have the children for one day really, the other 6 days of the week they are at school hearing/listening to/watching God knows what.

Satan is still in the process of stealing young women's lives by telling them lies, just like he did with Eve. So many beautiful, young women with promising futures are risking it all for seemingly 'having it all' by building their homes on quicksand. They are paying a high price for it, I'm seeing it all around me, including in my family.
Thank you for posting this @momi. This is a problem I'm noticing too and one that will not be easy to conquer. It has seeped into young adult women realm, even the ones who have a college education. By the time they reach a certain age, at which they thought they should've been married but are not, they take matters into their own hands. This leaves few examples for young teenage women to emulate.

It's also very hard for churches because although we try to set the right example, we only have the children for one day really, the other 6 days of the week they are at school hearing/listening to/watching God knows what.

Satan is still in the process of stealing young women's lives by telling them lies, just like he did with Eve. So many beautiful, young women with promising futures are risking it all for seemingly 'having it all' by building their homes on quicksand. They are paying a high price for it, I'm seeing it all around me, including in my family.

Preach!!! Satan HATES women. He has a special hate for Mary but he hates women most of all. Why? Woman was the pinnacle of creation. The old prideful snake couldn't handle it. Notice he never said a word to Adam in the garden. Nope. He stepped directly to Eve. When I see so many women, especially US, not knowing our worth and value, it breaks my heart.