What Is Concidered to be A Long-Distance Relationship?


Well-Known Member
Just curious on your thoughts. This has been on my mind lately, and I was wondering what others thought about it. Is it the amount of miles away your SO is? Is it the amount of time it would take to travel to them? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I would add a poll, but am not quite sure how I would word the responses. :ohwell:

ETA: Please disregard my typo in the title if you can. :lol: I didn't spellcheck before I posted.
I would say if you and your SO live in different states or it takes more than a 2 hour drive to visit then it is a long distance relationship.

DH and I were in a long distance relationship for about 3-4 years. It worked out well but the first two years of our relationship were not long distance.

We were about 800 miles away from each other:nono:
umm, I dunno. It takes me an hour to see my SO and I feel like that's long distance.. It's so annoying if you wanna have a 'quick' meetup. EVERYTHING ahs to be so planned..
I am 1700 miles and a time zone away from my SO. It takes a 3 hour and 45 min flight to see him at a price of roughly around 400 bucks.
Back in the day it was if you were a different state.

But in this day and age, it's if there is a 2 block radius between the two of you and when you call him after seeing his car parked in the driveway and he doesn't answer the phone after several attempts......


let me stop
I would say if it is a place where you can't feasibly or practically drive to and fro in one day with enough time in between to spend quality time.

I had an undergrad prof who set his as anything more than an hour's drive. I think I agree, because if it's 2 hrs away then that's 4 hours of driving.

Also depends on how the commute is. I remember L.A. mayor ditching his reporter GF mirthala salinas because she lived in Riverside and he lived in Los Angeles and that commute is killah. At least that is what he claimed...there were other reasons other than the beastly commute.
If I can't see you on a Tuesday night (and I'm talking about seeing all of you :lick: ......) and still easily get to work on time Wednesday morning, it's long distance.
When your SO is far enough away that you can't see him for a weekend date without having to block out the whole day/take time off work/etc.
I would say if you and your SO live in different states or it takes more than a 2 hour drive to visit then it is a long distance relationship.
DH and I were in a long distance relationship for about 3-4 years. It worked out well but the first two years of our relationship were not long distance.

We were about 800 miles away from each other:nono:

Yeah I was thinking the same thing.
If I can't see you on a Tuesday night (and I'm talking about seeing all of you :lick: ......) and still easily get to work on time Wednesday morning, it's long distance.

I like this answer, since some of us don't have states...
Ontario takes more than 24 hours to drive through, but Detroit is only 3 hours away... go figure.

Long Distance is anything over an hour for me, because that means the trip has to be planned, and if you got stuck there at night, you can't easily return (sleepy) etc. Different weather patterns take effect, so you might not be able to see your honey in Buffalo because of the snow squall in London....
Just curious on your thoughts. This has been on my mind lately, and I was wondering what others thought about it. Is it the amount of miles away your SO is? Is it the amount of time it would take to travel to them? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I would add a poll, but am not quite sure how I would word the responses. :ohwell:

ETA: Please disregard my typo in the title if you can. :lol: I didn't spellcheck before I posted.
OT: Your puppy is CUTE!!! :bighug:

If you can't measure the distance between you and your SO in hundreds (i.e. 200+) of miles and don't have to make a trip that involves buying a plane ticket or packing a lunch in order to see one another, it's not a LDR.
I would say if it is a place where you can't feasibly or practically drive to and fro in one day with enough time in between to spend quality time.

I had an undergrad prof who set his as anything more than an hour's drive. I think I agree, because if it's 2 hrs away then that's 4 hours of driving.

Also depends on how the commute is. I remember L.A. mayor ditching his reporter GF mirthala salinas because she lived in Riverside and he lived in Los Angeles and that commute is killah. At least that is what he claimed...there were other reasons other than the beastly commute.

Yeah, I was about to mention that this depends on where you live to some degree because 15 miles in the middle of nowhere is not the same as 15 miles in LA on Friday at 5:30 PM. I think LD is subjective to the location, mileage, actual driving time, and lifestyles of the 2 people involved. A couple who can afford to jet back and forth multiples times each week/month may live on different coasts but not "feel" LD because of the frequency of their visits. A man down the street can feel LD if you can't be in his presence for whatever reason.