What is bt everyone using to grow hair?

sexy c

New Member
Ladies what is this bt everyone is using to grow hair? Has anyone used it and does it really work? I used mtg but the smell is too strong. Where r yal'll getting this product from. thanks
thanks ladies have ya'll used it before does it reallly work. I read where someone got 3 inches in one month
sexy c said:
thanks ladies have ya'll used it before does it reallly work. I read where someone got 3 inches in one month

I've used it in the past for 4 weeks straight, I got an inch rather than my usual .5 inches that month. I used it for a week straight a month ago and I believe that along with my vits made me have an "Oh my God I'm already APL moment" I've started using it again yesterday, I'm going to use it continuously until my next touch-up hoping I have an "Oh my God I'm BSL moment"
SvelteVelvet said:
I've used it in the past for 4 weeks straight, I got an inch rather than my usual .5 inches that month. I used it for a week straight a month ago and I believe that along with my vits made me have an "Oh my God I'm already APL moment" I've started using it again yesterday, I'm going to use it continuously until my next touch-up hoping I have an "Oh my God I'm BSL moment"

Thanks girl, I am going to order me a bottle. I going to get a perm this saturday so I will be able to track the growth in c in a month how much I get. I getting excited because mtg STINKS!!
sexy c said:
thanks ladies have ya'll used it before does it reallly work. I read where someone got 3 inches in one month

I must of missed that one because I never heard of someone getting 3 inches in one month from BT:) But for some Ladies it works great and for some it don't, It is just something that you have to try out for yourself and see, Because there is alot of Threads about BT, I tried it on my edges and it helped to thicken them up but I personally didn't experience any growth because I wasn't really consistent with it. But I say Try it & if you don't like it you can always sell it on the Hair Exchange:D
Originally posted by NappyParadise
I must of missed that one because I never heard of someone getting 3 inches in one month from BT:) But for some Ladies it works great and for some it don't, It is just something that you have to try out for yourself and see, Because there is alot of Threads about BT, I tried it on my edges and it helped to thicken them up but I personally didn't experience any growth because I wasn't really consistent with it. But I say Try it & if you don't like it you can always sell it on the Hair Exchange:D

I must have missed that one too... She must have hair down to her ankles! And speaking from a biology background, I'm sure that 3 inches in one month is physiologically impossible. :perplexed
pinkskates said:
I must have missed that one too... She must have hair down to her ankles! And speaking from a biology background, I'm sure that 3 inches in one month is physiologically impossible. :perplexed

:lol: :lol: :lol:
pinkskates said:
I must have missed that one too... She must have hair down to her ankles! And speaking from a biology background, I'm sure that 3 inches in one month is physiologically impossible. :perplexed

*nods head*