what is a silkener?


New Member
before going to this board i was on www.curve-salon.com and they showed before and after pics of people who got a silkener and it looks really good! i have natural curly hair which is long but it's to "big" to wear it open. i think i have 3c/4a hair with a little 3b
and it's not easy to handle so i look for something to make it more managable....but i dont want a relaxer!!!
can you explain what a silkener is?

thx a lot,
It's a texturizer (a lye relaxer).

This is from their website:

A popular service we offer at Curve is the Silkener. This is a service that uses a very mild lye-based chemical (sodium hydroxide) which processes for about 5 to 9 minutes. It's the process of silkening or softening the form of the hair fiber.
LOL! So in other words, they are just giving texturizers. They're trynna make it sound all fancy.

But I am loving the "before's" and "after's."
okay, thank you. can it happen that i get totally straight hair when i have my hair silkened? because thats something i dont want. i just want to have looser curls.
I think they are confusing people by calling it silkener because when I read they website they made it sound like some new invention when what it is just a texturizer. I believe in calling things what they are.
You can end with completely straight hair if it is left on to long. Also, when you get touch ups it may be hard to match you roots with the previously texturized hair. That is why it is best to get it done by a professional and not do it yourself.