
Don't worry be happy
Ok. This is crazy I just had to share....

My brothers GF, natural 4 something. She recently told me she wanted to take better care of her hair. I told her about LHCF. Her reaction: :rolleyes: Anyway, fast forward a few weeks she goin on and on and on to me about the wonders of shea butter, glycerin and cowashing. So check me now :rolleyes: But I was genuinely glad she was findinfg stuff that works on her hair :yep:. Today she's @ my house chillin, waitin for my bro to pick her up. she's in the bathroom, cussin her hair talkin bout its tangled. She normally wears her hair in a puff and doesn't comb it for days at a time hello! tangle city! *sigh* so I say to her:

Me: Well, if you wear it out like that all the time and not detangle for a whole week, its gonna get matted.....

Her::rolleyes: (while feverishly RAKING the comb thru her head -MY comb BTW) I'm trying a low mani regimen.....

Me: Oh.... well then maybe if you put your hair in twists or something....(I'm here trying to stay calm cause there's hair all in my sink...)

Her: '"Ethnic is ghetto...and I don't like twists...."

Me....:look::lachen: Honey, you ARE ethnic....Anyway, what about detangling more often? (still trying to be calm/supportive)

Her: (SHOUTING) I told you I'm only detangling once a week! *sigh* Oh dear there's no hope I guess thats just how my hair is....tangly ...oh look the middle's all matted:nono:......

Me::spinning: (I feel the crazy coming on....)

Her: Your comb sucks by the way, and whats up with all th YT hair stuff??? Man, will I EVER find a way to get this mess on my head?

Me: How about you PUT DOWN my[ comb and clean up all that hair?:yep:

Her: Aren't you going to help me?

Me: Nope. You don't like my suggestions. You can clean and talk @ the same time, I'm sure...here lemme get you a broom....

Her: :perplexed: But my hair.....

Me: Listen, I don't wanna hear one @#$% about your hair or the tangles ok? All I wanna hear is sweeping and wiping :yep: You got hair all on my floor. I cleaned in here this morning....

Her: You SUCK! (this woman is 25 BTW)

Me: Your hair sucks. Go wait for my bro outside....
Her: Wha?....

Me: "Out. Are you hard of hearing, or is english not your first language? Feel free to make yourself @ home on the patio..."

Halee calmy puts on her ipod and plays sodoku....And yes, she waited outside till he came....bout 1/2hr later *Kanyeshrug*

This girl is soooooo immature LAWD.AND RUDE. I admit I could have handled it better, but I felt like I was gonna lose my temper so I just asked her to leave.
Geez, the nerve of some folks. In MY house :lol: Of course I told my bro about her behaviour and he is not pleased either, but he knows how she is so whatever.....
Wow! This is why it's better to just let some people learn on their own. A mess!!! You did good though - at least you stayed calm for the most part. And good for you putting her out! Lol.
:lachen:I don't think i would've put homegirl out the house.:lachen:

Since she didn't want to listen I would've just let her rake the heck out of her hair......as long as she cleaned it up. I get why you were mad at her making a mess though.

One thing I was puzzled with....if she's doing low-mani and detangling once a week, why was she in your bathroom ripping through her dry tangled hair?:drunk:
Hmmm... wonder how long he'll stay with her. LOL!

Anyway, I think you did the right thing. How is she gonna talk about YOUR comb (she should use her own) and say YOU suck when she doesn't wanna listen to your advice and is messing up your bathroom! Goodness some people.
:lachen:I don't think i would've put homegirl out the house.:lachen:

Since she didn't want to listen I would've just let her rake the heck out of her hair......as long as she cleaned it up. I get why you were mad at her making a mess though.

One thing I was puzzled with....if she's doing low-mani and detangling once a week, why was she in your bathroom ripping through her dry tangled hair?:drunk:

Girl. The hairs ALL over the floor were just too much...Its not like she's 5..
:lachen::lachen: Goodness, you don't play do you? Even *I* probably wouldn't have put her out and I have NO patience. She'll be back for more information later. She just wasn't ready today.
Sounds like she's been lurking on the forum (with the glycerin, co-washing and her "lo-mani" regimen). Seems like she needs to upgrade to the full fee to get the rest of the info (since she's still ripping through her hair).
Wow, Op, you don't play. Was your brother mad at you?
But why was she combing her hair in your bathroom like that. I would also be pissed if someone left their hair all over my sink and floor yuck!!!
You told her right ..... plus you tried to help her...woman to woman!! She acted ignorant & she was treated as such. Respect is earned not given.
Ethnic hair is GHETTO>

Okay chick if you reading this


Ghetto goes over to peoples houses use up their **** and combs and don't clean up after themselves.

Yep ole girl needed to be put out At 25

25 you should have developed something some sense by then. Goodness
LOL @ her getting put out. Well the hair had to go somewhere unless she was suppose to catch it in her hand. She sounds like a lurker unless she is taking some of your advice. Girl let her live and learn (just not at your place LOL).
Ethnic hair is GHETTO>

Okay chick if you reading this


Ghetto goes over to peoples houses use up their **** and combs and don't clean up after themselves.

Yep ole girl needed to be put out At 25

25 you should have developed something some sense by then. Goodness

Don't lynch me for this but I don't understand why you got so upset???? (beside her leaving hair all over your bathroom).

She didn't like your suggestion....Her hair, her problem! I'm sure your hair is fly. Keep it moving!
I don't know I don't think she is upset at her not taking her advice I think she is a lot more pissed after cleaning a bathroom from top to bottom and you have this little trollop that does not clean up after herself.

I hate cleaning the bathroom and them for someone to make a mess in the same day OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO:nono: lolololol:lachen::lachen:

Don't lynch me for this but I don't understand why you got so upset???? (beside her leaving hair all over your bathroom).

She didn't like your suggestion....Her hair, her problem! I'm sure your hair is fly. Keep it moving!
I'm surprised you entertained her for so long.

That read like a comedy skit. lol, thanks for the laugh.

Ethnic hair is ghetto....CLASSIC.
I would have been pizzed at her for messing up my bathroom too. Love my niece but she dyed her hair red in MY bathroom and there was red dye ERRWHERE!!!! Nearly looked like a massacre and I had just mopped and scrubbed the walls and whatnot. I was fit to be tied!
Wow, Op, you don't play. Was your brother mad at you?
But why was she combing her hair in your bathroom like that. I would also be pissed if someone left their hair all over my sink and floor yuck!!!

Nah. Actually, he called me and apologized for her 'behavior'. She is still adamant that she did nothing wrong, aparantly she says if ppl come over to your house then you're supposed to clean up after them. and that I still suck...:look: I don't mind cleaning up after guests with respect to food etc if I had a get togther but hair from a voluntary detangling session? Thats a whole other story.....

LOL @ her getting put out. Well the hair had to go somewhere unless she was suppose to catch it in her hand. She sounds like a lurker unless she is taking some of your advice. Girl let her live and learn (just not at your place LOL).

You're right. I just could not understand why she would shout at me and 'get on' like that that was the deal breaker for me...

Mane Event;9666168[B said:
]Don't lynch me for this but I don't understand why you got so upset???? (beside her leaving hair all over your bathroom). [/B]

She didn't like your suggestion....Her hair, her problem! I'm sure your hair is fly. Keep it moving!

Nah, no lynching :) I posted this cause I wanted feedback....youre free to express your view :yep:This is true,her hair isn't my responsiblity. But she doesn't know me that well,she and my bro been 2gether for a few months but I've only talked to her a few times. She never asked to borrow my comb and then she's shoutin @ me, dissin my comb -and me in my own place? :look: A lil' much for someone u don't know that well n'est pas? Plus there was hair alllll over the sink and floor with little smudgies of 'gunk' from her hair.....I was not amused. Maybe I overreacted, but I'd never go over to someones place and do that.

I don't know I don't think she is upset at her not taking her advice I think she is a lot more pissed after cleaning a bathroom from top to bottom and you have this little trollop that does not clean up after herself.

I hate cleaning the bathroom and them for someone to make a mess in the same day OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO:nono: lolololol:lachen::lachen:

She had no intentions of cleaning it up...when I commented on the mess she looked at me like she was angry....:ohwell:
I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to talk to someone like that. They have too much pride and don't like being told they are doing the wrong thing. They can't take any constructive critisism. Good for you for handing her the broom though. Why did she think it was okay for her to put her broken hairs all over your bathroom? RUDENESS...lol for making her wait on the patio...too funny
Sounds like she's been lurking on the forum (with the glycerin, co-washing and her "lo-mani" regimen). Seems like she needs to upgrade to the full fee to get the rest of the info (since she's still ripping through her hair).

Thats the same thing I was thinking. But even as a lurker (which I have been for the past year) she should have been able to come across some thread about what low manipulation is along with protective styles.

"Ethnic hair"....sounds really ignorant.
If she was willing to take some constructive advice, and was a bit calmer, you could've helped her with a quick co-wash, detangle, and twist all over. Since she had some time to wait on your brother anyway.
But since she chose to rip that comb through her dry hair instead, ah well....sux for her.

I don't think I would've put her out, but I would've left her arse right there and went bout my business.