What if U.S. president did this...


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Netanyahu to hold official Bible studies
Sunday, December 11, 2011 | Ryan Jones

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday announced that he will re-establish a regular Bible study group at his official residence in Jerusalem. The group will be open to Bible researchers, government officials and invited guests.
Netanyahu made the announcement on the 30-day anniversary of the passing of his father-in-law, Shmuel Ben-Artzi, who was a respected Israeli poet and Bible teacher. Ben-Artzi used to attend the regular Bible studies hosted by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion.
"Ben-Gurion understood that the Book of Books is our mandate for our country," Netanyahu said. "He viewed the Bible as the wondrous story of the Jewish people, the unique spiritual, cultural and historic heritage of our people, and also as one of the cornerstones of all of human culture."
The father of Netanyahu's Likud Party, Menachem Begin, also used to host regular Bible studies at the prime minister's residence. Netanyahu said he wanted to reinstate that practice in order to encourage love of the Bible among government officials, and by extension, the nation.

Source: Israel Today magazine
Do they call it the Bible? From my understand Netanyahu is Jewish, so wouldn't he be having Torah and Talmud studies?
Well now that would depend:scratchch... If the bible study was really rooted and grounded in the word and Jesus was being taught then the ACLU would have a baby duck and we'd have all kinds of protests going on throughout the country. However, if it was one of those all inclusive your truth is equal to my truth, relative truth, many paths to heaven, think your life happy, Jesus loves everybody and there is no hell type bible studies:blah: then the ACLU would still have a duck but the protests wouldn't be so prominent.:lol:
There's nothing wrong with calling it the bible so many do not consider it an issue. Afterall, it is the bible. Of course, in the translation, it's not going to use the same words, though, but it's the same thing.
Good point! :lol::lol:

Well now that would depend:scratchch... If the bible study was really rooted and grounded in the word and Jesus was being taught then the ACLU would have a baby duck and we'd have all kinds of protests going on throughout the country. However, if it was one of those all inclusive your truth is equal to my truth, relative truth, many paths to heaven, think your life happy, Jesus loves everybody and there is no hell type bible studies:blah: then the ACLU would still have a duck but the protests wouldn't be so prominent.:lol:

Because they could have some rascal teaching bad doctrine and make things worst....

Well now that would depend:scratchch... If the bible study was really rooted and grounded in the word and Jesus was being taught then the ACLU would have a baby duck and we'd have all kinds of protests going on throughout the country. However, if it was one of those all inclusive your truth is equal to my truth, relative truth, many paths to heaven, think your life happy, Jesus loves everybody and there is no hell type bible studies:blah: then the ACLU would still have a duck but the protests wouldn't be so prominent.:lol:
Christian nation?

yea right..We have Christian people who live in our nation...but other than that....no

We allow Muslim mosque, allow gay marriages, teach our kids homosexuality in school, took prayer out of school etc and we a christian nation....???? :nono:

But a revival is coming soon , God is raising up a army...
We allow Muslim mosque

Um, I'm Native American (a Black one) and our religions were not christianity. In fact, the "christians" who stole this land and superimposed their ways were not Christ-like themselves. But this land has become a haven for the persecuted and religiously oppressed. Muslims were here in colonial times, as were Jews. We allow Muslim mosques? This is how they pray, to G-d, in the mosque, via the teachings of Mohammed. Are Jews ok, too? All three are Abrahamic faiths. Hindus shouldn't be allowed temples of worship then? Nobody has any right to take any religion away. I'm not angry...just pointing this out so please don't take this the wrong way. You have as much right to practice your particular religion/denomination as them...and everybody else. I'm confused by your statement.
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Im not angry at all. This is a forum, so we are here to discuss views and issues..

But my point was that alot times America is proclaimed as a Christian nation, which WOULD means we are a nation that proclaims Christianity..last time I check Muslim was not Christian...if so..please correct me.The fact this Christian nation allows other people to worship false and idols gods in our land, that ridiculous...You right, I dont have the power to ban other religions but I dont agree with it either....Christanity is the teaching of Jesus Christ..Jesus aint never told me to acknowledge no man name Muhammed. So im not doing it..the majority of this country does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ..which is not suprising because Jesus said the path to Him would be narrow and that few would find it.

Let a Christian go to some foreign countries and worship Christ, they are slained and killed, but we let everyone come and worship in our nation..

My whole point is people need to stop labeling us as a christian nation, because we are not..
yep we are still calling ourselves a christian nation, we do not allow gay marriages, homsexuality is not taught in our schools however there are many teenagers who are not in the closet, prayer is still in the schools thank God and just the other day in my company I went to a training class where the trainer asked someone to open in prayer that did my heart good to know that we are not totally devoid of morals...

Christian nation?

yea right..We have Christian people who live in our nation...but other than that....no

We allow Muslim mosque, allow gay marriages, teach our kids homosexuality in school, took prayer out of school etc and we a christian nation....???? :nono:

But a revival is coming soon , God is raising up a army...
with finals and such I'm not in the right state of mind for commentary.

Sorry for takin' up space, y'all
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its supposed to be one nation under God. that doesnt mean a christian nation. but a nation that allows religious freedom, and the freedom to not be religious at all. thats what this country was supposed to be founded on.
:look:is this sarcasm?:look:

yep we are still calling ourselves a christian nation, we do not allow gay marriages, homsexuality is not taught in our schools however there are many teenagers who are not in the closet, prayer is still in the schools thank God and just the other day in my company I went to a training class where the trainer asked someone to open in prayer that did my heart good to know that we are not totally devoid of morals...
And, I've never seen a more confused bunch...agnostics, atheists, universalists, non-religious..., etc. Most other countries at least have more clear distinctions where God is concerned...

its supposed to be one nation under God. that doesnt mean a christian nation. but a nation that allows religious freedom, and the freedom to not be religious at all. thats what this country was supposed to be founded on.
^^Yep, so when I said PM I meant 'Prime Minister' ....no sarcasm intended, lol I started to get confused by your comment and realized that you think I'm in the U.S.
Go to all the all the raped widows, all the orphans, all the bombed countries. please ask them whether the united states of america and it's allies worship anything at all.
Im not angry at all. This is a forum, so we are here to discuss views and issues..

But my point was that alot times America is proclaimed as a Christian nation, which WOULD means we are a nation that proclaims Christianity..last time I check Muslim was not Christian...if so..please correct me.The fact this Christian nation allows other people to worship false and idols gods in our land, that ridiculous...You right, I dont have the power to ban other religions but I dont agree with it either....Christanity is the teaching of Jesus Christ..Jesus aint never told me to acknowledge no man name Muhammed. So im not doing it..the majority of this country does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ..which is not suprising because Jesus said the path to Him would be narrow and that few would find it.

Let a Christian go to some foreign countries and worship Christ, they are slained and killed, but we let everyone come and worship in our nation..

My whole point is people need to stop labeling us as a christian nation, because we are not..

Fundamental freedoms built-in. We don't "allow" folks to worship the G-d we don't worship....it's their fundamental right. Nobody is trying to make you a Muslim, so what's the concern they don't worship your G-d?

So, to your last statement, I see it. But.....oh my. I sincerely hope that anybody reading this thread does not take this as the "christian" consensus because it is not. It's a personal opinion of the OP.:look:

And, I've never seen a more confused bunch...agnostics, atheists, universalists, non-religious..., etc. Most other countries at least have more clear distinctions where God is concerned...

Like France or Israel :giggle: Catholic nation where hardly anyone is truly catholic...Jewish nation where, surprisingly, most people are either secular or agnostic? Anyway, many of those countries with more distinct definitions of religious adherence also have pogroms, honor killings etc.

ALICIALYNN I'm clutching my pearls!!!
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^^yeah you could hear every door creak and dog bark, lol

Shimmie I thought I sounded different from all you guys ...

:lol: @ the your baby dog who loves to ''talk' in the background. She just wants Mommie's attention, that all. :love2:

You have the same 'accent' as my grandparents, and they lived in New York almost all of their lives. :yep:

So ummmm, Yeah :yep: You sound like us. :lol:

I say this with a heart full of love and sweet memories of my 'birth home', New York. All of my family who lives/lived there has a similar accent. Yours is rich, deep and beautiful. :love3:
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"While You Were Sleeping" by Casting Crowns

Oh little town of Bethlehem
Looks like another silent night
Above your deep and dreamless sleep
A giant star lights up the sky
And while you're lying in the dark
There shines an everlasting light
For the King has left His throne
And is sleeping in a manger tonight

Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
For God became a man
And stepped into your world today
Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

Oh little town of Jerusalem
Looks like another silent night
The Father gave His only Son
The Way, the Truth, the Life had come
But there was no room for Him in the world He came to save

Jerusalem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
The Savior of the world is dying on your cross today
Jerusalem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night
As we're sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the trees and kill the children
And while we're lying in the dark
There's a shout heard 'cross the eastern sky
For the Bridegroom has returned
And has carried His bride away in the night

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping
Will Jesus come again
And leave us slumbering where we lay
America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King
Will we be sleeping
Will we be sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night