What have you learned about your hair today?


New Member
On LHCF, we do a lot of trial and error. Everyday is a learning experience. So why not have a thread where we talk about what our hair has told us?

Today I learned:

- That my transitioning hair needs a LOT of moisture.
- Silicon Mix as a DC rocks.
- I need to revisit my staples and not get caught up in product hype.
- Blowdrying my hair on low takes forever but my hair appreciates the TLC.
- Also, I can get my NG straighter if I blowdry with my hair slightly pulled up.
- Those elastic head bands are breaking my hair in the front and the back at the demarcation line, so I'm not using them anymore.

Feel free to add your own. :yep:
What moisture and moisturizing REALLY means for 4ab hair. So many products out their advertize that they moisturize but they really really don't.
Today I learned that while the front of my head may look salon perfect - the back is always a HAM b/c my hair EATS the bone straight ends so that even though my hair is APL wet - it's strange puffy SL dry -- Flatironed or NOT. :wallbash:

I contemplate cutting them off - but I'm on a personal challenge to make BSL by July and THEN start trimming. I'm trying to be strong but it's an uphill battle.
I've learned that my hair is so strong. I've never experienced breakage/shedding a day in my life(except for when I was on Depo Provera but that stopped once I got off). It has also taught me that I don't have to keep chasing the "latest new product" because the simple oils and butters work for me.

My hair's motto is "Be good to me and I'll be good to you".
ive learned some much since yesterday:spinning:
but i did not know just the regular oils could make the hair grow
or raw food like avacado
Today I learned to just throw my hair up there and go. I spent 20 minutes trying to get my puff right and was almost late. I get to work and look in the mirror in the car and took it all down. I pulled it up, put the band on and jumped out of the car. I made a bee line to the mirror and it looked better than the first puff! I guess sometimes less is really more!:wallbash:
Today, I've learned that my hair is tired of being in a boring bun and wants to come out and breathe for a while. So, to make it happy, I'm doing a spiral set this weekend...that should give it about 7 days of "freedom.":rolleyes:
I learned that I need to properly remove shed hair (probably need a denman brush) since I found single strand knots in my hair. After some research it seems that the single strand knots are from shed hair that was not removed with my shower comb. I'm probably buying a denman this week so we shall see if that is really the problem.
I don't know how to get a good twistout anymore. Just as well though, that what had my ends looking like they had been thru the shredder and led to a year of trims. Puffs too.

I will try my next twistout on airdried hair, dampened with a leave-in instead of freshly washed, wet hair.
I've learned that my hair loves to be saturated in conditioner while it's sopping wet. In the past, I would rinse all of the conditioner out of my hair, towel dry my hair and then apply some leave-in conditioner (but I wasn't using enough). Conditioner on sopping wet hair that is not rinsed out ... IS THE TRUTH!! :yep:
I've learned that too much Silicone is no good for my hair type:nono:...I purchased Aloe Rid to clarify, and Headress to leav-in...I also learned that I must stick to my old faithful Terax Crema moisturizing conditioner:yep:
I have learned that my hair appreciates no Lottobody during rollersets. My hair looks nice and shiny and not crunchy just by spraying Infusium 23, CD Black Vanilla leave in, and a little rosewater, with JBCO on the ends! :grin:
I learned that I'm totally not feelin my relaxed hair the way I used too. Oh yeah, I'm one week post :perplexed


a confused potential transitioner
That she's getting thicker, she doesn't like to be handled roughly, she hates combs and loves Bantu Knots. B & B oil moisturizer is her newest friend!