What have been your reasons for cheating?


Well-Known Member
I've always thought that I would never cheat on anyone, but now I'm wondering if I could be in a cheaters shoes. For ladies who have cheated in the past-what were you reasons? Did the opportunity present itself or did you go looking for something new? Did you still want to be in the relationship or did you not care weather he found out or not?
Honestly the dick was the reason I went back to messing with my former boss.He was too awesome for words.And he was intelligent so he stimulated my mind and lady parts..I did care if my the fh found out because I didn't want to hurt him I know that when a man like him gets hurt they go dumber than they are..I wouldn't do that again because I don't like hurting people.
Honestly the dick was the reason I went back to messing with my former boss.He was too awesome for words.And he was intelligent so he stimulated my mind and lady parts..I did care if my the fh found out because I didn't want to hurt him I know that when a man like him gets hurt they go dumber than they are..I wouldn't do that again because I don't like hurting people.

how long ago was this? Where'd you work if you dont mind me asking?
Boredom.... The side guy was made me feel brand new. Then I came to senses and realized the little excitement I was getting wasnt worth risking my relationship..But it sure was fun....
I was young and naive....dude really didn't care about anyway. He just used the cheating as an excuse to finally leave. He cheated on me so I cheated on him...he just didn't like that it made him look like a fool. In reality, it made me look bad to because i should have just left the relationship.
If I were to cheat, it would surely be for emotional reasons and terrible frustration w/in the relationship. I know when I'm w/ someone and I've just been tired of being w/ them, and I can't get through to them, I know if someone else were to come along that I was attracted to and felt a connection w/ I might be liable to cheat. This is why I'd break it off w/ a dude ideally before such a situation arises, for me... it would def stem from a lack of fullfillment of my needs being met in my relationship - not from a lustful standpoint as it is for men.
i was engaged to my ex and he was working my last nerves, while i was in tech school, mad bc i was not calling him and what not, would not give me a chance to study for my classes. there was this other guy that was nice and gave me attention and we just did it lol

he did not find out till 2 1/2 - 3 yrs into our marriage when we were going through a divorce, i threw it in his face lol. i know its mean, but i just wanted him to sign the divorce papers, and i figured that if i pissed him off enough he would just sign them lol
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Separated for the gazillionth time. H distant, verbally abusive with history of cheating.

Enters younger, handsome, virile guy who prefers older women and there you have it.
Separated for the gazillionth time. H distant, verbally abusive with history of cheating.

Enters younger, handsome, virile guy who prefers older women and there you have it.

Just like that... I could see totally see this happening.