Sure, I feel sexier and more feminine -- particularly since I used to wear a short feather cut.
But unfortunately the thing medium length has brought me most is mocking and teasing about wearing a weave. (which I've NEVER worn).
I'm not even at my goal length (waist) and won't be for 2-3 years I guess but I'm a teacher and at my school I walk down the hallway to smart allecky girls saying "Hi Weave!" and boys asking "Is that a hairpiece?" All the while they go on and on over white people with hair beyond shoulders.
Honestly, with Chris Rock, Sherry, Tyra and the whole social view that all black women wear weaves... it's brought me nothing but suspicion. Sometimes I think I just want to stay at this length, because the longer I get the more I'll be criticized and frowned on -- for wearing my own hair.
I'd rather the smart *** children tease me for something true than to assume I have a weave. Who ever heard of being mocked for something you consider an achievement?
Seriously, a black woman with her own hair gets no glory for the achievement these days. It's not worth it. At least shoulder length hair is believable. Anything beyond that is just suspicious.