What has helped you retain most length??


Well-Known Member
I am on a mission to grow and retain as much hair as I possibly can till summer.....what has helped you other than bunning and dc to really retain alot of hair?????
Wearing extensions (braids)...I'm doing the crown and glory method ...I'm on a mision - 12inch/12 month!
Rollersetting has been my retention savior because it helps keep my hair moisturized, helps keep it off my clothes, and keeps me from having to style it daily.
I've found it's more than any one thing.

Regular deep conditioning, gentle handling, minimal manipulation once it's in a style has done wonders for me.
Bunning and frequent, regular deep conditioning are the most important methods for me. Stretching relaxers, co-washing, and regular moisturizing and sealing with oilare equally important.

And time.
Daily protective styling, nightly baggying, frequent dcing, combing gently from the ends up, shampooing only my scalp so my hair doesn't get dry and tangled
Making sure my hair is moisturized at all times, sleeping with a satin/ silk bonnet or pillow case, using little or no heat, and staying the heck away from the scissors!
Daily protective styling, nightly baggying, frequent dcing, combing gently from the ends up, shampooing only my scalp so my hair doesn't get dry and tangled

I just checked out your PictureTrail album.........OMG you have done a wonderful job with your hair!!! Beautiful!!!
Wearing full sew in weaves with no hair left out has been a lifesaver for me. Although, I've recently switched to bunning. Trying to give my hair a little breather from the weaves.
moisturizing and sealing 2x a day. conditioning, and pre pooing in sections from root to tip with heat making sure to coat my ends. and stop trimming off my progress when i dont need to. oh and lots and lots of heat protectant and when flat ironing, if my hair doesnt get sstraight with the first pass then it doesnt get straight. i only go over each piece of hair once.
Low manipulation, never sleeping on loose hair, and extra TLC for coarse, delicate, or problem areas.
Low mani (combing only on wash day), moisturizing and sealing daily, reducing trims, keeping my hair up most of the time (I wear it down on weekends and for special meetings/occasions).
For me it's my hight protien diet/vitamins/iron, drink lots of water, staying away from scissors(VERY HARD TO DO!) and excercise, along with the regular maintance stuff.
For me:

1) Avoid tension on the scalp.
No tight hairstyles like braids or supertight buns. (Works for others, but it's not for me.)

2) Scarf everynight.
This is my least favorite part of my hair routine. I tie the scarf so that it's right above my eyebrows so that there isn't tension on my hairline.

3)Wash often.
Dirty hair breaks. At least mine does. The cleaner my hair is the better and stronger it feels. This is also why I don't use leave-ins or oils.

I know a lot of ladies here enjoy their hair routine, but I'm not one of them. (I don't hate it, but it's like brushing my teeth. Something I have to do that I don't relish.) I cut out everything that isn't necessary, so that I can get it over with. That way I won't get lazy and blow the whole thing off. It's also easier to integrate into my life. I hate planning my life around my hair and spending all Saturday on my hair. That's not for me, but a lot of ladies here view it as pampering themselves, like a spa day.

5)Rinse the relaxer out like there's no tomorrow especially concentrating on the scalp.

6)Have a prove it attitude towards damage.
I never trim 3 or 4 inches off because of damage. I don't really know what damage is besides heat damage, and when hair is heat damaged it breaks off so no trimming needed. I could ask 10 experts if my hair is damaged and get 10 different answers. So, as far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't break off, then it isn't damaged and I'm not trimming it. I self dust my hair every other month, that takes care of split ends and the fact that the right side of my hair grows faster than the left.

7)Lye relaxer.
It made a huge difference for me, but everyone feels differently about this issue. My sister still uses no-lye and doesn't have the dryness, frizzy ends, and reddish discoloration that I was having. But for me, lye relaxer was a huge turning point.
ACV rinsing. I was experiencing a lot of breakage until I reimplemented the ACV rinse as the final rinse. Closing the cuticle has really helped keep my hair from breaking off. I was doing every thing else that was mentioned in earlier posts and the ACV was the final piece of the puzzle.