What has GOD done for YOU/ME...Blessings Come in so many ways


Active Member
I have been unemployed for 2 years. I quit my job and moved to Georgia with my family. (Big Mistake) I dropped out of college in NJ and went to cosmetology school in GA. I finished the school but never took my exam because I have not paid the school yet. I moved back to NJ and decided to go back to school. By God’s grace, the school let me back in. (My grades were so bad, my parents wanted a doctor, I just wanted to live my life and travel) (My parents learned the hard way, you can’t change a child’s dream for your own, traveling is still my passion) I still was without a job, in debt, and creditors calling me, then it turned into lawyers calling me. I had no money to pay for school, and God told me to keep going. So I got back into school and by GOD’S grace, my bill went my $6,000 + to $175 bucks, because of school grants; which I never applied for. I still did not have the money to pay. I was babysitting making 60 bucks a week. I could not afford my car payments, let alone my insurance. Summer time came around “08” and God told me to take summer classes because I can graduate school by December. By GOD’S grace, I SOME HOW received a PRIVATE LOAN, I applied through a bank. (My credit score is below 550) I had no bank account; that got closed. I could not open a bank account because I owed a bank money. I started my summer classes and I received grants from my school again which left me with money that the school would reimburse me. With that money, I paid off the bank and paid off a few bills. 2nd semester during the summer, my car gets reposes, I was 3 months behind on payments. (I cried my eyes out) This was my all time low. God knew having wheels was my freedom from everything and everyone. (Ppl, my first car, I added 10,000 miles on my car in less then 6 months, (I drove in NJ and Manhattan) which I totaled within 6 months) But God is GREAT. My 2nd semester, the school reimburses me again and by God’s GRACE, one of my teachers was moving overseas and she wanted to sell her car. She sold me her car for $1,000 and since I did not have any more money, she paid for my registration and filled up my gas tank.
So the fall comes around and I realized I can graduate Dec. “08” my GPA went up from a 1.5 to a 3.0. I was more passionate about Theology then Biology. Dec. comes around and grants did not cover my full tuition. I was left with a balance of $601.35. I was down and felt my life was not going anywhere. I prayed like crazy, (I am a church girl, went to church every Sunday) and I always read my bible before bed. I kept going, I knew I could not give up, because my breakthrough had to come. January “09” and my school sends me a bill that was $1,591.35. I held my breath and I prayed.
Well my breakthrough came yesterday. I called up my school today 2/11/09 complaining about my extremely high bill and the first guy I spoke to could not tell me anything over the phone, so I asked to be transferred to someone else. PPL, I almost caught a heart attack, tears were in my eyes. She told me my bill was paid for in full because of grants. I got down on my knees and cried HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord ALL MIGHTY. WORTHY TO BE PRAISED. I am still shocked, I can’t believe it. ME…..people. The way my life was going, I thought I was going to have to wait and wait until I did something right (in God’s eyes) for GOD to answer my prayers. Boy was I wrong. Plus, now I have 3 bank accounts (just in case I can’t stand one and have to leave) , and a job which I was offered this week. I was done with school and I still received money. That’s more then Beautiful…..that’s GOD’S LOVE
I know I am a FOOL, but I am a fool that wants to be corrected by GOD.
All Hail the King….His Love Endures Forever…..The King Above All Kings…..The Lord Above All….My Savior, My King, My Love, My Everything

What has God done for You?
Glory to God! He is sooooo awesome. I am just so proud that we serve a God like this...so faith and true.

Wonderful! Thanks for this testimony.
I am sooo loving the praise reports that are arising!

I heard someone say just the other day that America is
going through a bad economy... but Gods economy is doing
just find... He is the same God yesterday, today and forever!

Thank you for sharing the blessings that God has blessed you

~ Preciouzone ~
I inherited my father's beautiful Suburban. That car took us back and forth 1/2 way across the U.S. where we're originally from. I never had serious problems with it. Things have been spiraling downward for us lately and on one evening, I was giving my daughter and her two friends a ride home from the mall with my 2 youngest tagging along. When we got to M.'s house, there was a loud thud. It continued and got much worse by the time the second friend got home. It was very cold and snow and ice were coming on the way. We already had so much snow and ice to begin with and it was 9 p.m. with not too many people on the roads. Pennsylvania roads are dark and unlit to begin with. That thud became strong jerking trying to get up a hill. I was praying we'd make it until we got home because my next step in the morning was to go to the dealership.

As soon as we got to our steep driveway, the car turned in and up 1/8 the driveway then a loud sheering and racking noise from under in the back. I knew it was my transmission (except, it was the gear part in the rear axle) and tried to brake the car. It wouldn't brake on emergency in park. I tried once again to get it up the drive and it wouldn't move much further up but just enough to clear the street and very end of the driveway.

Guess what, the previous day, I had shoveled so much ice and snow that I had a bank on the side of the driveway leading to my neighbor's side of the yard. It stopped car. Thank G-d. But I was so mad and hurt. A single mother that has just been stripped of everything. See, Dad left me enough to get a home but I was laid off last year and still haven't found anything, ANYTHING! I was crushed and so broken. I'm such a giving and fair person but this just took the cake.

I thanked G-d for the other blessings but I was very angry with Him for letting this happen. When I towed the car to the dealership, they told me I'd need to pay over 3,000.00 to fix it. I towed it back to the house. I cried all day and night about it because that car means so much to me. When my mother got sick, Dad took her faithfully back and forth to the doctor. He knew then he had cancer and was terminal but didn't let us know. When I inherited it, I was able to go back home and give my kids a good vacation with their dad. I have a smaller car but it's nothing compared to that Suburban. Even the dealership told me that I should probably have it fixed because it's in great condition, just this part got the teeth shaved down and it failed probably because of a leak.

Well, to make this shorter as it's already long drawn out, I had peace about letting the car go and asked G-d to help me make a decision on it. I towed it back home and it's right out in the drive today. It's not in my financial priority to fix and would be a hardship now. But I made peace with it. The thing is, I thought through this event and realized that if that car had failed on these steep Pittsburgh hills (quite a mountainous place) in that weather and the snow and sleet had been worse, we could have been killed because I wouldn't be able to brake it going forward. It broke with me and my children in it right in the driveway, just as soon as we turned into it. G-d had spared our very lives.

I'm still heartbroken over the overall economic situation but I have only to look back on the various miracles that G-d has performed, some very recently. I'm hurt and imploring His help but I know it will come. It just has to. Who else could help us? He spared our lives. He saved us from grave injury that night. And for this, I thank You L-rd G-d.

lo lechos, Ad-ni aval ani rotsa nes, b'vakasha, bzat HaShem
Some encouragement for those who may feel down. You never know what God has planned, so be patient and wait upon the Lord.
welllllllll I got hit by a drunk driver's car and survived! thank goodness I got baptised when I did because I just read a story about a man in NY who got killed in a similar accident.
I'm still heartbroken over the overall economic situation but I have only to look back on the various miracles that G-d has performed, some very recently. I'm hurt and imploring His help but I know it will come. It just has to. Who else could help us? He spared our lives. He saved us from grave injury that night. And for this, I thank You L-rd G-d.

lo lechos, Ad-ni aval ani rotsa nes, b'vakasha, bzat HaShem

Thank You for sharing your blessings with us (the readers) You are going to look back a few months from now and wonder why you ever stressed yourself out. GOD is good and he is always there to help, hear and comfort us.
I know what its like to lose a car. When i got my car reposes, I cried my eyes out. (I DO NOT CRY FOR ANYTHING, NOT EVEN DURING A FUNERAL) I was so angry at my parents and at the world, and I felt my life was going to stay this way forever. What we need to realize is "TIME" is a blessing. It slowly changes us into something better. We become spiritually, mentally and physically stronger. GOD is sooooo GOOD. I can't even begin to explain how amazing GOD is, I am overwhelm with joy its ridiculous
welllllllll I got hit by a drunk driver's car and survived! thank goodness I got baptised when I did because I just read a story about a man in NY who got killed in a similar accident.

AMEN, Congratulations. I will pray for your well being and that your gift of life will bring more people to God
all my friends have been affected by my testimony so I'm thankful even though it was really painful! still is
God is good all the time. No matter what your going through he is still by your side. Praise and give him thanks always even in the mist of a storm. May the redeemed in Christ say so!
What has HE done for me.... I'll keep this short.

Back in 2000, I was hit head-on by a drunk driver. They didn't think I would make it and was on life support for 30 days. I was in the hospital for 6 months. They told me I would never walk right again, etc. Well, I'm in the gym 6 days a week and running!

HE kept my brother alive for me...(he was in a terrible accident). I poured my heart out and cried for months over this....HE helped me get over it.

After my car accident, I felt as if I were given a second chance. I still do even as I type this, because I realize that tomorrow is not promising. I know I am still a "work in progress." I recently got baptized which is a blessing in itself.

Even when I'm feeling down or going through the storm, I still give thanks to HIM, because it could be worse. There are so many things, too many too list, but I know that HE is the reason.
Thank You for sharing. I am happy you found strength in God to pull out of your mishap. I pray you give others strength to get out their situation, especially those in the hospital.