What happens when you send your man to buy hair products...


Well-Known Member
I thought this was funny today. I stopped in to Target because I wanted to try the Shea Moisture line. I took a wrong turn and ended up in the color aisle when I heard someone from the next aisle over...

"Baby, yes. I'm going to get it now. Now, what is it? Dark N' Lovely rinse. Okay. I will. As soon as I hang up I'm getting the rinse. Dark N' Lovely, right? Okay, okay. I will"

He must have ended the call because there was silence and then I heard ... "Lord help me. Lord Jesus, what is all this?"

Since I'd overheard I went to the next aisle to find a man with 3 items in his hands looking pitifully lost. He pointed to the Dark N' Lovely relaxers and asked me if that's what he was looking for. I told him no and tried to help. He said "No offense at all, but I am so glad I am a man. I don't know how ya'll do all this. Thank you sista". He wandered off to the color aisle and then I heard...

"Lord Jesus let me get this right. Lord, you have always pointed me in the right direction so please show me what is right".. Luckily an employee then walked up and asked him what he needed. I didn't have time to stick around and see if he found what he was looking for. But he gave me a good laugh. His SO might need to just get her own hair products next time because who knows what he came home with.


Does anyone else send their SO to get products? Do they get it right? They would have to do better than that poor man today.
LMAO wow why is he being so extra dramatic with it, I usually just send em with a list...no problems there :)
LMAO wow why is he being so extra dramatic with it, I usually just send em with a list...no problems there :)

Hair is serious business, ma'am.

I imagine that homegirl was going through a major hair issue, couldn't go out looking a certain way, sent her man to get it since she couldn't do it herself, and he knew that ish would blow up if he didn't get it.
haha that's funny

I always tell my bf exactly what I want, the colors, and exactly what the box/package/bottle says then I have him text me a picture before he tries to buy it. I never have problems lol
Oh, I don't even play that kind of game with SO, uh uh. He'll be all discombobulated coming back with the wong thing. Just no.

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I, too, am mad that he wanted to call on the Lord to help him out with this one like the Lord isn't busy enough as is. She should have took a picture with his phone so he would know exactly what to get. This did give me a giggle remembering the time my aunt sent her boyfriend to pick up her relaxer. :lachen:
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That was too funny, but hell no there is no way I'm sending my bf to get hair products. One time i sent him to the grocery store to get pepsi and he came back with coca- cola and told me pepsi-cola and coca- cola they're both cola so whats the difference and i had to try to explain the actual difference in taste him and tell him i dnt drink coca- cola so i wud have no soda to drink, it took him an hr before he went back to the store soooo hell to no i am not sending him to no damn bss just like he won't send me to no electronic store to get anything specific lol
Hair is serious business, ma'am.

I imagine that homegirl was going through a major hair issue, couldn't go out looking a certain way, sent her man to get it since she couldn't do it herself, and he knew that ish would blow up if he didn't get it.
I know that right lol..

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My man is great when getting my beauty products. He knows everything I use, even on my skin. He picks up my Kerastase products because thats the only brand i dont get a discount on and if there is something new out he makes sure to get it. He even knows the weave brand I use and when we drive by the boutique, he goes, "Babe, need any hair while we're over here":lachen::lachen:
LOL @ this thread!! :lol: That's so cute!

My SO's actually pretty good about hair products & fhp (feminine hygiene products.) I just tell him what I want and he comes back with it. I don't think I'd ever send him to bring back hair color though. :lachen: :nono: :look: :lachen:
Easiest thing to do is either send SO with an empty box or jar, or a picture of it and have him save it on his phone lol

That is funny! I've had to help men in haha target also to pick out things that the wife sent them to pick up. The funniest thing was the man in the makeup aisle lmao!!
I have sent my DH to the BSS to get a few packs of hair for me. He is on point when it comes to picking stuff up for me in regard to my hair. Now if I tell him what ingredients I need to make dinner, he has a high error rate. lol. I think he does it on purpose for fear I might try to coax him into cooking more than twice a year.
My DH is too forgetful in the first place so I wouldn't send him. Plus I don't want him to actually see how much stuff costs. Then when he looks at the stash he could estimate how much I spend on all these products, lol. I've been good for the last week. But now I want to try the the oyin sample kit. Trying to hold out until may.
I'd never do it because he would come back with he wrong product. I only trust myself to buy hair products. I'll let him pay for them, though.:grin:

I wud never send DH to get hair products for me WITHOUT a picture.. Ive never tried it and Im not eager too either.. plus when I go I always manage to find what I need plus some other goodies to try :yep:
Aww. Cute.

But he almost got a relaxer :blush:. Hopefully God answered his prayers lol.

eta: LOL@ what is all this? I guess to women it's so obvious. It must be quite overwhelming for guys ... the packages may as well be all written in Chinese eh?
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Easiest thing to do is either send SO with an empty box or jar, or a picture of it and have him save it on his phone lol

That is funny! I've had to help men in haha target also to pick out things that the wife sent them to pick up. The funniest thing was the man in the makeup aisle lmao!!

Yea, the bolded ^^ is how my mom sent me to the store when
I was little. All I had to do was match the package, yup!

Old school..

But if his SO was actually having a hair hizzy fit, she might not
have been able to think clearly enough, poor thang...
He must have ended the call because there was silence and then I heard ... "Lord help me. Lord Jesus, what is all this?"

He wandered off to the color aisle and then I heard...

"Lord Jesus let me get this right. Lord, you have always pointed me in the right direction so please show me what is right"

:lachen::lachen::lachen:That's funny right there. The L-rd answered Him, twice!!