What happens when you send your man to buy hair products...

Yea, the bolded ^^ is how my mom sent me to the store when
I was little. All I had to do was match the package, yup!

Old school..

But if his SO was actually having a hair hizzy fit, she might not
have been able to think clearly enough, poor thang...

haha me too!!
I send him and my son all the time for the stuff I don't order online. I write everything down that is on the bottle. I show them the bottles and if they are not sure when they get there they text me. but most of the stuff I use is online anyway.
I couldnt send my husband to buy any hair product for me even with a list cos he would somehow still manage to come back with the wrong product.
I asked my bro once to get me a lye relaxer and he actually got the exact one I asked for so I asked him how he did it. simple he told me: he gave the list to his girlfriend and she got it for him.
Lol at this story. It's all cool. A text list then wait for the phone call. That always works cuz he reads EVERYTHING.
I did this once. I did not send him to the store but he happened to be a particular store that had the stuff that I needed. I wanted him to pick me up some Aubrey organics conditioner. I stayed on the phone with him and made him read to me exactly what was on the bottle, Tell me what color the strip on the bottle was, and which way the colored swoop was. (Those who have the Aubrey organics line know what I am talking about). :look:

When he got to the isle where the stuff was, his comment was "Honey, there's so many". :spinning: :lol:

I wanted to make sure he did not come home with tons of shampoo instead of the conditioner, or the wrong conditioner.

Take home message, never hang up the phone if you want him to get the right stuff. Or like another sister said "make him take pictures with his phone and send them to you". And yes it's that serious. :blush:
No I wouldn't send him to get hair products. I've asked him to get ketchup that he uses all the time and he doesn't bring back the right one so I wouldn't expect him to bring back the right hair product.

I do understand this guys pain though. Some people just aren't shoppers. If my guy sent me to the automotive store to pick up that whatever that things is, I'm going to feel stressed. I would tell him to call ahead and have the people hold it at the desk. I will just pay for it.
I sent my hubby, then SO to get Carefree Curl. He called to describe what he saw on the shelves. I kept saying to him, " No, it's a yellow bottle!" He finally said he was brining what he saw on the shelves. He sent me a picture and it was Carefree Curl Gold which after using it, worked really well for me during that time.
I thought this was funny today. I stopped in to Target because I wanted to try the Shea Moisture line. I took a wrong turn and ended up in the color aisle when I heard someone from the next aisle over...

"Baby, yes. I'm going to get it now. Now, what is it? Dark N' Lovely rinse. Okay. I will. As soon as I hang up I'm getting the rinse. Dark N' Lovely, right? Okay, okay. I will"

He must have ended the call because there was silence and then I heard ... "Lord help me. Lord Jesus, what is all this?"

Since I'd overheard I went to the next aisle to find a man with 3 items in his hands looking pitifully lost. He pointed to the Dark N' Lovely relaxers and asked me if that's what he was looking for. I told him no and tried to help. He said "No offense at all, but I am so glad I am a man. I don't know how ya'll do all this. Thank you sista". He wandered off to the color aisle and then I heard...

"Lord Jesus let me get this right. Lord, you have always pointed me in the right direction so please show me what is right".. Luckily an employee then walked up and asked him what he needed. I didn't have time to stick around and see if he found what he was looking for. But he gave me a good laugh. His SO might need to just get her own hair products next time because who knows what he came home with.


Does anyone else send their SO to get products? Do they get it right? They would have to do better than that poor man today.

That was funny, I guess God answered him through you and the sales lady. Next time he should request it to be written down or texted to him so he won't make a mistake. Too cute and no I have never asked my man to get hair products for me. I never thought about that. :evillaugh:
When I have a man I won't send him to buy hair products unless it's absolutely necessary. I'm talking I'm-sick-and-can't-even-get-out-of-bed necessary. And even then I'll send a list and pictures.
My SO asked me if I needed anything from the beauty suppy. Of course I did, so I told him to bring me back some Eco Styler Olive oil and Argan oil gel. I wrote it down for him too. When he gets back home he throws me a little black plastic bag.

Thinking to myself like, why is this bag so tiny? As I go into the tiny bag, he laughed and said "Bet you thought I was gone get it wrong". I was like, of course not. I mean technically he did get right. He purchased an 8oz of the olive oil gel and a 12oz of the argan oil gel.

Now, all the gel I have brought up in this house has been 32oz and up, so I felt some kind of way when I saw these tiny little jars of gel. I guess it was my fault for not specifying size. I thanked him.
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Lol @ him calling on Jesus to find hair color.
:lachen:Well, I guess it worked because someone came to his rescue both times.

My dh can't even bring home the right OC meds i surely will NOT have him get any hair products.:nono:
I've sent guys to get hair products a couple of times...I don't give them a pic, but I describe the bottle (colors, font, etc). They usually call me in the store, but they get it right. Once, one of my friends was picking up some Shea Moisture b/c I told him to get it for himself (he was using Pank Lotion...), and he couldn't find it in Target...luckily I've memorized the general layout to Target and told him where to go...even in a Target I had never set foot in. I shop too much.
My homeboy asks me for advice because likes the keep the waves on point at all times. I schooled him on what products he should and should not use. I could send him into a Sallys and he'd grab the right stuff if I really needed him to...

...afterall HE has a Sallys card! :yep:
I have to write it down and be very descriptive and pray to God it is in stock and in clear sight because my hubby would either try to get some random substitution that he thinks will work or if he can't see the product once he hits the aisle he'll panic just like he does when I tell him to grab the orange juice that was "hiding" behind the milk jug (like perishible foods would be anywhere but in the fridge). Just a shame. He doesn't look past the surface of nothing, not unless it's his money,iPhone, or XBOX controller. Lol!
I'm really shy so my SO always goes... Um he's sometimes a pj comes back with exactly what I want but more stuff... He knows about sulfates parabens and then always wants me to try this or try that. He's good with products lol one day a lady did ask if he needed help, he ended up helping her find stuff