What happened to the thread "Negroid hair as told by others?"

Whenever that message comes up after doing a search, the thread has been deleted.

Had one go poof on me last night while I was reading it. When I clicked to go to the next page, that message came up.

I can't find it anymore. I tried searching for it on google, and when I click the link to open the thread, it says I do not have sufficient authorization to view the page? What's all that about?
No there was no drama from the last time I saw it, and I was on here pretty late last night. Except the OP got offended when it was asked why this was their first post. All and all, it was actually quite tamed for the subject matter. The problem with the link that I found (besides the most RIDICULOUS names I've ever heard to describe our hair type, those words are listed in this thread and don't bear repeating) was that the thread on that other forum was about 3 years or so old in any case, so who cares what they were saying. And only about 3 people were even discussing it. They were using anthropological terms to describe people (Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and a bunch of other -oids) and then on top of that adding every other kind of typical stereotypical stuff that folks say about blacks and why we are inferior to everyone else.

I don't know, I think it was kinda of pointless. I mean, that's like coming in and posting "Look at what the KKK thinks about black people...." :rolleyes:,

:lachen: i'm sorry i had to laugh this one off a little bit but ur absolutely right. that's why i opted not to even read. i agree, sometimes some things are best left "unwritten". I think this thread just give us ammunition to just go off. i didn't know the thread was 3 years old...yeah i don't think something like that should get ressurected. keep it where it lay. foxier they must not know; but hey like i had said times b4: everyone wants to be like us but no one wants to be us!
There was a little drama, but it wasn't a circus.

I posted in it like 3 times.

Was slightly annoyed when some people didn't know what white/European nationalists ARE :ohwell:

or said things along the line as "well, it seems like they are just having a normal discussion"

or when people acted like whatever those people have to say should hold any type of value to us

or talked about posting links over there for the scum to see us.

It was a mess :lol: Just shameful.

I do wonder why it was taken off. I've seen worse posts when it comes to drama. Not even locked. hmmmm...
I moved it. Some folx were more interested in bashing the OP than discussing the topic. It had cooled down, but you know how folx are...as it got more pages the new folx would come and add to the sentiment and I dont want to see any of you all banned. Here is the link if you are interested in continuing the discussion:

O....K. Read some of that piece. You really can't feed into negativity. It really sounds like some people with little knowledge of our ancestry just talking and rambling. No biggie...
Oh it probably went to lhcf heaven like the threads I started late last night. Mines disappeared in 2n2 all cuz I can't sing Anita Baker songs. :look: :lachen:
I'm glad the thread was started, regardless of the reason, and I'm also glad it's now gone. Unlike some people, who I guess know everything, I was able to learn some things from it. I've never heard of some of the topics/ terms discussed. Maybe I should start watching CNN more often. :ohwell:
Were people fighting amongst each other? I hope not. I'm starting to suspect that the OP might have been trying to use that thread as a "divide and conquer" technique. The link was too strange.

Not really. But, to me...I thought it was funny because of the names that those people were naming us black folk on that site.
I'm glad the thread was started, regardless of the reason, and I'm also glad it's now gone. Unlike some people, who I guess know everything, I was able to learn some things from it. I've never heard of some of the topics/ terms discussed. Maybe I should start watching CNN more often. :ohwell:

What could you possibly have learned form the ramblings of ignorant white supremacists?

Outdated and made up racial terms? :ohwell:
:blush: I was the first to respond. I read the thing and then I discussed it with my hubby and then I looked the the OPs stats. I wasn't mad at the OP or the stuff in the link...I thought it was interesting only b/c I always wondered how others discussed some of the questions they had about our race.

I thought it was odd that a link of that sort would be a person's very first post. I wasn't trying to start anything but I know when I came here I was (and still am) in awe of all the beautiful heads of hair here...

I mean there wasnt anything, it was like "hey look at this link" and that's it.

Usually we newbies gush on and on about hair tramas from the past and how they are so greatful to have found this site. :perplexed

I really apologize if I was the one that started the small fire. :blush:
I'm glad the thread was started, regardless of the reason, and I'm also glad it's now gone. Unlike some people, who I guess know everything, I was able to learn some things from it. I've never heard of some of the topics/ terms discussed. Maybe I should start watching CNN more often. :ohwell:

:lachen::lachen: do they even say any of those terms on cnn...jk i think its more, to each their own. when folks get tired of hearing some of the same stereotypical terms used to define us...that's when you find alot of folks getting upset over simple as a thread w/ a racial subject.
but this thread alone I alone I find interesting.
Lol. Not from THEM, from the ladies here on LHCF...including you.


I don't promote hate, and I'm not at all racist, but I certainly don't think that those people deserve ANY consideration. Absolutely drives me crazy that anyone would. I truly find them to be repulsive and evil.
Whenever that message comes up after doing a search, the thread has been deleted.

Had one go poof on me last night while I was reading it. When I clicked to go to the next page, that message came up.

I was told by a mod that it ended up being moved to admin and closed.

:lachen: i'm sorry i had to laugh this one off a little bit but ur absolutely right. that's why i opted not to even read. i agree, sometimes some things are best left "unwritten". I think this thread just give us ammunition to just go off. i didn't know the thread was 3 years old...yeah i don't think something like that should get ressurected. keep it where it lay. foxier they must not know; but hey like i had said times b4: everyone wants to be like us but no one wants to be us!

I totally agree with the bolded. I thought the same thing to myself this weekend when I was watching a show talking about getting tans and having people surgically shaping their butts so it would look better in a bathing suit. But that is totally different topic that we need not get into.
I was told by a mod that it ended up being moved to admin and closed.

I totally agree with the bolded. I thought the same thing to myself this weekend when I was watching a show talking about getting tans and having people surgically shaping their butts so it would look better in a bathing suit. But that is totally different topic that we need not get into.

i feel ya!