what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

If the other person hasnt proven their copyright of the patent why does she have to stop?

I'm not understanding this either. Njoy's very nasty posts (I was shocked, she was always so nice on here) claimed that the other person's patent is public information, but she stopped short of providing receipts. Something still doesn't seem right.

Also, those of you still defending this ... I see you've also avoided commenting on the fact that her other website is still taking orders.
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The patent infringement issue came up when she first posted on this site about her idea. It is not new information. Kelechi responded and posted some of her patent filing information. That thread was deleted, hence the "what happened to the CWK straight plates thread" post.

naturalmanenyc Oh I gathered it wasn't new from NJoy's posts back in June. Which is why I said I see why she kept making the changes. I figure she was trying to make it more of her own invention. I appreciate her posting some of her patent filing info. What I don't appreciate though is the fact that she still kept taking orders (and continues to do so?) before getting all of that worked out. I know it takes time, but still...
naturalmanenyc Oh I gathered it wasn't new from NJoy's posts back in June. Which is why I said I see why she kept making the changes. I figure she was trying to make it more of her own invention. I appreciate her posting some of her patent filing info. What I don't appreciate though is the fact that she still kept taking orders (and continues to do so?) before getting all of that worked out. I know it takes time, but still...

Yeah, the post about the patent on this forum was in April/May. There were multiple threads on this forum in fact, all of them deleted and this one started in May.

You're right, she is still taking orders on her site. They even show an October delivery date. http://www.cwkgirls.com/buy-your-cwk-plates
Yeah, the post about the patent on this forum was in April/May. There were multiple threads on this forum in fact, all of them deleted and this one started in May.

You're right, she is still taking orders on her site. They even show an October delivery date. http://www.cwkgirls.com/buy-your-cwk-plates

Still up. I can't believe this.:nono: I entered my info and went through all the way to the end where it asks for cc info to see if it would stop and say "error" or something. Nope. If I entered the final step of cc info, it would submit. I of course did not enter my cc info and deleted the order. I just wanted to see if it was disabled and only looked like it had a presence for orders or if others are still able to order. Well it has not been disabled. And yes it does state October date for shipment.
Still up. I can't believe this.:nono: I entered my info and went through all the way to the end where it asks for cc info to see if it would stop and say "error" or something. Nope. If I entered the final step of cc info, it would submit. I of course did not enter my cc info and deleted the order. I just wanted to see if it was disabled and only looked like it had a presence for orders or if others are still able to order. Well it has not been disabled. And yes it does state October date for shipment.

I wonder how many people have been robbed ordering them. Isn't it easier to not accept payments than to refund each payment that's been collected on the site? It sounds dishonest to me.
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Still up. I can't believe this.:nono: I entered my info and went through all the way to the end where it asks for cc info to see if it would stop and say "error" or something. Nope. If I entered the final step of cc info, it would submit. I of course did not enter my cc info and deleted the order. I just wanted to see if it was disabled and only looked like it had a presence for orders or if others are still able to order. Well it has not been disabled. And yes it does state October date for shipment.

Things like the above is my point--if it's not shady then it is unorganized & clueless. How in the scheme of what's going on could she over look something like that? Maybe it's not with ill-intentions but it doesn't make sense. IMO that's something simple to take care of...there isn't that much busy in the world.
Well at least those people that order on the website will have protection if they use a credit card or some type of service like Paypal.
Someone on the Facebook page asked about the handling of refunds if one purchased from her website, but so far that has gone unanswered.

Has anyone received an Amazon email for the refunds yet?
I hope she is reading this and can stop making the sales on the website if this is some sort of oversight - this is the difference between miscalculating vs. deliberate fraud.
^^^^Girl please..disabling the website should of been the FIRST thing she did to prevent any new orders from coming in if she is truly closing the operation down.
I hope she is reading this and can stop making the sales on the website if this is some sort of oversight - this is the difference between miscalculating vs. deliberate fraud.

But she must see that she's receiving money(provided anyone's ordering)
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I feel that some people wouldn't get this much benefit of the doubt here :look:

Its like read the signs guize:look:
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I feel that some people wouldn't get this much benefit of the doubt here :look:

That's true... But I think people genuinely saw how much effort she put into this so it's hard to understand what went wrong and easier to just blame it on an administrative oversight ...plus some of us were excited about those plates lol
That's true... But I think people genuinely saw how much effort she put into this so it's hard to understand what went wrong and easier to just blame it on an administrative oversight ...plus some of us were excited about those plates lol

You're right. I'm being harsh. But I senses dishonesty long ago.
You're right. I'm being harsh. But I senses dishonesty long ago.

Everyone has a different view and I think she is getting the BOD because it seemed to be an anticipated and promising product. Also, people already invested money in it and are now getting nothing. I've been following the threads and for someone who had to go into her savings for the product as well, it makes me wonder how were lawyers and stuff paid.

You are being harsh. I also agree with you 100%.
I wonder how many people have been robbed ordering them. Isn't it easier to not accept payments than to refund each payment that's been collected on the site? It sounds dishonest to me.

There are people in the FB group asking her how they will get a refund if they pre-ordered on the actual website and not through kickstarter....so there are people who have ordered and continue to order via the CWK website...just a matter of how many and how their money is currently being used...And their question has gone unanswered.
There are people in the FB group asking her how they will get a refund if they pre-ordered on the actual website and not through kickstarter....so there are people who have ordered and continue to order via the CWK website...just a matter of how many and how their money is currently being used...And their question has gone unanswered.

Egads.....a mess
I'm happy that I canceled my order, before the campaign was over!

I :pray: all of the ladies that invested receive a refund!

Y'all ran off nakialovesshoes and HanaKuroi from the board! :sad: In addition, they both have black eyes from this mess. However, both ladies were correct, :yep:
I'm happy that I canceled my order, before the campaign was over! I :pray: all of the ladies that invested receive a refund! Y'all ran off nakialovesshoes and HanaKuroi from the board! :sad: In addition, they both have black eyes from this mess. However, both ladies were correct, :yep:

I was wondering where HanaKuroi and wondered if the mess in one of the deleted threads was why she was no longer around:( If you're in contact with her please tell her that I said hi and she's definitely missed. She was extremely helpful to me when I became active here.
JC (The Natural Haven) is trying to get another interview with her. Apparently they will stop taking orders through the website soon?

CWK Plates - Production Cancelled!
Update 25/10/2014 - Kelechi has confirmed to me that her webmaster will be disabling purchasing of the straight plates on her website over the weekend. I am still waiting for a response regarding the interview.

Original Post - 24/10/2014

Some of you have written to me about the CWK plates latest email. I am also a backer of the project so I did receive it too. In short Kelechi Bradley (the inventor) has confirmed that she will be refunding all backers and production and sale of the plates is not happening. This is related to someone contacting her advising that they have patented a similar product earlier.

I am very disappointed with the last update and I would like to get the inventor on the record about what exactly is going on. I have emailed Kelechi to get some clarification as the last update was about prototypes being approved and production ready to start.

I was also advised literally just this minute that it is possible to purchase plates from the CWK site. I will again get in touch with Kelechi about this.

Watch this space!
Her webmaster needs to disable the site? She can't do it? *giggles* Oh Girl....Really that is the explanation she is going with? on "Shop in a Box" website?? She needs someone else to go in and turn off sales? hmmmmmmm

I'm disappointed to hear that other members were run off the forums because they dared to go against the grain when the original disputes were aired. Too bad the threads were deleted. I never saw them but man if I had, I wouldn't have ever participated in the Kickstarter campaign.

The delay in updating unsuspecting social media followers while still taking orders on the website is making lots of people suspicious.

I don't think it was some elaborate scam to keep the $24,000 she raised plus the money from the website orders. However, since the email went out days ago the social media accounts should have been updated to read the plates will not be produced. I'm sure her "webmaster" is not handling her instagram account, pinterest, Facebook and twitter account too.

^And not even since the last email went out, since she said she would stop the pre-orders 2 months ago.

Project Update #21: An Update To CWK Plates Kickstarter Investors
Posted by Kelechi Bradley ♥ Like
Good morning Investors,
As we work diligently behind the scenes to bring the CWK Straight Plates vision to life, it is important to us that we offer you, our KickStarter investors, continued updates regarding production, shipping, and changes.
At the close of the KickStarter campaign we partnered closely with our manufacturer to review the developmental phases and set an estimated completion date. Based on the work detailed in the outline, we estimated that the process would be completed early to mid August. This initial time frame built in time to create an updated prototype, engineer the molds, and manufacture a sample set for testing and approval. Unfortunately, due to manufacturing and continued testing our shipping date has been pushed back until October. Please remember that this product is a new innovation and entails a lot of trial and error.
To be transparent, the design and results yielded from the first sample set were good, but not CWK Girls great. Developer, Kelechi Bradely, has since then reworked several components of the Straight Plate design that has substantially improved the overall quality and functionality of the plates. We understand that you have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of your CWK Girls product, and we hate to delay the process any longer; but our number one priority is to ensure that the product is both of high quality and exceeds your expectations.
In the meantime, to honor our commitment to our KickStarter investors, our team has decided to put an halt to all CWK Straight Plate pre-orders in order to solely focus on perfecting our product and getting it into you hands as quickly as possible. The newly designed sample plates are in production and will be shipped to the CWK Girls office for testing. We are hoping that the third time is the charm! For instant updates, and photos regarding our process follow our Instagram page @cwk_girls. Additionally, if you have a change in your shipping address before the estimated shipping date, please email us at [email protected]. Be sure to enter ‘Change of Address’ in the subject line as this will help use easily track the changes as time progresses.
We understand that the process has been long; therefore, if you would like a refund on your investment we will gladly honor your request. You may submit your request within 10 days via Amazon. Please note that we will process the request in the order that they are submitted.
We are beyond grateful for your excitement, understanding, and continued support. You are our first customers and the CWK Girls team is relentlessly working to make certain that your investment is protected.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
The CWK Girls Team
This was emailed on August 23rd.
She is setting allllll this up for when the money "Runs out" and she can't finish the refunds. Then she can point back to how she "tried to do the right thing" but cannot continue because the money is gone. That's why she keeps vocalizing herself as this Angel Do-Gooder...so it will be just that much easier to explain away why only a portion of customers received their funds back.

And I pointed out yesterday that she is STILL taking money and orders on her website which is the DEFINITION OF SCAM and also against FTC rules...

She's going to use the money from the recent orders to pay the first people that ordered and then continue the process till the last people get screwed over.

She seems like a scam artist pro.
Did anyone else get the most recent update? She said that she already gave back refunds. Did anyone geteir money back yet?