what happened to the no heat straight plates thread ckw and launch?

Okay ladies, here is an update. I went ahead and paid for the molds last week to get a head start on my production run .... I went ahead and tapped into my savings bc I want to get these plates shipped in a timely manner. Right now I have a little under 500 orders to fill, so it will be a busy summer (which is GREAT)!!!! As soon as the campaign is over, the money will be released, but i believe that I have to wait 2 weeks to get the funds. I will pay for the plates as soon as the funds are released and the production will begin!!! I will keep you all posted!

The computer is up and running...working on uploading video right now :)

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Hey Kelechi, thank you for the update I know it is not easy to do all of this well done though. With the video please please refer to my comments in past posts

- Show each step and a full head of hair with airdrying and with heat.
- Use styling foam and use plates without
- Take great quality pictures(borrow a camera if you have to) so we can clearly see the results. That way you are not wasting your energy. Use good lighting and natural light, different angles.
- If possible show day 1, day 2, day 3 hair and focus on the edges.

I wish you great success,

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There must be a mistake your unaware of because it was only 20 seconds and nothing was shown

Okay, I just went and looked at it and there was an error with the video.... Ugh!!! That is not the whole video, the entire video is about 5 mins. I am not sure what happened, but I will look into it tonight :-/ .....sorry!

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
She will fix it.

Almost $22000, before it ends on Monday.

I'm glad she has a good number of first orders. I can't wait for reviews!!!
Hello ladies,

I truly cannot explain how I feel today, I am beyond excited about the support that I received from CWK girls all over the world. I remember when I first launched this project, I was so nervous but excited to get the news out about these plates. I knew the product was great, but I was hoping that other other women would understand my vision....and you did!!! The campaign raised a little over $24,000 (3 times what I initially asked for). I cannot express how grateful I am for your belief in me and my product. I will keep you updated with what is going on each week until you get your orders in.

So here's the first update:

What happens next????

The money will take about two weeks to hit my amazon account. Until then, I cannot access any funds. I knew this would set me back two or three weeks, so I went ahead and paid the manufacturer (1/4) of the money a few weeks ago so he can get a head's start on the molds. I didn't want this to put us behind on our August/September shipment date.

The molds should be ready around mid-July. Once the molds are done, my manufacturer will send me samples to approve. Once I approve the samples, I will give him the okay to start the first production run. While I am waiting on the production shipment to come in, I will get 500 plus boxes labeled (address) and ready for shipment. Once the shipment comes in, I will box the product and head to the post office for shipment.

I will keep you up to date each week. Thanks again for your support!! I cannot wait to get these plates in your hands!!

Kelechi Bradley


CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without Heat-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
Hello ladies,

I truly cannot explain how I feel today, I am beyond excited about the support that I received from CWK girls all over the world. I remember when I first launched this project, I was so nervous but excited to get the news out about these plates. I knew the product was great, but I was hoping that other other women would understand my vision....and you did!!! The campaign raised a little over $24,000 (3 times what I initially asked for). I cannot express how grateful I am for your belief in me and my product. I will keep you updated with what is going on each week until you get your orders in.

So here's the first update:

What happens next????

The money will take about two weeks to hit my amazon account. Until then, I cannot access any funds. I knew this would set me back two or three weeks, so I went ahead and paid the manufacturer (1/4) of the money a few weeks ago so he can get a head's start on the molds. I didn't want this to put us behind on our August/September shipment date.

The molds should be ready around mid-July. Once the molds are done, my manufacturer will send me samples to approve. Once I approve the samples, I will give him the okay to start the first production run. While I am waiting on the production shipment to come in, I will get 500 plus boxes labeled (address) and ready for shipment. Once the shipment comes in, I will box the product and head to the post office for shipment.

I will keep you up to date each week. Thanks again for your support!! I cannot wait to get these plates in your hands!!

Kelechi Bradley

CWK Plates- Straighten Hair Without Heat-http://youtu.be/CJlTt02SUis
@ knbradley

When will you post the entire video? This is something your backers have been asking for since the start of the campaign, i don't understand why it is so difficult to make and post the entire video showing coarser textures
Congrats I know this is an exciting and hectic time for you. Thing is we as customers were promised an instructional video on your product and so as to correctly use and assess what is thought of it I really would like the video promised. I once again congratulate you on your new business but I'm going to need a little customer service please. Would love to Tell my peeps bout the new straightning tool that's out but not if they can't get good service. Thanks in advance.
Congrats I know this is an exciting and hectic time for you. Thing is we as customers were promised an instructional video on your product and so as to correctly use and assess what is thought of it I really would like the video promised. I once again congratulate you on your new business but I'm going to need a little customer service please. Would love to Tell my peeps bout the new straightning tool that's out but not if they can't get good service. Thanks in advance.

I think it's pretty clear that its not going to happen :look:.
It's not that difficult to create and upload such a video...
There's obviously something else at play here.
Probably annoyed that folks keep harping on that video. I'm more turned off by the contest she had and was supposed to announce a winner for, which remains to be seen.

Hopefully the product will speak for itself, and she'll learn and only get better with her customer care and her word in the future.
I think she still have issues with her PC. You can find her on the facebook CWKgirls group.

A bit of patience is what it takes, once all 500+ orders are received everyone will forget the issues if she gets herself better organized. I would opt on concentrating issues on her website, facebook, instagram and twitter. The forum can be used for sales, new product, and various news.
Amarilles said:
Probably annoyed that folks keep harping on that video. I'm more turned off by the contest she had and was supposed to announce a winner for, which remains to be seen.

Hopefully the product will speak for itself, and she'll learn and only get better with her customer care and her word in the future.

She made a video like we asked but was only five seconds long. She said she would fix it last week and upload the entire video. She made us think there was a technical error and would fix it when she got home from work. I think this was last Thursday. She finally came back to the thread yesterday but said nothing about the video at all. She needs to stop playing. Her actions speak louder than her words.

So, she didn't announce a winner, she didn't make a video after she was asked to repeatedly, and she changed the product in the middle of her kickstarter. Those were simple things she didn't follow through with.

I have a problem when a business won't give me a straight answer. I don't like when the answers are excuses like I was too busy or my computer broke. Your computer seemed to work just fine when you were on other sites during that period. If you think you are busy now, just wait until school starts and you are trying to juggle both.

I believed in you and was going to purchase a few hundred dollars worth of plates. I was going to buy enough for me and DD. But, because I never saw the install on a type 4 head, I couldn't figure out how many to buy.

We type 4's have some thick hair. I thought about guessing and hoping for the best. I shouldn't have to guess. When most of your customers are a type 4 you should our concerns. From the beginning we asked for a video showing the results on a type 4. For some reason it was never done. This leads me to believe that they must not work well on type 4 or you need so many the price would be too high.

I won't be purchasing and I am really disappointed. I have funded many, many kickstarters. They always did such a great job in their introductory video, I never needed to ask any questions.

I hope she pulls it together and everyone is satisfied. I wish her luck.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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Maybe she doesn't have enough plates for a whole head yet since she only has prototypes. Maybe after the first run she'll do a proper video. Also, maybe she's working on video quality, etc. Idk.
She has enough support without the video, for now. She's focusing on other things and will hopefully address other concerns later.
Avyn said:
Maybe she doesn't have enough plates for a whole head yet since she only has prototypes. Maybe after the first run she'll do a proper video. Also, maybe she's working on video quality, etc. Idk.
She has enough support without the video, for now. She's focusing on other things and will hopefully address other concerns later.

True, but why can't she just say so?

I asked her if there would be a video yes or no last week. That was all I asked for. Yes or no.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Avyn said:
Maybe she doesn't have enough plates for a whole head yet since she only has prototypes. Maybe after the first run she'll do a proper video. Also, maybe she's working on video quality, etc. Idk.
She has enough support without the video, for now. She's focusing on other things and will hopefully address other concerns later.

I forgot, she posted a five second video. When it was brought to her attention that the rest of the video was missing she said she would fix it as soon as she got home. That was last week. No fixed video as of yet and no explanation.

You are right she has enough support without my few hundred dollars.

I cannot say what she is focusing on or what her concerns are. She hasn't told us that. I am not going to speak for her.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Yup. Something ain't right. I'm all for supporting upstarts but so many red flags keep popping up. Simple requests going unanswered means that there might be shipping issues/customer service problems later.
This is the reason why l didn't just jump on this. I wanted to see a video with kinky hair.

I have noticed the avoidance of answering the questions so right now l will not be purchasing anything. I also want to see reviews on this without heat. So far the videos only show them being used with a hooded dryer.
I personally don't think this will work on kinky hair by itself. It will need to be used with heat to get straighter results, which to me I could get with a blowdryer using indirect heat. The whole thing looks uncomfortable and time consuming. Just my opinion.
Probably annoyed that folks keep harping on that video. I'm more turned off by the contest she had and was supposed to announce a winner for, which remains to be seen. Hopefully the product will speak for itself, and she'll learn and only get better with her customer care and her word in the future.
No, she cancelled the contest after so many ppl told her they didn't want extra plates and to just deliver the original order. It was announced on here and to kickstarter pledgee's (I guess). I know she announced it somewhere!
This person bought her unfinished product to the wrong audience. Better to start of small...REALLY small for this tough crowd.
I didn't realize the contest and the add-ons where related? :lol: I know she scrapped the add-ons but it wasn't obvious to me that the contest was too. I've seen people on FB/Instagram asking about the winners.

This person bought her unfinished product to the wrong audience. Better to start of small...REALLY small for this tough crowd.
LHCF actually helped her out real nicely...it was only once she had views from other platforms that things started getting shaky.
No, she cancelled the contest after so many ppl told her they didn't want extra plates and to just deliver the original order. It was announced on here and to kickstarter pledgee's (I guess). I know she announced it somewhere!

Yes, I remember her email about that.