What Happened to Lot's Wife after She Turned to a Pillar of Salt?

her body returned to dust and her soul went back to God.

I await scripture supporting her soul going back to God. In an earlier post I referenced a scripture that said her SPIRIT returned to God and her body to the dust/earth. The destination of her soul is the question, IMHO.
Yes, I've heard about the skin care products. I've even read that it helps with some cancers...

Did you read/see my last post? I have scripture references embedded after most everything I said; however, let me know if you can't see it, that's happened to me before

Yes. Thanks. I saw your post after I had posted the request for scriptures! Thanks it was very insightful:yep:
I await scripture supporting her soul going back to God. In an earlier post I referenced a scripture that said her SPIRIT returned to God and her body to the dust/earth. The destination of her soul is the question, IMHO.

arent they the same thing? i always thought the soul and spirit were the same and they both go back 2 GOD......
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