What Hair Type Are You? PICS!

I believe my hair is 4a. It's looser in the front than the back but overall it looks 4a to me. This is my hair my first time being natural. Just BCed again in April and it's growing in the same way.


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I am a type 4 something (don't know what type). This is partially wet hair with a leave in...I am about to detangle hence why they are in puffy sections lol
I just want to say that I am insanely jealous of all of the thick haired girls in this thread! Man, you all have some lovely hair!
I think I'm an 8wxyz! Hair is wet, no product in pic. I have no idea what this stuff is. :lol::drunk::grin:


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@mFrotastic how beautiful!!! I think you're mostly 4B.

There are some BEAUTIFUL HEADS in here! I LLOOOVE all the pics! Keep em' coming ladies!
Here are some old pics when I was natural. I'm 4a/4b


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I know that I'm 4something.

Diagnosed a bit. 4b/4c, with 4a in the back.


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This is my hair right after washing and is about 70% dry, no product added. My hair is looser in the front than at the crown, but I get anywhere from 4a to 4c


I have not taken any pics of my naked hair in forever! I will try to remember to take one tomorrow on wash day and post it.
4b with a smidge of 4a in the back, fine strands, medium low density!


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This is my hair right after washing and is about 70% dry, no product added. My hair is looser in the front than at the crown, but I get anywhere from 4a to 4c

Beautiful tresses you have tiajonay!

I am mostly 4b with a touch of 4a in the back and loose waves in the front.

See avatar....
I have not taken any pics of my naked hair in forever! I will try to remember to take one tomorrow on wash day and post it.

As promised! Towel dried with no product.

A mix of 4a/b/c all on one strand at times :lol:

I'm newly natural due to a bad dye job 4 months ago. I'm guessing I'm a 4c? What do you ladies think?


ETA: dry hair with no product
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These are pics of my hair wet/damp with no product. I have a little bit of everything, but mostly 3b/c and 4a


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4b with 4a sprinkled throughout the back and perimeter.


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Saving my place! Wash day is tomorrow!

ETA: I didn't let my hair dry enough to get any pictures. I was too busy oil rinsing. I'll try again next wash day.
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I never posted a pic. My hair is what I consider to be 4A

Man my hair has grown a lot since this pic I took in April :lol:
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Here's my contribution, my apologies if it is large I uploaded from my phone:/ I think 3c with a smidgen of 3b at the nape but I am not sure


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