What Hair Style are You Ladies Rocking This Spring


Well-Known Member
My hair seem to be doing well and is healthy. I've been experiencing several new Dominican products and loving them. Since my length is top of shoulder, my goal was to learn to do a rod set on the old orange perm rods. Well, that was to no avail. They're going back to Salley's today. Since I'm really good at roller setting, I decided to use a mix of magnetic rollers, orange, yellow and beige. BINGO! Just what I've been looking to accomplish. Not a spiral look but a loose curly look. I would call it a cross between the Sanaa Lathan look and the old Whitney Houston look. I'm loving this doo and it is low maintenance. I've received tons of compliments. I was at a luncheon on Sat and the ladies thought I had just left the salon. Meanwhile, it was 3 days old. This keeps my hair off the shoulders. This is my new spring look. I even think this will work along with my 12 wks stretches, because all I do is finger it! No combing except for wash day. What are you ladies rocking this spring.
I will be rocking twists and twistouts all spring. Sticking to the protective twists until June atleast, I want some more length by then:yep: :)
my trusty old standby... the wash and go. and it's cousin, the wash and go puff. :lol:

i'll be much more creative this summer though, when i start my C&G braid routine...
good ole' 1/2 wigs and phony ponies trying to retain length and hide my hair for a while....a long while...and I want to see what the baggying is doing if anything at all.
Micros, micros, micros. Wet & go, oil scalp, spray, wet & go, shampoo, oil scalp, spray, wet & go...Lovin the low maintenance. Looking forward to not fussing over my hair at all this spring & summer.
I'll be going to Aruba for my birthday and so i'm gonna do braids for that............ but once i return, it'll be back to the buns and pinned-up single plait. Nuffin new or fancy, same old protective styles! :D
I've been in braides for the past wk. and 1/2, trying to stretch this relaxer 6 months I figure this will be easier. I finally bought some Colorshines and not sure if I want to put it in on thursday or wait until my stretch is over, decisions decisions, :p .
Protective styles for the most part, cornrows, flat-twist and plenty of buns.
I'm going to get 2 or 3 tracks sewn in next month and wear a long bob ...I'll do that with flexi rod sets and of course the usual buns.
The bun. I've avoided doing protective styles until now but I am going to try to do a bun whenever possible until the summer time.
Effective 4/30/2007 I will start wearning my hair down and enjoying all my progress and then the end of the summer I think I will get twist until the fall
Still rocking my instant weaves, but I'm change the color to Jet Black (#1) instead of my 1B/33 mix.
Wash n Go's, *rollerset, *silk wraps, braidouts, twist outs, french braids, french twist, and other low manipulations styles. Basically i wanna do anything but the bun. I'm so over the bun but it's so easy to do so we'll see how long i can stay without doing the bun.

* hopefully i can learn to successfully do these within the next couple of weeks.
I think I am going to try buns, since I never wore them before and haven't been able to until now. I will also start wearing the phony ponnies on the weekend. It is going to be hot and humid where I live.:
I put bantu knots in my hair every night and wear a curly updo during the day. I'm going to keep doing this until I reach my hair goals. As it gets longer, I will do the bantu knots and wear it down sometimes.
right now pony tails...with a baggy inside the bun.

i do a variety of things with my pony, make a bun, straight...part on the side, bangs etc etc
growinglong777 said:
I think I am going to try buns, since I never wore them before and haven't been able to until now. I will also start wearing the phony ponnies on the weekend. It is going to be hot and humid where I live.:

Growinglong, I read your thread earlier and your hair is beautiful. You retained a lot of growth since Dec. How do you normally wear your hair? Have you been using protective styles?
KiniKakes said:
I'll be going to Aruba for my birthday and so i'm gonna do braids for that............ but once i return, it'll be back to the buns and pinned-up single plait. Nuffin new or fancy, same old protective styles! :D

Take mesquito repellent and sunscreen (it's 82-89 degrees pretty much year round).

I'm wearing kinky twists until June when I touch-up my texturizer.
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janeemat said:
My hair seem to be doing well and is healthy. I've been experiencing several new Dominican products and loving them. Since my length is top of shoulder, my goal was to learn to do a rod set on the old orange perm rods. Well, that was to no avail. They're going back to Salley's today. Since I'm really good at roller setting, I decided to use a mix of magnetic rollers, orange, yellow and beige. BINGO! Just what I've been looking to accomplish. Not a spiral look but a loose curly look. I would call it a cross between the Sanaa Lathan look and the old Whitney Houston look. I'm loving this doo and it is low maintenance. I've received tons of compliments. I was at a luncheon on Sat and the ladies thought I had just left the salon. Meanwhile, it was 3 days old. This keeps my hair off the shoulders. This is my new spring look. I even think this will work along with my 12 wks stretches, because all I do is finger it! No combing except for wash day. What are you ladies rocking this spring.

This is my new one too! I rollerset on Sunday night and re-roll on satin rollers nightly. I am doing a little combing though. And I pin the curls up to keep them out of the way. I LOVE THIS! And it is easy while I am hitting the end of my pregnant time.:)
Braids....Braids....and MORE BRAIDS....every 4 weeks I will do a hot oil treatment and deep condition then back to braids. Keep it SIMPLE!
We've had a few really gorgeous warm days here so I'm starting to think about wearing my hair down more often.

I know I'm still going to wear my trusty bun but I plan to wear my hair loose at least 30% of the time now. When it gets hot I like to co-wash every morning and just wear it loose in curls. I did that this morning.:)
twists and twistouts , protective twists until June. I want more length :)

I can wash my hair every day
Ill be wearing my hair up buns and ponytails, and phony ponys its starting to get hot here in florida and I hate being hot with my hair down.
Same old protective styles during the week and roller sets or curling iron (yes I said curling iron don't beat me) on Sundays for church.

same as ive been doing all along. an updo and occasionally wear it down. im starting to get really bored with my hair though. i cant do that much because my hair is short and thin.