What exactly is the baggie method?

Ok I read the baggie method but does anybody use gel for theirs?? My hair is short so my pony will not stay in a ponytail without gel. and where is everyone getting decent buns from???
sky_blu said:
Ok I read the baggie method but does anybody use gel for theirs?? My hair is short so my pony will not stay in a ponytail without gel. and where is everyone getting decent buns from???

Hi sky_blu,
The purpose of the baggie method is to protect your ends. You want them moisturized. Regular gel wouldn't necessarily help that. There have been a number of people, though, who've found success with activator gel (if that's what you meant) because glycerin is one of the first ingredients listed. (My hair doesn't get along with glycerin and turns to straw, although it used to like it - go figure). So find the moisturizing leave-in of your choice, saturate the length of your ponytail with it, seal it in with an oil (or some of us use petroleum jelly), and then put the baggie over it.

It's ok to gel the hair that you slick back, that's exposed, not part of the ponytail (just know that it can be drying). I prefer to use Mane Attraction by Asha's Naturals to slick back my hair.

I bought a fake bun once but it couldn't stay on. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on that. I wear phonytails instead. I've bought them from Sally's and online (LMK if you want the links; I'd be happy to provide them).

Nyambura said:
It's ok to gel the hair that you slick back, that's exposed, not part of the ponytail (just know that it can be drying). I prefer to use Mane Attraction by Asha's Naturals to slick back my hair.

Yes that I wanted the gel for I didnt want to put it on my ends. Their already dry as heck. Where can I get the Mane Attraction gel at?? and how long does it last?? I usually use JAM when possible because it doesnt flake and my hair isnt dried out after using it.
sky_blu said:
Yes that I wanted the gel for I didnt want to put it on my ends. Their already dry as heck. Where can I get the Mane Attraction gel at?? and how long does it last?? I usually use JAM when possible because it doesnt flake and my hair isnt dried out after using it.

If you like Let's Jam, then stick with it. :yep: I bought a big jar of Mane Attraction and I'm in my 3rd month using it. I buy it from here: http://www.ashasnaturals.com/departmentcr900.html

(Here's the main page: http://www.ashasnaturals.com/ )