What don't you use?

glycerin makes my hair crunchy. i don't use any real food besides oils either. id rather eat them. :look:
I don't use eggs, mayo, avocado, banana, or honey on my hair. I tried a DIY conditioner a while back and it was a disaster. Never again. I will not use Crisco or baking soda powder on my hair. I don't use dry shampoo or hair spritz on my hair. The only thing from my fridge or kitchen cabinet that I use is ACV, AVJ, and EVOO.
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Thanks for bumping the thread. I'm starting to become someone who can't use conditioner on my scalp. Too itchy. I have to rinse and reapply if I want to leave it in.
1. Commercial shampoos, never ever again. I have;t used a commercial shampoo in months (actually in a year (?)) and I don't miss it.

I did a blow dry flat iron this weekend and have flowing hair and I didn't use commercial shampoo to get my clean hair.

Hair spray, its just to drying.
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Dry shampoo, drug-store gels, drug-store conditioners (although I will use them in a pinch; they seem to work for 1 or 2 washes and then leave my hair in worse condition than I started). No pure glycerin or aloe vera.

Also, no mousse or hairspray. I don't use eggs, mayo or baking soda, baking powder or any other cake ingredients on my hair.

I DO prefer natural products, so those products may have glycerin, aloe vera, etc in it. However, I'm not interested in mixing stuff up at home beyond adding oil to conditioner. The simpler I keep my regimen, the more likely I am to stick to it.
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@SuchaLady Girl you live in Georgia with the best water I've ever encountered :) I'm talking so good, I always drink right out the tap every time I visit home. Cali? No ma'am! Water so hard, I swear it's a Blood or Crip.I clarify alot...even with a shower filter. Hair always feels 100 times better after. And I use minimal products...not even a gel, just mostly conditoner.

LMAO! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I don't use anything I have to make myself. I've discovered that my hair is pretty simple if I keep at the same thing product wise. I tried the chemist act once with eggs to make a protein but it was just too much for me.

I just read ingredients and buy what's already mixed together/
I don't use:

Mousse- it makes my scalp itch like hell.

Sulfate shampoo (except for my neutralizing poo)- as well as all other products containing unnatural nono ingredients. Turns out, I learned that sulfates give me acne. :sad: Had to give them up in my body soaps, too.

Conditioner :look:- I found that I don't need it at all. I rinse my scalp and hair on most days and seal with castor oil. I shampoo once a week and seal with oil again. I don't play with the protein-moisture balance stuff; I bypass that whole process altogether. Time will tell if this is OK, but so far, so good. I experience zero breakage and damage.

Deep condish- see above for reason

Protein (except during my touch-up)- see above for reason

Hair spray- I use gel or oil instead. I don't do styles that need spray anyway.

Heat, heat protectant, heat whatever- I don't use heat. I'm convinced it kills my hair on instant contact.

Conventional "Moisturizer"- I wet my hair and seal with castor oil. I might consider utilizing butters in the future though.

Leave-ins- see above for reason

I believe in KISS and I strive to have the greatest hair possible with the least amount of effort :lol:.

The first time around, when I first started growing my hair in 2007, I had reached MBL by 2010.

It was amazing for a relaxed 4b like me, but I think I started doing too much- you know, playing chemist with my regimen...just because, why not? I was trying new things- adding in ACV, this protein treatment, that new strange conditioner.
I was also using A LOT of heat. My approach to relaxing was also flawed.

My hair started to break off, leaving one nice big gap in the middle of my mane, starting at my neck. It looked awful, so I had to cut it. :ohwell:

This time around, I cut out all the unnecessary stuff and decided that I'd add back the products in as needed. So far, I've been able to keep it to two staples 95% of time: water and my wonderful castor oil. I lightly shampoo as needed (since castor oil builds up quickly), which is usually every 3-7 days. Occasionally, I add jojoba, but it's very seldom since castor oil usually suffices.

If I succeed, this time next year, I'll let y'all know how it all turns out. lol
Mousse I used to use it and now I wonder how I could stand it

Same thing with those brightly colored gels like LA looks I'm not sure if that's the name but I think my hair would just pack up and leave if I used that now

Shea butter. Maybe I'm using it wrong I don't know but every time I've tried it it's been nothing short of a hot disaster.
Any kind of protein at all. Makes my hair hard and brittle and rigid that leads to damage due to my hair becoming less pliable