What dominican products do you recommend?

I recently fell in love with a pre-poo treatment called Apretadora. Its green and has rosemary and cinnamon to help with shedding.

I cannot tell if its affecting shedding, but its VERY effective in softening hair and new growth!:up:

Queeny, no whale sperm in the procuct. Just whale fat:wink2:

I tried this last night as directed as a prepoo I love it...I followed it with a light shampoo and then used the Noni rinse followed by the Noni conditioner.
The products added a lot of moisture to my hair and made it very soft. They also worked on my daughter's natural hair and I was able to let her airdry in plaits and then put it in a puff this morning that was so soft and easy to do without tangles plus our hair smells nice.
I also have the Whale Sperm Oil in my hair for a light shine. I am loving all of the dominican conditioners. :notworthy
I love silicon mix. I'm 10 months post relaxer, and this stuff is like nap busters :lachen:"Naps, LAY DOWN!"

I like lacio lacio, but I rarely use it as a leave in. I mix it with water in a spray bottle and use it to keep my hair wet as I roller set or twist my hair.

I like the silcon mix leave in for the smell and it does moisturize, but I can take it or leave it

I haven't tried any other dominican product but I have my eyes on the 10 en 1, 11 en 1 (what is the diff btwn the two?), emergencia, Nacidit Aceite de oliva, and a couple of others, but I don't know which one to try.

I also notice that a lot of you just use the conditioners only...does anyone use the shampoos? I think that I'm happy with continued use of CON and an occasional clarifying shampoo and then to stick to doing oil pre-poos and dominican deep conditioners...does anyone else use this?
Another thing..do all dominican conditioners smell as strong as silicon mix?

I love how I can wash my hair, put in the mix, and the next day, even after it's dry, my hair still has a perfumey smell

I just peeped the nacidit coconut condish, and was wondering how it smells? (and how good it is, of course)
I hate all dominican products! They are too oily and dry my hair out. :yep: The best products that they use in Dominican salons are actually made in Italy and Spain. :) I love Salerm, Alfa Parf, and Alter Ego. Those cheap products that are made in the DR can sink in the Caribbean sea! Hehe... :lol:

Seriously, I think the homemade version of the dominican products are probably great if u can find the recipe, but the packaged ones seem to be filled w/mineral oil and cheap dye or smthg. :(

BTW, I used to live in Sto Domingo. So, I've been to salons on the island and here in the US. ;)
Moderate Protein/Hair Loss/Shedding: Baba de Caracol, Emergencia
Moisture: La Plancha, Sole & Cinnamon
Light Protein/Moisture: Silicon Mix, Silicon Mix Protein De Perla
No Cones/No Petroleum/No Parabens: Nutrine Garlic Conditioner (Unscented)*

*I use this one, but I do not know if it is particular to Dominican Products. I see it on some of the sites that sell Dominican products.