What does your DH/SO say to others about your HHJ?


Well-Known Member
DH is on the phone with one of his boys and the conversation turned to natural hair. It was so hilarious to hear how he described the time I spend here on LHCF, my 3.5 year HHJ journey, the potions and mixtures I use and how he didn't know there were different ways to go natural. The direct quote was "I thought when she said she was going natural, she'd rock a "Florida Evans" fro and we'd go to the barber shop together". :lachen:

This is the second time in a week that one of his calls has included a discussion about natural hair. The other call was with a business partner whose wife decided to big chop after she and I talked at a party and the partner reporting in about how happy his wife is with her hair since her BC.

DH gives me a hard time about how I've taken up 75% of the bathroom storage space with hair products and how much time I spend doing my hair (which I shut down by reminding him about my former 5 hour trips to the salon) but secretly I think he's proud of what I've accomplished.

What does your DH/SO say to others about your HHJ?
I've never described it to anyone as a journey, I'm just trying to take care of and grow it. So he just sees me as really into my hair lol.
DH says he likes it. :perplexed: Hes always wanting to know what Ive got in the bag when I buy new products or what that new product was that came in the mail... wants to know what its for (he uses my stuff too) Hes mentioned that the ladies in his office at work inquire about my hair and he gives them the run down.. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to hear him describe what I do, buy, etc
He says," you and that hair again" lol. Teeheehehee but he likes it. He also says,"you got all this hair stuff and are taking up all the space" and laughs at my mirror concoction I made up in the bathroom to see all sides of my head when I'm twisting my hair.
Thinks I'm doing too much and rolls his eyes :) BUT today he noticed how long it's getting. He likes the results
He has been instructed to keep his mouth shut about my hair "obsession". Don't mention hair products or the ungawdly amount of time I spend on this website.

This came about in my early days when he started talking junk about it to one of our friends. I got him straight that nite! :lol:
LOL @ these SOs and DHs. They are too much.

My SO loves my hair and understands that I am obsessed. If we're hanging out and my hair is out, he will give me an impromptu scalp massage. I love scalp massages from other people; it's just not the same when I do it myself. :giggle:

He likes and appreciates that I take care of my hair as best as I can, offers to buy any hair tools when I run out, and asks about the things he should do for his scalp. He also encourages other black women to do research, use products that are organic and natural, and to buy a 'dryer thing that spits out water' to deep condition.

ETA: We live separately, so he doesn't see the extent of my obsession.
After much prodding, DH states that he can no longer remember me having straight hair, and doesn't care either way as long as I am a) happy, and b) have long hair. His only real complaint is how much space my products are taking up...he thinks I'm obsessed with my hair. :drunk:
my DH doesn't say anything really. he just likes to pull my hair and keeps it moving. LOL:lol:

he does like how healthy it is and even helped me pick out a bedtime scarf one time, when i told him he might as well have input since he was the one who was gonna have to look at it. LOL:lachen:

he even helps me take progress pics. i don't think he really gets the whole hair journey thing or how much progress i have made until i show him old photos. he's like "i always thought your hair was long and pretty". he was in love so he didn't notice how short and chewed up it really was!:nono:
He says i m not normal and need to stop spending (my) money on hair products..lol mind you his hairline is receiding :evil:
DH wasn't feeling it at first and thought I was going through a mid life crisis. Now, he loves and thinks that my hair really expresses my personality. I went to a birthday dinner last night an really received a lot of compliments on my curly twistout. Of course he had is chest poked out and bragged about my extensive internet research and expertise on natural hair, lol! Sometimes DH will come home with questions from coworkers. I just point them to my "extensive internet research" sources :look::lol:
Love readng all of the posts on this thread. I betcha' the DHs and SOs are proud of y'all - especially when the hair is out, swangin' and the men, women and HATERS :lol: are GAWKIN".

MY SO is long distance - and has NEVER seen my real hair. I promised to let it all hang out in two years (if he is still around :buttkick: ) '

Regardless, I am tryin' my dang gone BESTEST :spinning: to get to BSL by the two year mark . I'm at SL now and tryin' every growth aid and technique possible to reach my goal.
He thinks I am obsessed with my hair and finds the whole thing quite amusing. He also thinks my hair products are too expensive and a bit of a waste. He loooooves playing with my coils and I let him know those products are why it feels so soft.
Hubby knows I'm obsessed, but at the same time knows how important it is to me. I really appreciate that. He knows so much more about hair care now!!! LOL Last night I told him I was about to go back in to my wigs and he said "Oh, ok. So you can protect it right?" LOL I blew my hair out for a length check last weekend and he was in awe. You should have seen how his eyes lit up! :D
DH loves the results of my HHJ. When I first told him my long hair plans, he thought SL would be long enough, anything more wouldn't be attractive. But now he's all about me growing it as long as I can. It's so funny when he takes my bonnet off during those "times" and plays in my hair. :lol:

Just keep the HHJ to yourself Mr.!

Too bad I had a set back and it's still SL due to frequent trims. :mad:
DH likes my hair in its natural state; although, he wants me to straighten it from time to time. Oh, and I have to constantly inform him that I "do" my hair since he tells me that he likes my hair "done".
Hubby-mine doesn't talk about my HHJ because I don't talk about it either coz I rarely give my hair much thought. (I actually can't see any of his friends talking about HHJ :lachen: ) He knows I'm on a hair forum but knows we talk about "a lot of crazy women stuff" not just hair and he's so disinterested in the forum that he looks like he's being punished anytime I try to share something from here and you can tell he can't wait for me to be done so he can get back to "normal" life. :lol:
Nobody knows about my obsession. :look:
That's why the pictures on here of my hair look crazy, from all the bending and stretching I do trying to get a good angle.
Hubby-mine doesn't talk about my HHJ because I don't talk about it either coz I rarely give my hair much thought. (I actually can't see any of his friends talking about HHJ :lachen: ) He knows I'm on a hair forum but knows we talk about "a lot of crazy women stuff" not just hair and he's so disinterested in the forum that he looks like he's being punished anytime I try to share something from here and you can tell he can't wait for me to be done so he can get back to "normal" life. :lol:

Yup....exactly how my DH feels as well... :lol:
My dh doesn't offer up my HHJ to folks because he knows that I'm selective to whom I'll engage. My dh is very playful so if it's family asking me a question, he'll throw his 2 cents in and to make it look like he knows what he's talking about. His favorite go to phrase is 'protein/moisture balance.' :grin: If a stranger asks me, he'll quietly say, 'go 'head and school her.' :lachen: If I don't give the person the full deets, when we walk off he'll be like, 'you should have schooled her divachyk, the bun queen' or something playful like that.
My DH wasn't really interested in my latest hobby until he noticed results. When I told him what I was doing and where I was getting my information from, he said " I wished you had known about this years ago and maybe I would have tried to keep my hair". Hubby wears a low low low Caesar (bald). LOL
DH talks about my hair journey to random strangers all the time - even on the subway. He was telling some woman about Brazilian Keratin Treatments a while back and I just laughed. He knows his stuff too since he has helped me do my BKT.

DH encouraged me to go natural and has been super supportive. He made sure we got the Pibbs dryer and steamer. In fact, he used a steamer at his salon before I even knew about steaming. He likes to try out my new products and if I can't use something, I know that I can always dump it on him.
UGH!!!! Me and my now ex have gone back and forth about this HHJ. At first he was all excited because he liked my curls and it was something new and different, but when he started seeing me put my "head sock" (as he so endearingly called it) on and crawl into bed he had something else to say. He doesn't like the head sock or my bonnet but when I straightened my hair all the time I never heard him complain about my scarf when I wrapped my hair (I guess the head sock and bonnet are a new level of unsexy) I guess he thought because I wasn't spending time blowing my hair out and straightening it that I'd suddenly become some girl from out the movies and I can just go to bed any which way.

Don't get me wrong he likes my curls, he obviously just doesn't like the process and upkeep. At one point he did comment about the decrease in shedding, which we were both happy about. He wasn't happy when he plucked a hair ball out the drain though, LOL.

He doesn't understand why I have "that gay a* pink satin pillowcase" on his bed if I still need to put a a bonnet on, put perm rods in, or pineapple my hair. I try and explain that since my hair is heat damaged I need to keep the curls contained so they keep their shape since parts of my hair don't curl as well as the rest. I'm not going to spend hours twisting my hair only to let all the curls go to hell because he wants me to go to sleep like I'm Natalie Portman in Star Wars. (I can't stand how movies have women get kidnaped, run through the damn woods, survive tornados or just go to bed any which way and their hair looks flawless in every shot. REALLY HOLLYWOOD? BYE!) But I think the real breaking point started to come when I told him that I wasn't going to come over one Friday night because I was going to wash my hair. He told me, "we're not going to miss out on our Friday night because you have to wash your hair, come do it over here." I told him that wasn't what he wanted but he didn't listen. Then got upset when I was up until 6 am doing my hair. I was like, "what are you mad for? You're asleep! Then 2 Fridays ago he caught himself getting angry at me because I slept the day away after working 8 days straight and I didn't come to see him. So he told me that he decided to go out and I should "go wash my hair". Well I went IN on him after that.

On Sunday a friend of his came to pick him up so as I was leaving him his friend came. His friend's lady friend was with him and apparently the young lady recognized me from around campus and said to my now ex, "her hair always looks really soft". My ex told me last night and I was like, "oh well it better since that's what I care about right?!" He went back and said he shouldn't have made the comment and he was upset and felt that I was being lazy and only sleeping and washing my hair lately and he hasn't been seeing me because of it. Then he went on about how he loves my hair and how great it is and all that jazz. So like our (on and off) relationship the feelings about my HHJ vary from time to time, smh
Like most he thinks I spend to much money on hair products, so I just say it for DD and myself and most of the complaining stops.

We were at a party the other day and my friend was like your hairs so shiny and bouncy, he like it should be all the time she spends on it :lol:

Which is a lie, I really twist my hair and use perm rods, it's usually in a ponytail matted and in need of been detangled.

since i'm texlaxed, when it's blown out or flatiron he's like nobodies going to believe that's you hair. I know he enjoys walking with me in public hair wanging and all :lachen: